Where are we?
We live in a small coastal fishing town called San Leon, located on Galveston Bay
about 35 miles south-east of Houston on the Texas Gulf Coast. Sportfishing and Commercial
fishing (shrimp & oyster) make up a major portion of our local economy. The rest is
mainly beer joints, bait camps, and Baptist churches. It's a rural area, not exactly
Norman Rockwell, but we like to call it home. |
What's the weather like down here?

Here's a shot of a sunrise over the Bayshore Park (formerly known as "The
Spillway"). |

Aah, Here but for the curse of poverty live I. While
this place may not compare to some of the Hollywood Stars' mansions, this house is one of
the largest in town, somewhere in the 7-8,000 sq. ft. range. I can fit our whole house
inside one of this guy's garages! I wonder if he needs an heir? |

~ One of our more
popular residents ~
Parrots wild in the continental U.S? Well, not parrots exactly, actually
parakeets..... LARGE parakeets. The Quaker (also called the Monk) Myiopsitta Monachus,
is known for two distinct characteristics: it's ability to colonize outside of its native
continent, and for the fact that it builds colonial nests of sticks and twigs. |
The Monks came to San Leon about 20
years ago, according to local legend. They have survived hurricanes and hard winters.
Although no exact count of colonies has been made there are at least five in the immediate
area. These colonies vary in size from 3 or 4 to as many as 30 or more. They have been
reported from San Leon on the south, to La Porte to the north.
The nests are quite large affairs housing many pairs in various chambers.
Popular building sites are mature date palms and around power transformers, the latter not
appreciated by our local power company. They are not picky eaters and will readily eat
corn and other grains as well as bread scraps. Their diet for the most part consists of
the seeds and nuts of chinese tallow, hackleberry and seed pods from the various palms, so
numerous in this area.
Leaving to forage at dawn they break up into smaller groups and range
several miles from the nest. Returning at dusk, they quite vociferously discuss their
successes and failures. On inclement days they will perch near the nest and complain long
and loud to all who venture near. Just ask any San Leon local about the latest nest
locations to see. They are very entertaining!
My thanks to fellow Webmaster Jim Campbell for the above article. |

Being in a small bedroom community does have it's
advantages. While we do not have too many major attractions ourselves, we are within
minutes of a number of beautiful and interesting sights. 

Nightfall at the Boardwalk Motel overlooking the courtyard. |

Sailboats, power boats and motor yachts parade by the Boardwalk during the annual
"Blessing of the Fleet". |

Boardwalk visitors cool off in the "Dancing Fountains" |

And what self-respecting boardwalk would be complete without rides and attractions. |

Down the road, beautiful Galveston Island - just 15
minutes away.
Click here for
access to Galveston.com's live webcam. |
The Moody Gardens Complex,
seen from Offauts Bayou, offers motel, conference and convention accomodations. Underneath
their signature pyramids are also housed a Tropical Rain Forest, Butterfly Garden, IMAX
Theater, an Aquarium and many other attractions. |
Almost right next door to the Moody Gardens is the Lone Star Flight Museum. |

Here's some websites on some more local attractions and
historical events from our area. |

Bayou Wildlife ParkDEER PARK, TEXAS
Battleship Texas
San Jacinto
Armand Bayou Nature Center
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (NASA)
Space Center Houston
Kemah Boardwalk
Defenders of America Naval Museum
City Dike
Texas City Disaster
of 1947
Texas City Disaster
Memorial Park |
Gulf Greyhound ParkGALVESTON,
Island State Park
Galveston.com - Galveston Island
Convention & Visitors Bureau
Mardi Gras Galveston
Port of Galveston
Seawolf Park - Home of the USS Cavalla
Texas A&M University at Galveston
Texas Seaport Museum - Home of the
1877 Tall Ship Elissa
The 1900 Storm
The Galveston Island Railroad
The Grand 1894 Opera House
The Strand
The University of Texas Medical Branch
US Coast Guard Group
Galveston |