JUNE 3, 1984 - SEPTEMBER 8,2000
The air is soft and sweet with the gentlest of breezes just tickling the grass and flowers growing everywhere you look.
There is a little stream laughing its way down a hill where it is met by a bigger stream that flows off
into the distance. Just on the horizon you can see where the stream turns into a very large river,
which flows under a wonderful Bridge, that looks as if it was made of gold and many rainbows.
You cannot see what is on the other side of The Bridge but you can see a glorious light
and can just hear Heavenly music that flows from that side of the river.
Everywhere you look you can see animals of every sort; dogs, cats horses, birds, they are all here.
Each one the beloved companion of someone here below.
Each one young and vibrant,
each one strong and full of health.
Each one waiting for that blessed day when the long awaited reunion with its cherished human
has become a reality and an eternity together has begun.
At the close of each heaven-blessed day, just about an hour before the sun sleeps and the stars awake,
you see a few dogs heading for a gentle little Valley.
As the dogs meet there is much joy. As the dogs come together you see that there are dogs of all kinds and sizes,
everyone is welcomed to the Valley.
There are Cockers with golden hair competing with the sun for shining honors playing
with the larger shaggy haired Retrievers with hair of the same sparkling gold.
There are Labradors; black, yellow, and chocolate, running, swimming and playing.
You see very large bear like dogs, some shaggy in colors from black to white and some short of hair and stocky.
There are Afghans, Salukis, and Greyhounds racing against the wind,
Airedales skipping as they run,
Spaniels chasing anything that flies,
Irish Setters with coats as red as fire,
Dobermans with quiet dignity.
There are dogs of all shapes and sizes.
Many of the dogs have no papered lineage but it doesn't matter, this is their special family.
Each one of these dogs endured the struggle of Laryngeal Paralysis while on Earth.
Each one struggled to breathe,
each one struggled to survive,
each one struggled to stay with the ones they loved,
They now meet to enjoy the thrill of barking, just for the sake of barking.
Each night races are run just for the delight of feeling the wind against their faces and the clean air filling their lungs.
This is their one hour each night to revel in the joys of being together.
It is here that I wake up with tears on my pillow and a gentle ache in my heart.
It is here, at the start of a new day, that I remember and say a small prayer for all the LP dogs that have left us
and who wait for us to join them, never to be parted again.
Last night, for the first time, my dream was different.
It started out the same - all of my wonderful friends were there as they are each and every night
but tonight there was no barking, no races, these had been replaced by an air of anticipation.
All the dogs stood on the Valley floor looking up at the great tree on the crest of the hill.
They stood in silence and waited.
It wasn't long before a form appeared silhouetted against the setting sun.
At first they thought that a piece of that sun had broken off and had come to join them, as the colors were the same.
The color was pure gold,
the flowing hair, of the finest silk,
the stance regal and knowing.
Suddenly as if on a single thought all of the dogs in the Valley below bowed and paid homage to the dog on the hill.
Slowly the golden dog descended into the Valley.
Slowly she walked over to each and every dog to thank them for being there to welcome her.
As she passed each dog she received the gift of total healing and of peace
Then she barked just for the sake of barking.
Then she ran just for the delight of feeling the wind against her face and the clean air filling her lungs.
All of the dogs joined in the chorus,
all of the dogs joined in the race
and Sandy was made welcome at Rainbow Bridge.
For Laurie Collins and all the wonderful folks who have lost their beloved comopanions.