Quinlivans and Reidys & Reidys and Quinlivans

Family Surnames: Quinlivan, Reidy, Collins, Culligan, Daly, Doohan, Farley, Hayes, Heeney, Marone, McKeon, McInerney, McNevin, McTigue, Reid, Wilhelm

Welcome to our Quinlivan-Reidy family history page. We've traced our Irish ancestry back to two couples and beyond. James Quinlivan and Mary Reidy, and their siblings Ellen Quinlivan and Michael Reidy, emigrated to the United States from County Clare, Ireland, in 1880. The two families stayed close and their histories intertwine through several generations, so several views of the family trees are necessary to take it all in.

Church marriage and baptismal documents place our Irish ancestors in the Roman Catholic Parishes of Doonbeg and Clondegad near Kilrush and Ennis, County Clare, in the mid 19th century.

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Our Quinlivan and Reidy families settled in White Haven, Luzerne County, in central Pennsylvania. Many of the family men worked for the Lehigh Valley Railroad, later incorporated into the New Jersey Central Railroad, which had terminal ends at White Haven, Pennsylvania, and Jersey City, New Jersey. As a result some of our families moved from Pennsylvania to Jersey City and Bayonne, New Jersey, where family members still live nearby.

Here are some sites where you can find more Quinlivans and Reidy's, or look for them on your own in Geocities.

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We've had great luck finding family and making friends on the Internet. Here are some of our favorite Genealogy sites Family relationships are all so confusing! Are we second cousins? Third cousins? Once or twice removed? Here are some charts to help you sort this out:

(I'd give credit for these charts but found the info through a search engine and couldn't determine the sources.)

Email Me: billyl@erols.com

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Page Updated October 2007
Copyright 2000 Patricia Reidy Lawrence
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