Syracuse Catholic Engaged Encounter

A Wedding is a day.....

A Marriage is a Lifetime

What is Catholic Engaged Encounter?

We are a local community of married couples and priests who volunteer our time and talents for the benefit of engaged couples. We belong to a national organization of volunteers incorporated in 1977 as an outgrowth of Worldwide Marriage Encounter.

What is an Engaged Encounter Weekend?

It is a weekend designed to give couples planning marriage an opportunity for an intensive and honest look at their commitment to one another. The atmosphere of the weekend allows a couple to discuss with each other their desires, ambitions, goals, and attitudes about time, sex, children, family and their roles in the church and society.

Who is it for?

It is for engaged couples who desire to deepen, develop and enrich their lives together. Although the Encounter is Catholic in origin and orientation, it is open to all couples who are searching for enrichment in the quality of their coming married life. This weekend will fulfill diocesan requirements for marriage preparation.

What happens on the Weekend?

Presentations are given by two married couples and a priest who share personally from their own experiences. The couple is stimulated to discuss privately with each other all aspects of married life.

It is not a sensitivity session nor are there any group dynamics. Rather it is a private experience in a quiet and informal setting. Personal reflection and couple dialogue are the main thrust of the weekend.

How do we get on a weekend?

Weekends are held throughout the year at The Good News Center in Utica, NY. To get on a weekend, please fill out the application and mail it with your deposit. Email or call one of the couples listed below if you have any questions. Directions and particulars are sent within two weeks of the Weekend.


The weekend begins at 8:00 pm on Friday and ends at approximately 4:00 pm on Sunday. Full attendance for the entire weekend is required.


The total cost of the weekend is $270 per couple.  A $100 deposit is required with your registration. This includes separate overnight accommodations for men and women, meals, and all materials.

Please note: If you must cancel, the full deposit is not refundable without 30 days notice before the Weekend.

A gift?

Yes, the weekend makes a perfect wedding or shower gift from caring relatives or friends. Email or call one of the couples listed below to arrange a gift of the weekend. An appropriate gift certificate will be provided.

Here's what engaged couples tell us about their experience:

"By sharing your experiences with us we were able to gain valuable insight into our relationship."

"It was good to get away from everything and focus on just the two of us."

"There could be no price put upon what we have experienced here."

"We've changed our outlook from planning our wedding day to planning our lifetime together."

"Engaged Encounter provided us with a deeper understanding of our relationship to each other and to God."

"After six years together, we didn't think there was much we didn't know about each other, but the experience helped us to grow as a couple."

"I'm glad the structure focused on us as a couple instead of a lot of group discussions."

Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis.

We recommend you reserve your weekend at least TWO MONTHS in advance.

For More Information

John & Ann Henderson (315) 487-5206

Paul & Erin Connelly (315) 687-5703

Email us at

All weekends are held at The Good News Center (directions), located in Utica, NY.

Weekend Dates



February 29 – March 2

May 30 – June 1

November 21-23


February 27 – March 1

June 5 – 7

November 20 – 27

Click Here for the Engaged Encounter Weekend Application