This is not a complete listing by any means. Please let us know when you come across any mentions of St. Joseph's or its alums. You can e-mail us at st-joe@geocities.comor use the Feedback button at the end of most pages.
10/16/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Knights can't keep Eagles away long enough" -- Region 12 Volleyball Grantsville-St. Joseph
10/15/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "COUNTY LINES" -- St. Joe announce Diamonds and Denim Ball.
10/14/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Bees better, but still can't lasso Mustangs " -- Region 12 North Summit-St. Joseph.
10/6/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Francis, Falcon runners enjoyed a busy weekend" -- Alex Francis, a junior at St. Joseph High School, participated in the FutureStars 1998 Fall Shootout on Oct. 2-3 at Salt Lake City Comunity College.
9/25/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Lakers pound out victory over Sky View " -- Non-league volleyball match Juab-St. Joseph
9/23/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Warriors rebound to swat the Wolves " -- Region 12 Volleyball: South Summit-St. Joseph
9/16/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Darts start strong but can't down Eagles " -- Region 12 Volleyball: Rowland Hall-St. Mark's- St. Joseph
9/9/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Long layoff doesn't slow Bonneville " -- Volleyball: Non-league match Salt Lake Lutheran- St. Joseph
8/27/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "New Ogden principals prepare for year ahead" -- David A. Lang, administrator and new principal defines role.
8/17/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "COUNTY LINES" -- St. Joseph Catholic High School has welcomed a new principal for the 1998 school year.
8/16/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Business Week prepares students: Event gives teenagers a feel of the corporate world " -- Bravo, former St. Joseph High student recently participated in the 18th annual Utah Business Week, a hectic week of studying the free enterprise system.
7/28/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "COUNTY LINES" -- Students invited to UofU Computing Institute.
7/10/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Students work hard to stay out of debt, away from loans " -- St. Joseph High and Judy Heasley are mentioned in an article in about financial responsibility.
7/7/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Anjie and Daniel Walker: Baker-Walker " -- Daniel Walker gets married.
6/28/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Bridget and Doug Ortiz: Murphy-Ortiz " -- Bridget Murphy gets married.
6/19/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Michelle and Tony Stephens -- Wendzel-Stephens "-- Michelle Wendzel gets married.
5/10/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Television -- Jazz loyalty is a TV habit for fans " -- Chad Loosemore, head basketball coach at St. Joseph High, gets his comments in the paper.
5/7/98; Ogden Standard Examiner;_ _ _ "Family works hard at giving back to the community :Computers at private schools, donations to Make-A-Wish top list " -- The giving Charles Morgan, of Software Plus, donated to the St. Joe computer lab.
SJHS Alumni Assoc.
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