Pembroke O.P.P. Auxiliary Police

Pembroke O.P.P. Auxiliary Police

The Ontario Provincial Police Auxiliary are a group of volunteers from all areas of Ontario numbering approximately 800.

The Pembroke Auxiliary Police Unit has a complement of 30 members. This consists of a Unit Commander (Aux. Staff Sergeant), four Platoon Leaders (Aux.Sergeants) and 25 Aux. Constables. The Auxiliary members ride with the O.P.P. Constables and assist them with things like directing traffic at accident scenes. Auxiliary members also assist in situations where the members of the OPP are insufficient in number to deal with such as the ice storm in the Ottawa area in 1998

The Auxiliary members are fully trained in self defence, the use of firearms, first aid and CPR. They hold all the powers of a Police Officer while accompanied by one.The Pembroke Auxiliary Police Unit supplies Auxiliary members to several O.P.P. Detachments: Pembroke, Renfrew, Arnprior, Killaloe and Whitney. If you live in any of these areas and are interested in finding more out about our Unit feel free to contact the Unit Commander, Edward Farrell or the OPP Liaison Officer, Senior Constable Bryon Heaslip at the Upper Ottawa Valley Ontario Provincial Police detachment. (613) 735-0188 or Email Bryon at


To provide fully trained volunteer auxiliary members to perform police duties in special circumstances, including an emergency, that the police officers of the Ontario Provincial Police are not sufficiently numerous to deal with.



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Name: Bryon Heaslip
Date: 09 September 1998
E-mail address: