Gumbo the halfmoon conure is the fearless leader with many talents. He is learning to fly like he used to before his daddy clipped him; however, he can still freeze bad guys in their tracks by emitting an ear-piercing shriek that can be heard miles away. He knows instantly where to find a person's weak spot and will attack ruthlessly. (Gumbo's motto is: "Go for the feet!") His only weakness is his stomach--he cannot resist a handout. (It's also a good way to keep him quiet!)
Gumbo's trusty sidekick is Taylor the military macaw. She comes from a family who has spent generations in the South American jungle. As a result, all of her senses are very acute. Although she cannot fly, Taylor knows a thousand ways to kill a man. The most painful is the systematic crushing of fingers using the dreaded Beak of Death. A slow, agonizing death results. Another favored method is howling like a banshee, whereupon the listener's ears begin to bleed from the pain. Neither way is particularly comfortable.
In November, they picked up a homeless stray puppy to be their mascot. Tiberius Tyler the Wonder Mutt (AKA "Pretty Boy Ty") has special talents as a sentinel and a food gatherer. Our heroes anxiously await a distress the meantime, here are some pictures of them looking oh-so-cute.