Take Care & God Bless,
Daniel - 09/01/00 17:18:18
My Email:poet1973@bellsouth.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Bar-B-Q..comeone..I'm a man...LOL
What is your favorite hymn?: Beulah Land
Where are you from?: Tennessee
Where do you attend church?: Apostolic Ark
How did you hear about my site?: message links.com
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed that email on your Titus 2 page. Her reply about being a reseach associate was priceless. I love to see people put int there place when they normalls look down on certain people. Praise God.
God bless you sis.
Bro. Daniel
Charmaine Morris - 09/01/00 10:08:49
My URL:http://www.techpta.ac.za
My Email:charmaine@techpta.ac.za
What is your favorite recipe?: american brownies
What is your favorite hymn?: In moments like these
Where are you from?: South Africa
Where do you attend church?: Pretoria
How did you hear about my site?: Surfing
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Your site was such a refreshing change from the crude rubbish one normally gets from the Internet. God bless you and keep you safe.
PS. I have just discovered how to make american brownies and now I can't stop.
Callaway-Coleman Vanzeeberg - 07/27/00 12:37:14
My Email:cvanzeeberg@lotus.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Blackforest Cheese Cake
What is your favorite hymn?: "Oh Love of God"
Where are you from?: South Africa 'Johannesburg'
Where do you attend church?: The Ranfontein Christian Assembly
How did you hear about my site?: 'Just Browsing the message links site'
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes Yes Yes
A very encouraging homepage with the little scripture verses on... God Bless you... Very very encouraging...
paula m austin/liles - 07/26/00 02:13:25
My Email:grrubstake@hotmail.com
What is your favorite hymn?: amazing grace
Where are you from?: wa
How did you hear about my site?: internet
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Becky Perry - 07/17/00 18:20:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hab2vision
My Email:hab2vision@yahoo.com
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: AL
Where do you attend church?: Calvary Fellowship
How did you hear about my site?: Surfing
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
I enjoyed visiting another Christian Lady's homepage! I will visit again!
Tobi Russell - 07/16/00 00:10:47
My Email:therrussellfam@gateway.net
What is your favorite recipe?: frito salad
What is your favorite hymn?: near the cross
Where are you from?: LaFollette, TN
Where do you attend church?: Grantsboro Baptist Church
How did you hear about my site?: searce engine
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
I enjoyed your page very much!
- 07/11/00 23:01:30
Becky Marconda - 07/10/00 00:18:38
My Email:Becky61@mailcity.com
What is your favorite recipe?: going out to eat :)
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Arizona
Where do you attend church?: A Church Of The Word Of God
How did you hear about my site?: was looking for it
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: no, but love to sing
Hi Cheryl,
I was told you had a webpage and was sooo happy to find it.I really enjoyed surfing thru it.
May God bless ya.
Becky Marconda
- 06/15/00 16:51:19
Patricia Robles-Harant - 05/31/00 21:39:37
My Email:zionluth@midrivers.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Banana Cream Cake
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Roundup, Montana
Where do you attend church?: Zion Lutheran Church ELCA
How did you hear about my site?: Iwon!.com Search Engine
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Patricia Robles-Harant - 05/31/00 21:38:16
My Email:zionluth@midrivers.com
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing
Where are you from?: Roundup, Montana
Where do you attend church?: Zion Lutheran Church ELCA
How did you hear about my site?: Iwon!.com Search Engine
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Romelda - 05/29/00 06:27:58
My Email:rgoseyun@excite.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Indian Frybread
What is your favorite hymn?: Only Believe
Where are you from?: San Carlos,Arizona
Where do you attend church?: Mesa Church
How did you hear about my site?: Messagelinks
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
May God Bless You
- 05/26/00 19:35:06
WESLEY R. MOURTON - 05/22/00 17:59:42
Where are you from?: HOT SPRINGS, AR
Margaret Peterman - 04/19/00 01:10:59
My Email:clydesrose@aol.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Strawberry cake
What is your favorite hymn?: Because He Lives
Where are you from?: Orig.B"ham Alabama
Where do you attend church?: Tucson Tabernacle
How did you hear about my site?: Stumbled on it
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Hi Cheryl,Glad I found your webpage.I knew you had one but didn't know how to find it.I find it very fascinating and I know you put a lot of hard work into it,Keep up the good work.Margaret
- 04/18/00 04:42:35
Mae - 04/16/00 20:45:36
It is a nice suprise to be greeted with some good
gospel music and the precious words from the
scriptures. Thanks for the moments of soul
refreshing God bless y
sara turpin - 04/11/00 11:00:24
My Email:sara@2crfm.net
What is your favorite hymn?: N/A
Where are you from?: Poole Dorset
Where do you attend church?: N/A
How did you hear about my site?: Browsing
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: N/A
Please send more info regarding the Turpin family tree
Opal Husted - 04/08/00 00:59:36
My Email:hustedro@arkansas.net
What is your favorite recipe?: I like them all
What is your favorite hymn?: Jesus Hold My Hand
Where are you from?: Mena, Arkansas
Where do you attend church?: Feed My Sheep Church
How did you hear about my site?: from a friend
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: When I have time.
