My heart has been broken by the news of 9 fire fighters
dieing in the line of duty,less than one month apart.
I didn't know them,I don't know their families,
However, My husband is a full time fire fighter here in Iowa
and My heart goes out to all the families and co-workers.
I don't have alot of talent, Im not good at writing,
so this Memorial page is MY way of saying how truely
sorry we are all here In Iowa.
Below you will find excerpts of the paper articles on
the Iowa tragedy. Along with some photos.
Let us not forget the 3 children who also died in this
horrible tragedy. My prayers and heart go out to
their mother and family members also.
If I have mispelt anyones names on here...
Please email me ASAP..so that I can rectify it.
Below you will find links to the Iowa page,
and the Massachusetts page.