NOTE: On April 29th, 2009 we received notice that Geocities, our web-hosting service of 11+ years, will be closing later on this year. While we are searching for another service to host this web site, we are forming a group at Facebook. Please join Facebook, search for La Leche League of Teaneck, NJ and join the group, or send Abbie Slaman, our webservant, a friend request and she will invite you to join the group.


La Leche League of
Teaneck, New Jersey

La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. All women interested in breastfeeding are invited to attend our meetings or to call our Leaders for help.

Our League meetings offer a unique opportunity for you to learn more about the natural way of nurturing your baby. La Leche League Leaders, experienced nursing mothers, are well prepared to answer your questions. Firsthand accounts about breastfeeding and practical mothering tips are readily shared by all at the meetings. The Group provides the womanly support that is so crucial to the nursing mother. Of course, babies are always welcome at LLL functions.

Leader Information: La Leche League Leaders are experienced mothers who are accredited by La Leche League International to help mothers and mothers-to-be with all aspects of breastfeeding. For breastfeeding support contact:

Carmen 201-837-7646
Julie 201-837-5910
Susan 201-385-2377
Carole 201-244-6758
April 201-553-9162

Meeting Dates and topics:  

Thursday, May 7, 2008

Breastfeeding, the Golden Standard

Thursday, June 4, 2008 How Childbirth Options Can Affect Breastfeeding
Thursday, July 2, 2008 How Childbirth Options Can Affect Breastfeeding

August 2009

no meeting -- will resume September 3rd

All meetings on Thursdays are held from 11am-12:30pm at Emily's (201-357-4962) home. Please call for directions.

With respect to all meetings, please call if the weather is bad.

If you have any questions, call any of the leaders listed above.

Membership in La Leche League is $40 for one year. The membership fee helps support our local Group (La Leche League of Teaneck) as well as breastfeeding on a worldwide scale. Membership benefits include a one year subscription to our bi-monthly journal, New Beginnings, and a discount on items purchased from the La Leche League International Catalogue. The membership fee is tax-deductible. Membership is not a requirement to attend our meetings.

Donations are also graciously accepted so that you may help La Leche League continue to help others as you have been helped.

At the meetings you can select from a wide variety of Lending LLLibrarybooks in the lending library, as well as pamphlets on breastfeeding, childbirth, mothering and child care. Copies of the La Leche League manual, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, and other La Leche League books and publications, are available for purchase. Sale of these books as well as breastfeeding aids help support the work of our local La Leche League Group. Click on the image to the right to view the list of books available for loan when you come to a meeting.

La Leche League of Teaneck offers slings for sale. Your purchase helps to purchase books for our lending library or for community outreach. Click on the image on the left to read more about slings, how to order from our Group, and some creative uses for them.


Click here to view our latest Newsletter
(Adobe Reader required for this download -- available by clicking HERE)

Some Notable Websites:
La Leche League International
La Leche League of New Jersey — search for a leader throughout New Jersey, access conference and other information, links to group web sites and to La Leche League International services.
World Health Organization (WHO) Child Growth Standards, based on the breastfed infant as the normative model of how children should grow and develop.

Click here to join lllteaneck
Click to join lllteaneck

We will try to answer any e-mail you send.
Please include a telephone number.

This page was born December 11, 1998
Last revised April 29, 2009

La Leche League is an international non-profit, non-sectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. The La Leche League Logo is copyright of La Leche League International and used with permission.


Thanks to graphics by vikimouse for some of the images on our pages.
Page created and maintained by Abbie Slaman.




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