This was sent to me today by an internet friend
originally from Mena. Janet Wheeler. I Think your site is great so far. I have a lot more browsing to do. I know a lot of people here in Mena with your ancestors last names. Do you still have relatives here? My name is Opal Husted and I'm originally
from Broken Bow, Ok. But I've been here for 9 years and work at Superior Federal Bank here.
Janet [Roberson] Wheeler - 04/06/00 18:38:17
My Email:ronl@planetlink.net
What is your favorite recipe?: homemade blackberry cobbler
What is your favorite hymn?: Beulah Land
Where are you from?: Andrews, Texas
Where do you attend church?: home: watching Prime Time Christian Broadcasting
How did you hear about my site?: Surfing for information about Board Camp, Arkansas
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: somewhat
I've enjoyed your website and have it bookmarked so I can come back for more visits. I lived at Board Camp, Arkansas from March of 1950 through the fall of 1954. Loved it then and love it now--all the Mena, Arkansas area. The web address of Prime Time
hristian Broadcasting is www.ptcbglc.com/ I think you will enjoy it.
Michael Foster - 04/05/00 00:21:55
My Email:rhb@erinet.com
What is your favorite recipe?: N/A
What is your favorite hymn?: N/A
Where are you from?: Springfield,OH.
Where do you attend church?: Church of Christ
How did you hear about my site?: search
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
I would like to find a complete family tree from my area and where we all came from in the beginning! Thank You !!
Jeff Liles - 03/31/00 22:35:59
My URL:http://www.musiciansboard.com/cottonmouthtexas
My Email:DubTeam@aol.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Thai Iced Tea
What is your favorite hymn?: "Hold On Hope" by Guided By Voices
Where are you from?: Dallas
Where do you attend church?: at home
How did you hear about my site?: search engine
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes.
Peace and God Bless You.
Matt Love - 03/31/00 03:17:18
My Email:mattmo@uswest.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Jamblaya
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Born in Michigan, Live in Minnesota
Where do you attend church?: I don't
How did you hear about my site?: Altavista Search engine
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: My wife paints
Hey there,
Out of curiosity I put Love family tree into a search engine and your site popped up. Any chance that we might be related? My grandfater was Carl Roy Love and was born in Novi, Michigan sometime in the Mid-30's. I know he came from a large family that
ad come to Michigan from Canada right before he was born.....I think. I'd only met him 2 or 3 times.
Kathy J. Glatz - 03/30/00 15:38:27
My Email:dglatz@worldnet.att.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Cranberry Scones
What is your favorite hymn?: Be Thou My Vision
Where are you from?: West Milford, NJ
Where do you attend church?: Christian Life Center
How did you hear about my site?: Scone Search
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Very Much
I really enjoy the beautiful pictures and music on your sight. It is a pleasure to visit.
Harold A. Liles, Sr. - 03/25/00 14:38:27
My Email:harold.lilessr@dol.net
What is your favorite recipe?: all good southern food
What is your favorite hymn?: all southern gospel music
Where are you from?: Dover, Del-orginally from Oklahoma
Where do you attend church?: Kent Christian Center-Dover, De.
How did you hear about my site?: Just surfing
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Hi sure do enjoy your home page. As to the crafts projects, My son and I build Elect Guitars and electric basses. keep up the good work.
Familie Hoyer - 03/24/00 07:59:29
My URL:http://www.Hoyer.cx
My Email:Familie@Hoyer.cx
Where are you from?: Kirchheim/Teck-Nabern
How did you hear about my site?: altavista
Hoyers on die Internet!!
Norine Boehmer - 03/21/00 00:11:50
My URL:http://etaxla.com
My Email:norineb@pacbell.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Fried Chicken
What is your favorite hymn?: Garden of Getsemne
Where are you from?: Boise Idaho
Where do you attend church?: I don't
How did you hear about my site?: Search on Alta Vista
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: sometimes
I am looking for my relatives on my fathers side of the family. Have lost contact with everyone.
Norine Boehmer - 03/21/00 00:10:26
My URL:http://etaxla.com
My Email:norineb@pacbell.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Fried Chicken
erica roberts - 03/19/00 04:15:47
My Email:simone_7_8@yahoo.com
What is your favorite recipe?: lasagna
What is your favorite hymn?: one and the same
Where are you from?: toronto,ontario,canada
Where do you attend church?: scarborough spoken word christian fellowship
How did you hear about my site?: just browsing
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
your web site is very creative;i like it a lot.
