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Family and Friends
Rather than load up E-Mails with new pictures, I've set up this Web Site
as sort of an electronic "Family Photo Album". When me and my sister JoAnn
finally got hooked up on the Internet, her requests for pictures made me realize I had
been neglecting my photographing duties for the past several years, so most of the stuff I
have here will be fairly recent, although I have stuck in a few older ones. Most of the
photos in here have been "thumb-nailed" so if you want, you can click on them to
get a larger view. Hopefully this site will be fairly easy to navigate. I'm also throwing
in a few other goodies so all our long-lost friends and relatives can get a better idea of
what we're into down here in Texas. I have also added a Site Map which will provide quick
access to all the pages on this web site.

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On October 24, 2001, my sister JoAnn, lost her long fight
with Cancer. It's becoming apparant that the female decendants of William & Esther
Donahue have a higher than normal susceptability to contracting this dreaded disease. I'm
placing this here as am urgent plea for all the females of our family to get screened.
Please don't let "Mr. C" steal you away from us like he did JoAnn. |

"The Donahue Family News Ticker"