International Order Of Job's Daughters Bethel #65 St. Paul Minnesota

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Here are some links where you can learn more about Job's Daughters.

Minnesota Job's Daughters Home Page

Bethel #93 Osseo's Homepage

International Order of Job's Daughters Home Page

Minnesota Job's Daughters Home Page




Welcome to our Web page!

The International Order of Job's Daughters is an organization for girls ages 10 to 20 who are related to a Master Mason. We meet twice a month to discuss past events and plan new activities. Our Bethel currently has 12 active members. Recently we were in the South St Paul Kaposia Days parade - you might have seen us riding in a fire truck. In Minnesota there are over 500 members and world wide there over 20,000 members in Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Brazil and the United States.

Community Service    Activities    Email Us

We have a philanthropic project called the HIKE (Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment) Fund that we raise money for each year. We help families buy hearing aids and other helpful equipment for their children. This is supported by Job's Daughters from all around the world. We also have semi-annual service projects where we go out and do something for our community. Our Bethel has recently chosen a battered women's and children's shelter and the Vetrans Hospital as our projects.  Top

We also do many fun activities including: pizza parties, mystery trips, sleepovers, sport activities, as well as attending many weekend events sponsored by both Job's Daughters and DeMolay. We even have camp in August! Top

If you would like more information on our organization just email us at

To be a member of Job's Daughters is to be part of a group that promotes friendship among young women and confidence in themselves. As a member you will learn skills that will help you throughout you life. You will become part of an organization that serves the community. Most importantly, you will have fun.


This Web Site is not the official SGC IOJD Web site and information appearing on this web site is property of Bethel #65 St. Paul unless otherwise acredited to another source.   Information on this page was extracted from Form 307, published by the SGC of the IOJD.

Bethel #65, St. Paul MN Homepage established August 1999.

Email the webmaster at