Tipton Lloyd Turpin - 03/14/00 21:00:31
My Email:turpin@hiwaay.net
What is your favorite hymn?: My God and I
Where are you from?: Somerset, Ky. (born)
Where do you attend church?: Meth. Athens, Al.
Otakar R. Cervenka - 03/13/00 19:40:26
My Email:o.r.c@usa.net
What is your favorite recipe?: knedlo-vepro-zelo
What is your favorite hymn?: kde domov muj
Where are you from?: prague
Where do you attend church?: prague
How did you hear about my site?: accident
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: surely
I hopu it's going to be cool.
Christophe Hamerlik - 03/12/00 09:37:25
My Email:shim@francemail.com
Where are you from?: France
I'm french. We have the same family name...
My grand father "Ludovic Hamerlik" was polish...
If you want more informations about my family, contact me !
Bye !
Christophe Hamerlik - 03/12/00 09:34:34
My Email:shim@francemail
Ronald Hall - 03/12/00 09:23:21
My URL:http:// www
My Email:ronald.hall@btinternet
What is your favorite recipe?: hamburger and potatao scones
What is your favorite hymn?: Nearer my Lord to Thee
Where are you from?: Scotland
Where do you attend church?: Newmilns Parish Church Cof S
How did you hear about my site?: Looking for hall family tree
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
- 03/11/00 03:33:32
Cheryl Harlan - 03/09/00 18:44:05
What is your favorite recipe?: Peanut Butter Pie
What is your favorite hymn?: Come In Dine
Where are you from?: Eminence Missouri
Where do you attend church?: The Spoken Word
How did you hear about my site?: Just clicked on your name
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: very much
Very nice
Elizabeth Whitworth - 03/04/00 03:05:39
My Email:jimlynwhit@cybertrails.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Does the category " food " count ? = )
What is your favorite hymn?: The Old Rugged Cross
Where are you from?: Clay Springs , AZ
Where do you attend church?: Living Word Fellowship ( David Dienhart, Pastor )
How did you hear about my site?: Links to Cindy's Parlor !
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Thanks so much for your Godly input on the internet ! It's great to see some true christian sites that aren't trying to sell something !
May God bless your efforts , Love,
Elizabeth = )
Elizabeth Whithworth - 03/04/00 02:58:11
My Email:jimlynwhit@cybertrails.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Does the category
Jake McMackin - 03/03/00 17:28:43
Edith LYLES Joffre - 02/21/00 17:31:46
My Email:hummingbirdelj@juno.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Anything with chocolate
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Georgia
Where do you attend church?: yes
How did you hear about my site?: surfing Lyles
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Lyles family stems from Alexandria, Virginia. Any information would be appreciated.
Lee-Ann Liles - 02/12/00 15:37:10
My Email:antoinette@northrock.bm
Where are you from?: Bermuda
How did you hear about my site?: search
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: We do them at my preschool.
Greetings from Bermuda.I would love to see some photos from the Liles' in North/South Carolina, since I am tracing my grandfather back to that area. John R. Liles Born around 1920's.
Lee-Ann Liles
Dorothy Turpin - 02/11/00 21:55:26
My Email:greatest.dancer@virgin.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Steak pie
What is your favorite hymn?: Onward christian soldiers
Where are you from?: Darlington Co. Durham
Where do you attend church?: Darlington
How did you hear about my site?: Luck!!!
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Anyone in the Middlesex, or Plymouth areas with the surname of Turpin who remembers any of their relatives being Richard Turpin who Married Emily Phillips. Who then went on to have Richard,and Fredrick James, and possibly 2 sisters whose names are unfort
natly unknown, born around the early 1900s. Please get in contact as I am trying to complete a family tree. All Turpins welcome as we may all help each other.
heidi hageman - 02/10/00 03:30:40
My Email:hageman@tctc.com
we have found a painting that we beleive to belong to a r.cervenka under a another picture belonging to my great grandmother we have not been able to track down the name beleived to be very very old.any info please email back
Bro Scott And Sis Paula - 02/10/00 01:50:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/hesaias/index.html
My Email:hesaias@hotmail.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Any!
What is your favorite hymn?: Any!!
Where do you attend church?: Bible Tabernacle
How did you hear about my site?: Message List
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: No, We have children
God bless you sister. Your site is wonderful. Keep up the good work.
God ever bless you,
Bro Scott & Sis Paula
David Doscher - 02/08/00 04:54:27
My Email:doscher@ibm.net
Please let me know when this site will be populated and I will return to check it out.
