David Maxwell
Welcome. I am writing this constantly evolving page
to give you an idea of who I am and what I am interested in.
I am currently teaching "
Basic Biology" and "
Outdoor Education and Environmental Science" at Littlestown High School.
Because I am in a long-term substitute position, I am still looking for teaching
jobs in PA or MD. Click here to look at my resume.
Click here to view my teaching philosophy.
web page - A very intelligent Labrador Retriever, Mishka has information
on service dogs, dog activities, and dog products.
Hobbies: Woodworking, Brewing
, Science Fiction, Russia
- I earned my Pennsylvania Teaching Certificate in Biology through the
Teacher Intern Program at Wilson College
in Chambersburg, PA. I also intend to get certified to teach chemistry.
Other publications:
- Water stress and isolate effects on disease
development by Septoria musiva on Populus hybrids.
D.L. Maxwell and G.R. Stanosz (1994). Phytopathology 84(10):1095,
abstract #243.
- Drought stress has opposite influences
on symptom development by Populus hybrid stems and excised leaf disks
inoculated with Septoria musiva. D.L. Maxwell and G.R.
Stanosz (1995) Phytopathology 85(10):1197, abstract #665.
- Rapid, accurate, nondestructive estimation
of symptom development in a hybrid poplar leaf disk assay of susceptibility
to Septoria musiva. D. L. Maxwell, R. N. Spear, and
G. R. Stanosz (1995) Phytopathology 85(10):198, abstract #670.
- Leaf maturity influences development of
necrosis on excised hybrid poplar leaf disks used in bioassay for susceptibility
to Septoria musiva. D. L. Maxwell, E. Boehm, and G.
R. Stanosz (1996) Phytopathology 86(11):S102, abstract #902A.
- I earned my B.S. in Ecology at
Juniata College in 1992. Juniata is a small, liberal arts college
in Huntingdon, PA, the heart of the ridge and valley region of central Pennsylvania.
Raystown lake is a nearby, man-made lake formed by damming the Juniata River
(Interestingly, "Juniata" was the native word for "beautiful river", thus
the lake was formed by damming the "Beautiful River River"). I became
interested in Plant Pathology through my interest in Ecology. Ecology
is the study of interactions between living things and their environment.
Plant Pathologists study how plants interact with their pathogens, and the
effects of the environment on these interactions.
- Science Fiction
- My favorite author of all times is Isaac Asimov.
- My favorite living author is
Orson Scott Card.
Russia, Russian Language, and Russian Science

Last updated: 3/3/01
Generated by David Maxwell
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