
"Where Love Prevails" A Birthmother's Search

Im dedicating this web site to my adopted daughter
Jennifer Rose. Born to me on 12/12/77.
I am a birthmom in persue of my search for my daughter who just turned 21 this year. She was born in St.Charles Hospital, Port Jefferson NY. I stayed at the Reginna Residence,in Port Jefferson till I gave birth to her. As the councling was a joke. After the birth I returned to my home In West Hempstead, where I had no one to turn to. My daughter was placed in foster care in Nassau County, not knowing what I wanted to do and I felt this was the right thing to do for her at that time. Even though I was age 22 and having this precious life that was born to me, I was mixed up. Then when she was five months old she was taken away through the Dept of Welfare. If I didn't I would have been found un-fit. I received no counseling, no nothin'. No legal rights where informed to me.
I have always had her in my thoughts ,and now more than ever. I have joined like other Birth parents to reunite with my child. I have added many links to my web site that might be helpful to others in their search. So, please come in, browse around and don't forget to sign and place your info on my site.


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