- 02/08/00 03:38:01
Valerie Turpin - 02/08/00 01:43:29
My Email:bturpin@idirect.ca
David Pless McBride - 02/03/00 05:11:32
My URL:http://www.usandroids.com
My Email:compufyxer@yahoo.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Mississippi Mud Cake
What is your favorite hymn?: We Shall See The King
Where are you from?: Newalla, Oklahoma
Where do you attend church?: First Assembly of God in McLoud
How did you hear about my site?: I was searching for a McBride family book that i might link my tree to on www.Go2.net
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: You betcha
I'm a 35 year old dad of 3 boys, Christopher, Erik, and Joshua and a daughter, Kaytlin and two step daughters, Stephanie and Kristin Nelson. I'm a computer technician (LAN Analyst) at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City and no, I've never been in the military.
love woodcrafts, computers, Science Fiction, and obviously geneology.
patricia hamamoto - 01/27/00 23:08:50
My Email:patogata@secrel.com.br
Where are you from?: brasil
congratulations... but, are you the same family than Klaus Doscher family who lives in oslo-norway?
Marilyn (Boehmer) Good - 01/24/00 01:34:30
My Email:magoody@msn.com
Where are you from?: Iowa
Where do you attend church?: Catholic church
How did you hear about my site?: My sister, Monita Boehmer Engstler
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: No
Curious as to when my grandparents came over from Germany. George (8-25-1872 -> 5-27-1935) and Mary Anna Kobliska(6-25-1870-> 6-22-1951) Boehmer. She lived in Alta Vista, Iowa, at the time of her death. She spoke German. I was born after he died. Do yo
have them in your tree?
Monita Engstler - 01/22/00 21:10:12
My Email:engstler@ncn.net
Where are you from?: Garner, IA
Where do you attend church?: St. Boniface, Garner, IA
How did you hear about my site?: Search Engine
Doing light researh on my family tree - Boehmer. With that spelling has to be a connection. Grandfather was George and Grandmother Mary Anna
R.C. Eckhardt - 01/19/00 19:55:08
Verne Turpin - 01/19/00 16:40:28
My Email:ticoman@greater.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Arroz con Pollo
Where are you from?: Florida
Where do you attend church?: St. Mary's
How did you hear about my site?: web search
Conducting family geneaological search
Allison Van Gaasbeek - 01/15/00 21:52:17
My Email:wackyvan@msn.com
Where are you from?: Prescott Valley, AZ
How did you hear about my site?: Yvonne Young
I think it's wonderfull all the work that you have done.
Margaret Mourton - 01/11/00 06:27:30
My Email:mmourton@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Redlands Ca
How did you hear about my site?: Wanda Crawford
I was told that you have done some research on the Mourton family. I would like to know what you have found and how you are related. I have also done research but just started a few months ago. Thank you, Margaret Mourton
mark j. mccloskey - 12/29/99 21:51:57
What is your favorite hymn?: silent night
Where are you from?: bethesda, md.
Where do you attend church?: st. jane dechantal
How did you hear about my site?: public library
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: not really
my ancestor is major francis turpin 1759-1829 of dorchester co. md.
- 12/27/99 04:22:41
GERALD BREWER - 12/12/99 01:31:06
What is your favorite recipe?: FRIED CHICKEN
What is your favorite hymn?: AMAZING GRACE
Where are you from?: ARKANSAS
Where do you attend church?: ASSEMBLEY OF GOD
How did you hear about my site?: WEB SEARCH
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: YES
Bro. Jerrel Thomas - 12/10/99 03:49:31
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~The_Prophet_WMB/Newsletter.html
My Email:shalom5@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Big Bend WI.
Hello, and God bless:
Just wanted to say, I like your HomePage. Very nice. (o:
Bro. Jerrel Thmas

- 12/09/99 15:20:02
- 12/03/99 18:12:09
- 12/02/99 23:32:28
FREDIA LILES CARTER - 12/02/99 12:12:39
My Email:CFCLC@msn.com
What is your favorite recipe?: ALL KINDS OF FOOD
What is your favorite hymn?: HERE I AM LORD, USE ME
Where are you from?: HICKORY, NC / PETERSBURG, VA
Where do you attend church?: MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
How did you hear about my site?: SURFING THE NET
Sue McBride-Landis - 12/01/99 05:42:00
My Email:slandis@janics.com
What is your favorite recipe?: pecan pralines
What is your favorite hymn?: Whispering Hope
Where are you from?: Southwest Missouri
How did you hear about my site?: surfing for McBride info.
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: No
Patty Lippencott - 11/28/99 04:07:09
Ray Cervenka - 11/25/99 01:26:24
My URL:http://homepages.msn.com/RedmondAve/ray_cervenka/index.html
My Email:Ray_Cervenka@email.msn.com
Where are you from?: Highland, Ca.
