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Welcome to my website. This seems to be a rather dynamic page, and it rarely stays the same from month to month. I keep trying to make this be more like what an index page should be, and that is an easily navigable jumping off point for the rest of my site. I'm always open to ideas and suggestions though, so let me know if you think I should do something different.

Remember The Innocent
In honor of those wounded and killed, and the families and friends
left behind in Littleton, Colorado
April 20, 1999
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For a very special friend

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Graphics by Suzanne

It Takes a Village
This site is owned by Suzanne Rousseau.

Warm Fuzzies & Smileys Web Ring Home This Warm Fuzzies & Smileys Web Ring site
is maintained by Suzanne.

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Last modified Sunday, June 20, 1999