September 27, 2004...and another year makes 13.
We still miss you...Forever in our hearts!

Thanks for the picture frame, Uncle Bob!
Welcome to the late Robert Steven Farley homepage.

Becky Flen, 1996

Dedicated to my nephew, Robert Steven Farley, who died as a result of a violent crime after being kidnapped from Roswell High School in Roswell, New Mexico on
September 27, 1991
at the age of 17.
We think of you each rose, every rainbow in the sky, rhinestone cowboy songs, Pop-pi's 'crucks', red-poka-dotted baseball caps, every 'How's that, Bicky?', "Winnie-the-Pooh went up the sky" song while splashing in the tub, yellow feathers nearby.....
Protect the Children
The Little Green Ribbon
(Story coming soon!)
Please wear a simple green ribbon pinned over your heart in memory of murdered children everywhere.
A bad, bad guy walked into school one day,
He said he'd come to take Steven away,
"There was some trouble last night, with Steven at the mall..."
"Want to ask him some questions," he said, "That's all."
"I'm innocent!" Steve said to authorities there,
But no one listened; did no one care?
No I.D. was asked for; he'd stated his name!
A badge could be shown--- if "they" did insist,
for indeed a phony one did exist.
A phone call could have asked, "Does John Fuller work there?"
Then we'd not be mourning 'cause Steven's not here.
"If you've done nothing wrong, you've nothing to fear",
Steve heard him say.
So, with handcuffs in place, he was led away.
There was no struggle, no resistance, so they say,
Why? -Steven respected authority that says, "It's okay".
They picked up the devil on a flight out of town
And the monster that took him held Steven down.
But Jesus came quickly and bore Steve away,
For the ether in his face, they did spray.
The wounds then inflicted were made on the "shell"
But they stoked up the fires in the furnace of hell.
Now, Steven's death is not in vain,
For Heaven touched many the day he was slain.
The cost will be heavy for their deeds that day,
For crimes they committed, the price they will pay.
Steven's smile made him special with a soft, magic touch...
Oh, Steven, we love you and miss you so much!
Dear God in Heaven, let justice be done!
We pray this especially for Steve, our GRANDSON!
Pop-pi & Grandma
October 5, 1991
I saw a rainbow in a cloud
and knew that you would be so proud.
For in that cloud
I saw your smile
And my heart
Quit hurting...
...for a while.
Peggy Bradley
October 1, 1992

Someone asked me about you today. It's been so long since onyone has done that. It felt so good to talk about you. To share my memories of you. To simply say your name out loud. She asked me if I minded talking about what happened to you. I told her I think of it every day and speaking about it helps me to release
The tormented thoughts whirling around in my head. She said she never realized the pain would last this long. She apologized for not asking sooner. I told her, "Thanks for asking".
I don't know if it was curiosity or concern that made her ask..
But told her "Please do it again sometime.........soon".
as published in Dear Abby

Steven's Cousins Remember When...

This site broke ground on September 3, 1998 in an effort to increase awareness of how our children are the victims. We must provide the solutions.
We will continue to build this site in order to further this awareness.
You can help by participating in Protect the Children Day on September 27 and by forwarding this page to others.
Steven's Guestbook 3 will be added soon. Please come back to leave your message.
View Messages from Steven's friends and family in his First Official Guestbook
Read messages written by Steven's new and old friends in his very first guest book.
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You are Steven's
friend to visit.
You are listening to Steven's favorite song at the time of his death, The Dance by Garth Brooks.

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