How did you hear about my site?: Alta Vista
Doing Genealogical research into the Cervenka Surname....
wooley, don c. - 11/23/99 23:56:35
My Email:naic1@aol.com
Where are you from?: Lawton, Oklahoma
How did you hear about my site?: surfing for Brewer
Mary Ellen Brewer married William Wooley and had kids in 1850's. Do you have info on Mary Ellen?
Thanks, Don
Lisl Doscher Phelps - 11/23/99 14:53:11
My Email:lphelps@state.de.us
What is your favorite recipe?: Curry Chicken
Where are you from?: originally Miller Place, NY
How did you hear about my site?: searched the ned
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: not particularly
I am glad to find other Doschers since it is an uncommon name. Please tell me where your Doscher side is originally from.
ann j phillips - 11/21/99 19:22:33
My Email:annphillips1@home.com
What is your favorite hymn?: amazing grace
Where are you from?: charleston sc
Where do you attend church?: lutheran
How did you hear about my site?: stumbled onto it
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: so-so
G. O. Hall - 11/19/99 19:12:19
My Email:MusicManGH@aol.com
What is your favorite hymn?: Because He Lives
Where are you from?: Texas
Where do you attend church?: Bible
How did you hear about my site?: Surfing
Enjoyed your web pages, the amount of work here is evidenced in the appearance.
Your testimony is crystal clear.
Thanks for the page, and music. MMGH
gemma tibbs - 11/19/99 12:20:44
My Email:gtibbs80@hotmail.com
What is your favorite recipe?: pasta n sauce
What is your favorite hymn?: can't think of any at the moment
Where are you from?: cambridge
Where do you attend church?: i dont
How did you hear about my site?: my name is tibbs too!!!
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: not really
send me an email - I want to know about my family tree - thankyou.
johnny lyles - 11/17/99 07:26:39
My Email:candjlyl@hit.net
What is your favorite hymn?: his eye is on the sparrow
Where are you from?: texas
Where do you attend church?: F.B.C.Belle plaine,KS
How did you hear about my site?: happened on to it
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: not particularly
June McBride - 11/15/99 19:03:31
My Email:june.mcbride@gateway.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Pumpkin Bread
What is your favorite hymn?: Softly & Tenderly
Where are you from?: AR
How did you hear about my site?: Just going through McBride
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
I am attempting to do the generations on McBride family tree.
- 11/14/99 11:20:52
john dixon - 11/13/99 19:03:51
My Email:jdixon@nelper.freeserve.co.ul
Diane Donald - 11/11/99 02:57:02
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/brickwalls/genealogy/index.htm
My Email:ddonald5@home.com
What is your favorite recipe?: I enjoy many old recipes. I have a couple of old cookbooks from the early 1900's and use them frequently. I especially enjoy the old Christma
recipes - like shortbread and various cookie recipes
How did you hear about my site?: By mere luck!
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes, sometimes.
You have a lovely site. I am a member of the Hall family. This particular part of your site is still under construction. When it is finished, I will be happy to return and visit again. In the meantime, please come and visit my site tool.
- 11/10/99 21:11:03
Beth Hoyer - 11/09/99 19:57:10
My Email:bethhoyer@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Connecticut
How did you hear about my site?: Computer online
Is your site based on the Hoyer family? My last name is Hoyer. I'm trying to find some information on my Family Tree. I seem to have some
deadends. I'm wondering does this web page have some information I'm looking for?
Beth Hoyer
D. Sarbach - 11/09/99 00:20:30
My Email:dsbach@eazy.net
Where are you from?: Evergreen, CO
How did you hear about my site?: Search for "Wimberly"
My mother is a Wimberly from Lincoln, NE, b. 1913
Gail Blunt Sadler - 11/04/99 05:00:02
My Email:jsadle06@cybertrails.com
I am looking for information on the Labin Blunt/Rebecca Chambers line. Especially while the descendants were in Kentucky, before their move to Mason Co. Illinois.
sis. Paige - 11/02/99 04:08:48
My Email:you know it :)
What is your favorite recipe?: cowboy cookies
What is your favorite hymn?: who can pick just one!
Where are you from?: PA
Where do you attend church?: Living Word Christian Assembly
How did you hear about my site?: from you
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yep
Just stopping by for a visit now that I am back on line! God Bless you! Love PAige
Joe Blunt - 11/01/99 23:40:40
My Email:joeblunt@juno.com
Larry M Turpin - 10/31/99 02:57:45
My Email:turpinl@whc.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Banana Pudding
What is your favorite hymn?: When they ring those Golden Bell
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Where do you attend church?: El Paso, TX
How did you hear about my site?: Search
Leigh E. McBride - 10/31/99 01:25:23
My Email:LEMC309@aol.com
Where are you from?: Pendleton In.
How did you hear about my site?: found it searching
I am new at this and may have the wrong site. Iam looking for McBride family information. I'm sorry if I have the wrong site.
