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Hall History ] The Hall address Page ] The 1998 reunion was at Brown County State Park, ] News Links ] Rook ]


Family Don't Cheat Family!


Question: Why the rook?

Why did I write this page?

Answer: It is the family card game. The story goes that Grandma Hall would not allow cards in the house, they were sinful!! But a small hole was found in the card ban, she did allow children's card games. So the ingenius Hall boys used rook cards to create a bidding card game that Grandma Hall allowed in the house.

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This new page is for the entire Hall Family tree. I am concentrating on the Hall side of my family tree since we stay close with an annual reunion. 

It is my last name.

I am Randel Halland this branch of my family tree starts in Oakland, Ill. with the five Hall Brothers.


This page was last update on 09/23/98

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Randel Hall webmaster created this page with FrontPage 98

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