The Chicago Turtle
A Great Place for Animals, Information, 
Fun and Friends!
The Chicago Turtle Club was founded in 1988 to serve the needs of turtle and tortoise enthusiasts of all ages who seek more information or help in maintaining the well being, safety, and environment of their turtles or tortoises. CTC membership is open to all with an interest in turtles or tortoises. To learn more about CTC membership, swim on over to the About the CTC Page.
About CTC
Turtle Care
New Owners
Art Gallery
Kids' Page
Turtle & Tortoise


April 26

1:00 PM
  3:30 PM

North Park


April is a "taxing" time for many of us requiring a few hours of relaxing turtle diversion to put aside the veracity of your 1040 form,  the declaration of your turtles as dependents, and your upcoming audit and possible jail time in a suitable federal enclosure.  Thus, we shall gather on Sunday to discuss safe enclosures for turtles followed by a video on the care and housing of tortoises.

Of course, we will have the usual turtle camaraderie, Q & A, and Show and Tell. We will explore the nature trails for the first signs of Spring or perhaps a pot 'o gold -  rainbows permitting.  For more information about the North Park Village Nature Center, its programs, trails, and maps - please click here.

The public is cordially invited - free admission and parking. You need not be a member to participate. Turtles are always welcome, but please transport your turtles safely and warmly on these cool Spring days.

Free admission and parking.

Sunday,  April 26
1:00 PM 'til 3:30 PM
North Park Village Nature Center Classroom 
5801 North Pulaski Road - Chicago
Free admission and parking

And don't forget that the CTC Spring Turtle and Tortoise Show is on Sunday,
May 31,. All CTC members, family, and friends are invited to exhibit their favorite turtles and tortoises.



Chicago Herpetological Society Meeting: Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum located at Fullerton and Cannon Drive, Wednesday, April 29, 7:30 pm.


Upcoming Chicago Turtle Club Events

May 31
Spring Turtle and Tortoise Show
June 13 & 14
Turtle Exhibit at NPV Nature Center's "Wilds in the City"
June 21
Jan & Steve's Summer Solstice Social Soiree
July 26
Tour of Nature Center Grounds and Volunteer Opportunities Presentation
About CTC
Turtle Care
New Owners
Art Gallery
Kids' Page

Meeting Photos & Notes
CTC member Jim Walker shares his Galapagos adventure. Click for a sampling of Jim's Galapagos photographs

At the July meeting, CTC members presented their favorite turtle keeping tips. Click for a turtle tips summary.

In June, the Chicago Turtle Club enjoyed a guided tour of its home, the North Park Village Nature Center. Our thanks to Mr. Robert Porter for an entertaining and informative walking tour. Click to view tour photos

Last winter, Kirsten Kranz joined a host of volunteers in Florida to triage over 3,000 confiscated turtles that had poured into a local rescue facility as a result of a massive Asian turtle confiscation. She presented her reflections upon those hectic Florida days at April's Chicago Turtle Club meeting. Click here to view her photos of the rescue.

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CTC E-mail List
Keep abreast of the latest CTC turtle and member news by subscribing to the CTC email list. Receive CTC news and information directly to your email box. Instantly send messages to all online CTC members and their friends by subscribing to the CTC email list. It's fast, easy and free! For more information go to:
Subscribe directly to the CTC email list by sending an email to or clicking the link below:
It may take a couple days to approve your subscription. After approval, to post a message to the entire CTC egroup, send an email to:
Omnichelonian Egroup
But wait, there's more-Want to have even more turtle fun delivered to you mailbox. Want to talk turtle, but not only husbandry issues? - Want to exchange idea about turtle related crafts, folklore, books, art, and culture? Then subscribe to Lisa Koester's Omnichelonian, a free wheeling, family friendly, everything turtle email list and group. For more information visit:
Subscribe by sending an email to or clicking the link below:

Tell us a little about yourself.
What type of turtle do you have?
Any other pets?
Have a humorous turtle tale?
We love to hear from our fellow turtle enthusiasts.
Drop us a note.

Please visit often since we will be adding new pictures and material from time to time.
This page was last modified:
  April, 2009

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Kids' Page Children's Art Books & Mags Turtle Tales Links
Turtle Rights Home . . .

   As with drunk dialing, drunk filing is never a good idea :-)

Web site designed and developed by
Diane and Dennis Krawczak - N9DMK.
Content contributed by Lisa Cross.
Turtle Photographs, copyright, Dennis Krawczak

Turtle and Tortoise Web Ring
This web ring is owned by Jamina Oomen .This site is owned by The Chicago Turtle Club.  Click here to join the turtle and tortoise web ring, dedicated to the quality care and conservation of turtles, tortoises, and sea turtles.
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The content of the Chicago Turtle Club web site is designed for general informational and entertainment purposes only. If you have a concern or question about your pet's health or medical condition, you are urged to consult with a qualified veterinarian. The Chicago Turtle Club, The Chicago Herpetological Society, and their individual members are not responsible for any errors or omissions that may be contained within the Chicago Turtle Club web site, other linked sites, or cited printed materials.
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