Some people come into our lives
and quickly go.
Others stay for awhile
and leave footprints on our hearts
and we are never, ever the same
- fcromb@execulink.com
Keith was one of those people who touched many lives in his short time with us. His strong Christian faith enabled him to persevere through many difficulties when others would have thrown in the towel. He was a wonderful son and I miss him - tremendously. He has indeed left his footprints on my heart - and I am richer because he was here. I look forward to that great day when I will be reunited with him and his sister, Sandra (stillborn, 1968).
Lois Mickelson
- lorac@tc-net.com
Dear Fred and Cheryl,
We both know the pain and frustration of seeing our children suffer with Epilepsy. We also know the pain and emptiness of that precious child's death. I thank you for being my friend, for helping me during this journey of grief and healing. Keith's life has touched my heart. His courage and strength still shine through in this beautiful tribute that you honor him with. Always know that I hold you close in my heart and thoughts. We have a bond, and though the cause of our connection is one of great pain, I am comforted by the friendship you have offered and shown me. My love is with you.
With love and friendship, Lois and her little angel Carol Michelle
Cliff - ckroeker@execulink.com
What a wonderful site! I won't even pretend I can begin to understand what pathways you have travelled, but this site is just a super testimony, not only to your son, but to your healing process. Twenty years ago my favourite uncle lost their 12 year old to a car accident. I remember how they used to search the obituary ads for other families going through the same pain, and would go and visit the funeral home just to comfort those families. In their pain they GAVE and got back more healing than if they had stayed cloistered in their own pain. That's what you have done. My thoughts and prayers are certainly with you!
Cheryl George - CGeorge107@aol.com
Dear Fred and Cheryl, What a wonderful tribute to Keith. I can see that a lot of love went into making this as well as I’m sure a lot of tears. It’s truly a work of love. I visit here from time to time to see the progress or changes. Every time I see his picture I miss him too.
Love to both of you.
Janice - koek@execulink.com
Dear Parents of Keith;
Thank-you for sharing some of your moments with your son. I congratulate you for your spirit to put in print what is in your heart. I'm sure it must help the healing process to talk about, and share memories of your son. I never knew Keith but it appears that he overcame many obstacles and contributed to his community and you must be very proud to have been a part of his life.
Nicola Berardi - nicola@sunyit.edu
May the Wings-of-Life (Holy Spirit) guide your beloved son Keith as he travels in the Spirit-World, looking for the place where he shall again meet you, and share with you the Grace of the God of all creations.
Karen, Mom to Layne Marie - jjbklk@voicenet.com
Keith's page looks terrific. You did a great job. How handsome he looks in his pictures. You can sense a gentle soul. Hope you're doing well.
All the best, Karen
Mary, Mother to Kim - Mascck@aol.com
You must feel so much pride for your beloved son's accomplishments. I was moved to tears as I read your story. You have a beautiful boy and he is just away from you for a short while. This you must remember ... you will see him again for life is not so long.
Debbie W. - jdw101abn@sat.net
What a handsome young man! How proud you must have been of Keith and his accomplishments. Love and hugs, Debbie
Dick and Donna - lawrence@ebtech.net
I know that Keith's life seemed so short. One day you will join him and see his smile again. Til then, you have "work" to do, and people's lives to touch. You both have a great deal of "wealth" to offer others. Take care my friends.
BzYbE (Barb) - bfrank@ptd.net
Thank you for sharing this site with me ... although I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Keith ... I have had the chance to meet his wonderful mother and am proud to call her a friend. Every time I play the midi file you sent me, kfcmom, I'll play it in memory of your son. My thoughts are with you.
Irene and Tony - Irenecoh@aol.com
Dear Cheryl and Fred, Although I never had the privilege of knowing your beautiful son, Keith, it has been wonderful getting to know you for the past few years since the deaths of our wonderful sons. You should be very proud of your great tribute to Keith with his homepage. It is quite amazing.
Jack & Dorothy Bert - matthias@epix.net
Dear Cheryl & Fred, Your memorial to Keith is beautiful. What an amazing amount of work you have done.
Roxanne Flanagan - roxanne-is@geocities.com
These pages are so beautiful, and such loving writings about your Keith! I can hardly think of what to write, much less see to type through the tears ... of happiness -- to know more about your son, Keith, ... and of sorrow -- to know how you feel and know how you miss him so!
Love and Hugs, Roxanne
Sandy - sandy@trib.com
I don't remember if I signed this before, but I have to do it again anyway.....this is tremendous. It certainly gives credence to the belief that we choose our parents....A finer son could not be found nor could Keith have chosen finer people to love him.....Great job on a great tribute. A celebration of Keith and his life here with you!