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Nanette's Place

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Welcome to my place on the web. For those of you that have been here before you will notice that it has been completely updated, my attempt at making it easier to get around here and to have the pages open a bit faster.

This site is about using Paint Shop Pro 5 and Outlook Express stationery, my two passions on the computer.

All of the graphics used in this site have been created, edited or have had something done to them using Paint Shop Pro. I love working with graphics, it is a great joy to take a simple image and work with it until it is something totally different.

For the past year now, I have been actively involved in the MS stationery news group on the public news server (see link to it below). I would like to thank all the members of the group for all their patience, time, expertise and encouragement in the learning process.

Not only have these wonderful people given freely of their time to teach all of us how to do things in HTML and to use various scripting methods. But have also taken the time to share with their talents and teach us how to work with graphics and use the various programs.

There is no way that I could even begin to make a tutorial site here, so on the links page I have provided links to other sites that have excellent easy to use tutorials. Most of these sites have been done by the members of the newsgroup. We love new people in the group so please make sure to stop in and visit us.

I would also like to thank my family for putting up with this passion. And a special thank you to my husband, Terry, for keeping my computer upgraded with the latest gadgets and toys. Thanks Honey!

Please take the time to sign my guest book before leaving my site, I appreciate all feed back. Nanette


Update on Feb. 26, 1999: I would like to thank the Heartland Graphics Committee for my latest award. I really appreciate it.




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Last revised on: Friday, February 26, 1999