[Purdee Pugs]

Thanks for coming stopping by to visit.
It's been a a long time since I have been able to access my pages.
Somehow my password was hacked or changed, and I was locked out.
But I am finally back and I have tons of pic to add
I have made several seperate pages in hopes of reducing load time,
so I hope you like the new pages, but
Please be patient as all the changes are being made.
*Updates started Sept 06*

Welcome to the Purdee Pugs Main Page



Come on in and look around while the pugs have a conference.

Within these pages you will meet my Pugs.
If you have a Pug you know what true Pug Love is.
If you are looking for a Pug, please be careful and make sure you get your
new family member from a reputable breeder, check around with
your local Humane Society and make sure the breeder is not a puppy mill!

Nothing compares to Pug Love !!!!!
[E-mail Me]

Please see Fur Babies for some of the graphics you see here.

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