Most of my energy is spent taking care of my family. I have a wonderful husband of 16 years, Bobby. We have two beautiful daughters. I'm biased, but I think they are super kids. LaNae is 14 years old and Laci is 12 years old. We are a close family. We give credit to God for all we have and who we are, and thanks to Christ for our 'individual' salvation.
If I had to tell you a favorite pasttime, I would probably say spending time with and doing special things for my husband and girls. By choice I am a homemaker, although I have worked as a nurses assistant for a few years, in a realtor office, and taught at a daycare. By staying home I'm able to do the extra things that make my family feel special, making my husband's favorite dinner or baking cupcakes for a school party. My husband is a Marine and sometimes work can be stressful. Often, after one of those bad weeks I'll bake cupcake, cookies, and even homemade beef jerky so he can take them into work and share with those that work with him. It may sound corny, but believe me those big, bad, tough Marines love it!
While we lived in Japan (1996-1999), I had the opportunity to teach English as a second language to Japanese people. I truly loved it. I volunteered as a teacher at Megumi Seisho Kyokia in Iwakuni-shi, Japan. Megumi Seisho Kyokia means Grace Bible Church in Japanese. The students pay tution to the church. The church uses the money for programs to reach the Japanese people for Jesus Christ. There's not anything else I'd rather donate my time too! Besides teaching at Megumi I also had two classes that met in my home. The afternoon class was a small group of 9 and 10 year old girls. They were so full of energy and eager to learn English. "Go Fish" was a favorite game to play. I have a picture of two of my favorite students from Megumi. You can see it in our photo album.
The summer of 1998 my daughters and I did some great Bible studies together. I highly recommend the Christian Charm course. The lessons encourage building inner beauty through faith in Jesus Christ, and practical applications for becoming physically attractive. The second study that we enjoyed is called the Ruby Doll. This study has two main parts: The first is making an actual doll. Guess what her name is? Wow! You're right, it's Ruby. The second part of the study is the Bible Study of Proverbs 31:10-31. I want my daughters to know that they are treasures - and God values and loves them so much more than I or Bobby. These studies have been a wonderful experience for me to share with my daughters. I think they enjoyed them just as much as I did. Plus, Bobby and I tried to think of a wonderful gift to give our girls when they turned 13years old. Thirteen because it's a milestone and marking the end of childhood and the beginning of teenhood. Anyway, because of the study we bought two beautiful Ruby rings. LaNae who is 14 years old, already wears hers, and Laci will receive hers on her 13th, this fall. We thought what a special way for the girls to always remember their value. You can find out more information about the studies under Christian Material on our links page.
You have to go already? Well - okay, don't be a stranger - be sure to stop back by when your in the neighborhood. I've enjoyed talking to you.
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