The Decatur High Class of 1958 Web Site -- Decatur, Georgia USA
Founded -- October, 1998

Greetings!!!! These web pages are dedicated to the Decatur High Class of 1958. Our goal is to maintain contact with ourselves and others and to disseminate items of common interest.

Harrell Wall would appreciate hearing from you by card or email (address: 5254 Hwy 212, Covington, GA 30016, 678-342-0464).

DHS 2003 Reunion Picture.

Important: This web site is reachable by either of two special web location addresses. (The old addresses continue to work as well). The addresses are:

Please register your visit by clicking "Sign the Visitor and Update Book" below, and if you are a class member, indicate any changes in your database information. Check out the online Alumni Database (Password protected -- see below)...

DHS Home Page features...

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DHS Links

To see the Alumni database listing, append the access code xxxxxxx to the end of the address in the browser http location box above (url box), where instead of xxxxxxx you use our 1958 DHS Principal's last name all in lower case letters. Then press the Enter key with your cursor still in the http location box. (For those who have done this before, the ".txt" part of the access code is no longer needed.) So ...

with xxxxxxx replaced as above and followed by pressing Enter.

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