Leigh E. McBride - 10/31/99 01:20:56
My Email:LEMC309@aol.com
Where are you from?: Pendleton In.
How did you hear about my site?: found it searching
Jeffrey Liles - 10/29/99 19:58:04
My URL:http://www.musiciansboard.com/cottonmouthtexas
My Email:DubTeam@aol.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Thai Crab Rangoon w/ sweet and sour sauce
What is your favorite hymn?: "Give a Man a Home" by Ben Harper
Where are you from?: Dallas, Texas
Where do you attend church?: Unity Church of Christianity
How did you hear about my site?: web search
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: I am a poet/ spoken word artist (cottonmouth, texas)
You can see one of my films here:
"cottonmouth, texas"
peace to the clan...
Darrell Liles - 10/28/99 19:51:38
My Email:dliles@usgs.gov
Abigail Brewer - 10/27/99 17:10:26
Where are you from?: Zealand N.B.Canada
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Abigail Brewer - 10/27/99 16:32:35
Kevin Hall - 10/27/99 02:44:42
My Email:khall@tampabay.rr.com
Where are you from?: Indiana
Where do you attend church?: Brandon First Baptist
How did you hear about my site?: surfing the web
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: My wife sure does
Have looked into my family history some (more on my mothers side), wanted to get back to looking. Originally our Hall's were from Kentucky and ended up in central Indiana. Will keep looking.
Kevin Hall - 10/27/99 02:44:41
My Email:khall@tampabay.rr.com
Where are you from?: Indiana
Where do you attend church?: Brandon First Baptist
How did you hear about my site?: surfing the web
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: My wife sure does
Have looked into my family history some (more on my mothers side), wanted to get back to looking. Originally our Hall's were from Kentucky and ended up in central Indiana. Will keep looking.
Joshua Liles - 10/26/99 05:53:52
My Email:joshl@@impulse.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Buttermilk pie ?
Where are you from?: Santa Barbara, CA.
How did you hear about my site?: did a search
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Sculpture
Ólafur Hrólfur Gestsson - 10/24/99 15:45:38
My Email:hrolfur@itn.is
Where are you from?: Iceland
How did you hear about my site?: Altavista.com
Just hunting for some family tree ideas.
Keep up the good work.
Tony Bates - 10/10/99 20:34:15
My URL:http://woodbat.co.uk
My Email:tony@woodbat.co.uk
What is your favorite recipe?: pizza
Where are you from?: Southampton
Where do you attend church?: I don't!
How did you hear about my site?: Alta Vista
My Bates line is from Warwichsire UK. Interested if thee is any link.
S.Eckhardt - 10/05/99 19:45:46
What is your favorite hymn?: amazing Grace
Where do you attend church?: NMBC
Linda Gott - 09/30/99 06:28:57
My Email:lindagot@salemnet.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Mexican Dishes
What is your favorite hymn?: I just love good gospel songs, especially ones about the Bride
Where are you from?: Salem, Mo.
Where do you attend church?: Spoken Word Tabernacle, Salem, Mo.
How did you hear about my site?: messagelinks.org
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
I haven't been through all you have but I have enjoyed the parts I have read. God Bless and keep up the good work.
Louise Love - 09/27/99 00:45:31
My Email:love@tpgi.com.au
Where are you from?: Australia, Victoria, Warrnambool
Hello, I'm just writing to say hi, and that my surname is love. Origanally my ansesters come from Scotland. I have familys in Nhill and Kaniva that I know of. My grandparents were Laurie Love and Nitta Love who came from Nhill. My dads name is Daryl Love.
If you could please write back to me, that would be great.
From Louise Love
Pat McMackin - 09/25/99 02:43:45
My Email:mcmackin@nbnet.nb.ca
What is your favorite recipe?: chocolate cake
What is your favorite hymn?: How Great Thou Art
Where are you from?: Sussex N.B Canada
Where do you attend church?: St. Paul's United Church
How did you hear about my site?: on the internet
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Can't wait to see the family tree.
Dejan Seguljev - 09/17/99 19:46:15
My Email:deseg@EUnet.yu
Where are you from?: Yugoslavia
Where do you attend church?: Novi Sad
J. Todd Foster - 09/09/99 04:14:10
My URL:http://www.goodnature.org/desi
My Email:desi@tci.net
What is your favorite hymn?: the one marttin luther is famous for
Where are you from?: originally Kokomo, In...but now Stuart, FL
Where do you attend church?: I moved all the way to Florida to go to a church...Palm Beach Gardens Christ Fellowship
How did you hear about my site?: by accident
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: only in heaven
my dad wasd Melvin eugene Foster DOB 1915 born in southern Indiana, his Dad was Sanford Foster (a farmer)
Josiah Cornett - 09/02/99 19:50:47
My URL:http://pages.hotbot.com/rel/eaglet05/eaglewings.html
My Email:Jo_the_Mo@hotmail.com
What is your favorite hymn?: When The Saints Go Marching In
Where are you from?: Saline, MI
Where do you attend church?: Ann Arbor Bible Tabernacle and Literal Life Tabernacle in Blissfield (Adrien?)
