Hi everyone! I have totally changed my homepage. A little about myself. I'm a 39 year old happily married woman with 3 wonderful boys. I've just recently been called grandma too! My first grandson was born Feb. of 2003 and my second grandson was born October 2005. I've been so busy that I completely forgot about this website. The things I've been busy with is my boys and grandsons. Also I am in the High School Football booster club at my son's school. I then did something crazy and joined a civic club called the Kinunka Jr Womens club. I've also been researching my husbands family and hope to make a homepage soon with info on them. The pictures you click are really old. My kids have all grown. My oldest is 21 and married with 2 boys. My middle son is 16 and my baby (isn't a baby anymore)is 15. We are now older and maybe a bit wiser(but don't count on that HAHAHA!) Maybe I'll get this page to looking decent again. Come back and see me!(Click here to see my family's pictures) I live in Southeast Missouri (we call it the bootheel).

This page is dedicated to my friends.

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