Angels of Hope

~ Midi Playing is - Angels Among Us by Alabama ~


To go to my Sisters pages click on the links below...they both have beautiful pages and you won't regret going to visit them...remember, let them know you have been there...please sign their guestbooks! Thanx!!!!

A Country Vixen's Villa
Sassy's World
Silk's Holidays Year 'Round



Click daily and spread the word!!!!



Take this Dove and place it on your page to show your support for Cancer Research and Survivors everywhere!

~ Hi And Welcome To My Pages of Hope ~

I hope you enjoy your stay here. I will be putting stories here that cancer victims wrote and also angel stories ~ hopefully these stories will give people the hope that they are looking for and also the knowledge that God and Our Angels are with them everyday as they walk down their path of life. There will also be pages on prayers ~ if you would like to submit a prayer for this site you can also submit it to the email address below. Come back often as the stories keep coming in these pages will be updated on a daily basis. If you have a story or experience you would like to share with others, please email it to the address listed below.
Thanx! Take care and God Bless

This site was started on April 10, 1999
These pages were updated March 21, 2001

What Cancer Cannot Do

Postal Stamps Raising Money to Fight Breast Cancer

As you may be aware, the U.S. Postal Service recently released its new "Fund the Cure" stamp to help fund breast cancer research. Ethel Kessler of Bethesda, Maryland designed the stamp. It is important that we take a stand against this disease that kills and maims so many of our mothers, sisters, and friends. Instead of the normal $.33 for a stamp, this one costs $.40. The additional $.07 will go to breast cancer research. A "normal" book costs $6.60. This one is only $8.00. It takes a few minutes in line at the Post Office and means so much. If all stamps are sold, it will raise an additional $16,000,000 for this vital research! Just as important as the money is our support. What a statement it would make if the stamp outsold the lottery this week. What a statement it would make that we care.

I urge each of you to do two things TODAY:

1. Go out and purchase some of these stamps.

2. E-mail and tell your friends to do the same.

Many of us know women and their families whose lives are turned upside-down by breast cancer. It takes so little to do so much in this drive.
Please help!!

My Links

Stories of Angels and Hope
The Ten Commandments for Cancer Survival
When Someone You Love Has Cancer
Prayers ~ 1
Prayers ~ 2
Prayers ~ 3
To Remember Me
Heather ~ God's Angel
My Awards
Links to My Friends' Pages

Links to Cancer Sites

Blue's Memorial Site
American Cancer Society
Women's Cancer Center
National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organization (NABCO)
Colon Connections
Leukemia Society of America
Granny Barb and Art's Leukemia Links
The Testicular Cancer Research Links
The Pancreatic Duct
The John Hopkins Medical Institutions Pancreas Cancer Home Page
National Prostate Cancer Coalition
WellnessWeb Prostate Cancer Center
The Prostate Cancer Charity
A Guide to the Management of Prostate Cancer
Lung Cancer Awareness Campaign
The Lung Cancer Information Center
The Melanomia Research Foundation
Information About Melanoma
Understanding Cancer of the Stomach
The Urinary Bladder Cancer Resource Center
The Colon and Rectum Resource Center

I have started creating pages for online friends who have or are going through different stages of cancer, i.e., chemotherapy or surgery. If you would like to have a page done for a friend on this site ~ email me at the address below and we will work something out...k?...the following three pages were created for three such people. I do believe that the rainbow scheme that I use gives new beginning and it reminds us that God is with us every day of our lives.

Deb's Page

Sally & Musky's Page

Txladee's Page

prayer warrior



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~ Lyn ~