Hi I'm Danika.
My interests are:
Jewish Dance, Church, cars, pool, sports, computers, & crafts.
I am a born again Christian and I attend a small church in Graham, Wa. I love Jesus and believe that he died for me....and you. If you would like to talk about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit or would like to hear my testimony drop me a line. If you have MSN Messenger my name is donichiwa, on AOL Instant Messenger it is donichiwah.
My hobbies are Scrapbooing, Stamping, Sewing, Singing, Jewelry Making, Web page design, Crafts, Jewish Dance, and playing games on The MSN Gaming Zone.
I am also trying to track down more of my family tree. Surnames in my family are:
Aldridge, Allard, Berg, Bergmaier, Bodhaine, Caunelle, Cousins, Cross, DeBaun, Eisenrich, Ellis, Evans, Ferguson, Friedly, Gray, Haller, Hicks, Jacobs, Johnson, Laddusire, Ladoceur, Ledusire, McCall, Mc Larty, MacPhail, MacQuarrie, Marsh, Metcalf, Meyer, Pace, Parker, Pureit, Richardson, Rigg, Schletzbaum, Schletzbaumer, Schwarger, Simon, Smith, Snow, Summers, Tabor, Tomles, Wallace, Watlet, Wilson, Wheeler, Woodman, Zielsdorf
I am going to try to make a page with charts on the lineage of my family but don't know how long that will take me so check again. Some of these names I know very little about and others I know alot. If you are looking for info on any of these names, you can e-mail me danikahaller@hotmail.com to see if any of my family connects with yours.
Go to my Timbrel and Jewish Dance Page
My pictures page
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