How did you hear about my site?: Through a link
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: not really crafts
Please visit my site http://pages.hotbot.com/rel/eaglet05/eaglewings.html and this is a pretty good site, keep up the good work =)!!!
Mary Mabe - 08/23/99 01:44:49
My Email:mmabe@naxs.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Pizza Casserole
What is your favorite hymn?: The pul
Where are you from?: Coeburn Virginia
Where do you attend church?: Happy Valley Church of Jesus Christ in Johnson CIty, Tn
How did you hear about my site?: Sister Kim Phipps
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Sister Cheryl...I really enjoyed your site...Thank you so much for sharing it with the bride....Keep up the excellent work..,May God richly bless you and your family......Feel free to email me anytime you would like
Scott Mc Bride - 08/20/99 14:29:53
My Address is
Flat 1, 3 Aberdour Place
DD10 0PR
James M. Huddleston - 08/19/99 13:05:29
My Email:jhuddle@entergy.com
Where are you from?: Zachary, La
How did you hear about my site?: browsing
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Timmiothy J Tibbs - 08/15/99 17:10:41
Where are you from?: Tennessee
Where do you attend church?: 1ST Assembly of God
Jamie Damico - 08/14/99 05:41:49
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SpiritCir/jamiegal/index.html
My Email:JamieGal_@Hotmail.com
What is your favorite recipe?: umm ... SPAGHETTI!!!
What is your favorite hymn?: ~In Moments Like These~
Where are you from?: Southern New Jersey
Where do you attend church?: Spoken Word Christian Assembly
How did you hear about my site?: Clint's Homepage (guestbook)
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: absolutely! :)
This is a wonderful homepage sister Cheryll :) A beautiful layout and background... and a joy to see another sister who believes and stands for God's chosen position for us sisters in the home. My favorite scriptures for that is Proverbs 31:10-31 (the vir
uous woman)
Lord Bless you and yours,
~Sis. Jamie
Joanna Moseley - 08/11/99 20:50:54
My Email:davidsnetwork@home.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Chicken Pot Pie
What is your favorite hymn?: How Great Thou Art
Where are you from?: Phoenix
Where do you attend church?: Home Meeting
How did you hear about my site?: messagelinks.org
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
I love your site! I love victorian and homemaking. I have 3 children, Faith-7, Elisabeth-4, and Simeon-8months. I home school my children also. I was just telling my husband what I would like to see in a site just for sisters and then I found you. Great j
b! I have an idea you might consider, how about a place to give ideas for special occasion gifts, ideas on how to handle the problems us moms sometimes face with our children, and let the readers give their ideas or solutions. May our Lord richly bless yo
Bethany Grant - 08/09/99 22:59:19
My Email:houseofgod@hotmail.com
What is your favorite recipe?: I don't really have a favorite recipe. I like many!
Where are you from?: Ohio
Where do you attend church?: House of Faith
How did you hear about my site?: from the message website
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes I love to do arts and crafts
I love your page. It is so neat. I also love the music you have on. May the Lord bless you and your family in all you do.
Jo Ann Black - 08/09/99 22:45:57
My Email:mjblack@lcc.net
What is your favorite recipe?: fruit pizza
What is your favorite hymn?: Victory in Jesus
Where are you from?: Montgomery, Texas
Where do you attend church?: Dacus Baptist Church
How did you hear about my site?: Just looking for Victorian
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes I do
I was so happy to see the Christian testamony in Scripture and Song. I am a Christian and I rejoice to find others in all places. It is a wonderful tie that binds.
Rudy Villagonza - 08/05/99 22:18:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/newsstand/9916/
My Email:villagonza@pacific.net.ph
What is your favorite recipe?: lechon
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Philippines
Where do you attend church?: End-time Christian Assembly
How did you hear about my site?: Thru e-mail
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: YEAH
You have a wonderful website.Its a real blessing
to every visitors of your site. God bless you more.
I am Pastor Rudy Villagonza, married to Sis.Linda, and one daughter Leah. From the Phil.
we wish to fellowship with you and to all the Bride of Christ all over the world. Thanks!!!
Darrel Dixon - 08/05/99 03:19:20
My Email:iconddd@uswest.net
Where are you from?: Kansas
Jeanna Smiley - 08/05/99 02:14:18
My Email:thunders@strato.net
What is your favorite hymn?: I'd Rather Have Jesus
Where are you from?: South Florida
Where do you attend church?: Bible Truth Tabernacle
How did you hear about my site?: surfing the Net
Your sit is really beautiful and inspiring to me as a Christian woman. God bless you!
