Amber Quotes

Amber, on being a fetus.

These are just a few of the things Amber has said during her long tales from back in the day. So far back in the day, in fact, that she was still a fetus. :)

-Being a fetus was fun.

Then came the evil y chromosome, while Amber and her umbilical cord were just talking.
-Me and the umbilical cord were havin' a discussion about the Clinton scandal or something..."

-We were fighting off the y chromosome.
(We being Amber and the umbilical cord, of course.)

Then Amber was born, and the doctor smacked her.
-I was like, "Dude! Lay off!"

Amber talking about when they cut the umbilical cord, and how it made her sad because:
-It was my buddy for nine months.

Then Amber started noticing all the people coming in and staring at her in her little cubicle of a crib.
-I felt like a freak show.

And finally, Amber commenting on all the screaming babies she had to share a room with, and how she would have loved to shut them up.
-I planned an ambush, but I couldn't walk.


-You're ovulating? Me too!

Ok, this next one is kind of confusing. It didn't really happen, it was in my dream, but it's so similar to something Amber would say, that I figured it could go here. So, the situation was that Amber and I were arguing with a taxi driver over the way he was trying to charge some guy $7 for a 4 minute taxi ride.
-If I was a piece of paper, that would be like putting me in the magic folder for four seconds... and what would be the point of that???

This one occurred at some point. I don't remember what we were talking about, but Amber was trying to make an analogy.
-That's like having something round in one hand... ... ...
(Me or Kali:) And something square in the other? What the hell is your point?
(Amber never remembered what she meant to say there.)

I hope you've enjoyed this little Amber segment. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.