Hi, I really don't update this yahoo/geocities page anymore. I'm everywhere, though by niles38. My website: niles38.com. Go there. Not here. Thanks.

NOTICE: This website is a complete embarrassment. I do not update it anymore for I can do 38478 times better... okay, fine 23487834 times better. I'm sorry but it's not like anyone ever visits it. Half the links DO NOT WORK. Do not ever email me about this site. Let it die in peace. Maybe later I'll put up a link to a real website I create so you can find out more of what I do now, where I've been, what I can do, etc. If you're a long lost friend or whatever, there's other ways of looking me up, not going to one of my 876465 year old websites. Thank you, geocities. Peace out, G.