Heaven Assured Christ in Me

The Way, The Truth and The Light

Welcome to my walk on The Way, my search for the Truth and how I found the Light

Hello I'm Chris. I hope you enjoy your visit to my web home. I want to thank you for visiting. I hope the information I have here is helpful to you. I would like to share some of my thoughts of my Christianity with you. My life has changed with Christ in my heart.

Link here to our past church site for the Petawawa Presbyterian Church Petawawa Presbyterian Church

We have sponsored the Alpha Course, a basic Christianity course, at that church and it has been a great inspiration to me in my life. I have been able to grow spiritually, make many life changes and help others become more aware of their relationship with Christ in their lives. It's an exciting and rewarding 10 week course where we can discuss Christ's love for us and how to tell others about that great love. We have moved to a new home and miss our friends. We have moved closer to family and close friends. More to follow on this big move.

Rushing Wind blow through meI know I have God's love in my heart and feel His love blow through me like a wind. What an exciting thing to know that God lives in my heart and that He sent His son Jesus Christ to earth to live and die for my (and your) sins. If you know Christ tell others.

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The Alpha Course

Have you ever wondered why we are here on earth, what life is all about, how did we get here. You can link here to a Church Alpha Program and find out some answers to these and many other questions. Have you been searching,investigating, looking for meaning to your life?Alpha
Our past church has offered a Beta Course with our co-hosts the All Saints Anglican Church. Its a great follow-up to the Alpha course.

And you can visit the Canadian Alpha web page at Alpha Canada


If you have questions about Christianity please check out this link.Men, women and people all over our earth have checked this out, why don't you too?Christian Answers Network home

Book,Movie and TV series Review

I have read two great books written by Nicky Gumbel who has been instrumental in getting the Alpha course out to so many places around the world. You can read my reviews on them here now.

Family Pictures

Link here to our family, our son Michael and daughter Jennifer, pictures and stories about our dogs Bosworth and Athena Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers Family
. Unfortuneatly our dogs have passed away due to illnesses. We miss them terribly as they were so much a part of our lives since our children have moved away from home. We have a new dog Winston who is the same breed as Bosworth and Athean. Check back for pictures of our daughter's wedding as well.


Link to Love Love in Psalm and Poetry. I have been truely blessed with a loving family as is evident in my life, but also by the poem my sister wrote for my 50th birthday in Jan 02. She really is skilled in telling a story. Please take a look, I think it's one of the best birthday gifts I have ever been given.

Stompin' Grounds

Follow this to pictures of my Old Stomin' Grounds Old Home. I come from a small island, Grand Manan, in the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick, Canada. If you have not found a great place to visit this is a excellent place to see and stay. Its quiet, small and extremely beautiful in its ocean surroundings.

I have found a great link to part of my family on Grand Manan with lots of great pictures too. Check it out....HERE.

And here is another great link to more INGERSOLL's in the world - check us out, we are one huge family More Ingersoll's

My links

Here are some interesting sites I thought you might like to check out. I have added one interesting and exciting site as it features a new Christian movie review and new TV series review. Take a look.New Sites


And not to brag but I now have an Awards page Awards

I sincerely pray that your will find a place for God in your life. May God bless you as you live each day.

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This site has been lasted updated on the 09 Aug 2007.

I hope this is the year you come to a closer relationship with Christ.

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So many great people have visited my site. Thanks for visiting. Be sure to add your name to my Guest Book. Unfortunately my guest book does not accept banners etc. Again thanks for visiting.

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