The universe has nine Worlds which are all held up by Yggdrasil, the enormous World Tree. Read more about them in the different sections below. Use the menu-bar to move quick.
With clear water - on its leaves; The dripping dew in the dales below - thence comes; Green stands the ash tree - at Urd's well forever. -Völuspá, The Poetic Edda |
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I can't tell you where Yggdrasil comes from. The ash tree is just there. It can't be spotted from the earth, as it is invisable to mortals, but without the enormous World Tree, everything would dissolve and explode into the eterity...
Yggdrasil is the biggest and most beautiful of all trees. Its branches are all over the nine worlds and all over the sky. The tree has nine roots to keep it up.
There are three wells which give water to each one of these three roots:
Every morning, after they took care of the root, they started to spin. It wasn't an ordinary thread, it was the thread of life. Not only of the newborn humans and the Gods, but the destiny of the entire Universe, hang upon it. As it was the Norns who measured the time and controled the past, the very moment and the future, as they were spinning.
The well of Urd has also given life to two white swans, from which all swans descend.
Actually, there are so many forces of evil trying to destruct Yggdrasil that it is not worth trying to tell you.
In the highest bransh of Yggdrasil, an eagle is sitting. His beak is so big that a hawk has settled down on it. The hawk is called Weatherfölne and he is the highest situated creature in the entire universe. The eagle on who he is sitting is very wise but sullen. A squirrel called Ratatosk is scampering between the dragon Nidbite in Niflheim and the eagle to exchange abuses.
Highest in the universe is the ash Yggdrasil and it stands upon Ymir's cranium which is the cupola of heaven. It is on this cupola as the Sun and Moon is riding, chased by wolves and it is here that the stars are laying.
Under this sky dome is the Earth.
Below all this, below the worlds and the mountains and the ocean, below the heaven and Yggdrasil, are still more worlds to explore...
Somewhere deep down there is Ginnungagap and on each side of that yawning gap is the two contrary worlds, Niflheim, the home of ice, and Muspelheim, the home of fire.
Close to Niflheim lays Hel - the Kingdom of Death where the Queen Hel prevails.
I will tell you where three of them end up. One root is into Asgard (The home of the Æsir - the gods), the other one is into Jotunheim (The home of the giants) and the last root is into Niflheim (The world of snow, ice and fog).
The one in Asgard is called Urd, after the most powerful of the three sisters who guard it. The sisters are relatives to the Moon, and their influence over mens' life is without limit. They are called the Norns, and they sit around the well, crouching down and wrapped in their grey shawls. Nobody have ever seen their faces, as they are hidden in shadows. Nobody knows if they are young and beautiful or old and wrinkly.
Their names mean; Urd (It-which-has-been), Verdandi (It-which-is) and Skuld (It-which-will-be). The Norns means the Destinys.
Their well is especially sacred and they mix its water with the mud from its sides into a dough, which they spread over the root, every morning. This neutralizes the powers of the evil and restores the root. Their work prevents the tree from rottening. The sisters came originally from Jotunheim (The home of the giants). They seemed to be sisters of Nör, who is the father of Night. Therefore the sisters were related to the darkness and the Moon.
Yggdrasil's second root is into Jotunheim. The well there is the well of Mimir. Mimir was an As (God) once, but now, only his head remains and is being kept alive by magic herbs. His head is full of wisdom, because he drinks from the well every day. The head of Mimir is still able to speak, but only if Odin, the forefather of all Gods, speaks to it.
This is luckily, because in the end of time, Odin has got to speak to Mimir if he wants to know how to save himself, the Æsir and his world.
Down in Niflheim (The land of snow, fog and ice), is the third well; Hvergelmir. The third root hangs above the boiling well and its venomous steam. In Hvergelmir, lives the terrible dragon Nidbite. His terrible mounth is gnawing at the root and hurts it.
Together with Nidbite, in the well Hvergelmir, are many snakes which breathe venomous-clouds on the suffering root. Some of the snakes names are Venomtooth, Gravewolf and Rootgnawer.
For example, there are four enormous deers, which eats from Yggdrasil's branches with leaves and tear the bark of itīs stem in order to hurt it.
Well, this was how it happened:
Odin wanted to learn the secret of the runes, these magic signs from which the art of writing grew. But such a secret demanded a great sacriface from the one who wanted it and Odin had to hang by his neck for nine days and nine nights over the endless pit. He also had a spear which stung him. While he was hanging there, he carefully spyed down into the gulf and caught the runes that came by him by the winds of the gulf.
After this torture he got to know nine powerful secrets about the runes and then he offered his services to the other Æsir (gods) and the people.
Yggdrasil's name before this happened was the tree of Mimir, which tells us what a great As (god) Mimir once had been...
This cupola is being held up by four dwarfs, one in each quarter.
Now imagine three "rings", we will start in the centre:
The innermost ring of the three is the Æsirs' Kingdom - Asgard. This kingdom is surrounded by a sturdy stone-wall for protection.
The "ring" in the middle is the Humans' Kingdom - Midgard. Outside it is the world-sea.
In this ocean, a big serpent is living, it is so big that it reaches all around the worlds and is able to bite in its own tail. This serpent is known as the Midgards-serpent.
The last ring is called Outgard and is very cold and mountaineous. This "world" contains many other worlds, for example the home of the Giants, the home of the Dwarfs and the Black-Elves etc. One of Yggdrasil's root leads to here, to the well of Mimir.
We know that one of Yggdrasil's roots have gone this deep, and found its way into Niflheim, where it is being tormented by horrible creatures of evil.