
Yet another attempt at a web page
by Jack

Some web pages I threw together:

New! (3/6/01) Jones Gang at Savvis

Jack's Resume page 1 + Jack's Resume page 2

A couple of space-related pictures from D.C.;

Visitors from Florida...

Joanie and her kitten, Mischief

The County Fair

July 15, 2000 Birthday/House warming party

June 4,2000 Birthday Picnic

The Space Camp pictures

The Family Meeting Archives!

First picture of Baby Tom!

Pictures of Joanie at the Arch and by Comet Hale-Bopp

Pictures of Clayton and Molly (The artist formerly known as Isabelle and/or Andrea) at Chuck E. Cheese

Pictures of Sandy & Brian's daughter Molly -IN AMERICA

SCUBA Pictures from Gulf Shores

Snapshots from the U.S. Space & Rocket Center

Pictures of Sandy & Brian's son Clayton (formerly Emil) -IN AMERICA!

Pictures of Sandy & Brian's new daughter Isabelle

Pictures of Jon & Kim's new son Dylan

Pictures we took of the Pope's visit to St. Louis

Pictures of Clayton (once called-Emil...Sandy/Brian's then soon-to-be-adopted son...straight from Romania)

My sister's 40th birthday party page

Cool Links:
NASA-Main page
Space Shuttle Countdown -Next Launch is Nov. 29, 2001 -CST
Shuttle Video Feed (refreshing JPEGs)
Jet Propulsion Labratory (Mars Rover, Galileo, etc.)

Search Engines:
The Mother of all Search Engines-Searches multiple engines at a time-DOGPILE.COM
Alta Vista -great for obscure searches

David Letterman's stuff

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