Nettie Beard - 08/04/99 20:31:00
My Email:nettiebeard@hotmail.com
What is your favorite recipe?: -- I just like to try new recipes
What is your favorite hymn?: Yes, I Know
Where are you from?: Liberal, MO
Where do you attend church?: Galena, MO
How did you hear about my site?: Thru messagelinks.org
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Mostly sewing
This is a very neat site. A ladies site. You've done a great job!
JoLynn - 08/01/99 19:49:12
My Email:baby-jay1@juno.com
Where are you from?: Caldwell,Idaho
Where do you attend church?: at my house
How did you hear about my site?: message links
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yeah
Hi there i really really like your page
its really good.
Susan daugherty - 07/29/99 21:47:25
My Email:edaugh2324@aol.com
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazeing grace
Where are you from?: Tennessee
Where do you attend church?: Coal Hill baptist
How did you hear about my site?: Surfing
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
My Mother was a Liles from Morgan Co. Tennessee.
Sue McBee - 07/26/99 12:00:35
My Email:suemcb@worldnet.att.net
What is your favorite recipe?: (Cream Cheese) Lasania
What is your favorite hymn?: What a FRIEND we have in JESUS
Where are you from?: I am living in Caldwell, Idaho
Where do you attend church?: Anywhere the Carcass is ... there I long to gather!!
How did you hear about my site?: From YOU.. Cheryl.. Thanks for sharing.
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Sometimes..!!??
So far my journey thru your page has been a blessing.. Want to share it with friends.. What a warm way to TOUCH another..
Wilma Floyd - 07/25/99 14:20:33
My Email:mimilee49@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Sallisaw, Okla.
Cheryl--Just wanted to let you know that I love the way you have your page setup! Love the hymns, and scripture too!
Paula - 07/24/99 15:10:06
My Email:k9em@mc.net
What is your favorite hymn?: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Where are you from?: Illinois
Where do you attend church?: Alliance Bible Church of McHenry
How did you hear about my site?: From a Search
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Counted Cross Stitch
We have two children. My son is 20 and lives at home. My daughter is 15 and will be a Sophmore in high school this year. I have been giving them over to the Lord for years!! Letting go! It is hard sometimes. It's hard to see our 'baby' getting older
How do you 'deal' with your children being older and almost gone? Do you have any verses that are special to you? Thank you!
Your Sister in Christ,
Kimberly Phipps - 07/22/99 14:43:07
My Email:8thomas@bellsouth.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Homemade chicken & dumplings!
What is your favorite hymn?: On The Wings Of A Snow White Dove
Where are you from?: Liberty, SC
Where do you attend church?: WORD TABERNACLE
How did you hear about my site?: Message Links
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Dear Sister Cheryl,
May God add His Blessings to your beautiful web page! I pray that all who visits your page will be richly blessed! Keep pressing on, and may you be in the center of God's Will always! I hope to hear from you soon. Feel free to e-mail me anytime. By t
e way, where are you from? I've added you to my favorite list! Take care, my sister! Keep up the good work, Titus 2 Lady!
Love Your Sister In Christ,
Kimberly Phipps
David & Deborah Hite - 07/22/99 02:21:53
My Email:dhite1@ix.netcom.com
Where are you from?: Kyle, Texas
How did you hear about my site?: your email to my wife deborah huddleston hite
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
none at this time
Bonnie Mitchell - 06/30/99 04:55:50
My Email:Bonnie@apollo.aboveall.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Never fail pie crust
What is your favorite hymn?: Oh My Father
Where are you from?: Carlsbad, Ca
Where do you attend church?: Carlbad, Ca
How did you hear about my site?: Your letter to me.
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
What fun! This is just the greatest - I'm just begining to see it all.
Bonnie Mitchell - 06/30/99 04:55:41
My Email:Bonnie@apollo.aboveall.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Never fail pie crust
What is your favorite hymn?: Oh My Father
Where are you from?: Carlsbad, Ca
Where do you attend church?: Carlbad, Ca
How did you hear about my site?: Your letter to me.
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
What fun! This is just the greatest - I'm just begining to see it all.
Tona Couch - 06/30/99 02:18:49
My Email:TCouch724@aol.com
Where are you from?: Moulton, Alabama
Where do you attend church?: Sulphur Springs Baptist
Virginia Foster Campbell - 06/24/99 22:07:25
My Email:willisc@ipa.net
Where are you from?: Mena, AR originally
How did you hear about my site?: found by search
My great grandfather was a Jack Foster Born May 9, 1843, died Sep 4, 1925. Buried at Lower Big Fork Cemetery, Board Camp, AR. Married Nancy Stringfellow, Born June 6 1842, died Apr 26, 1896. Buried at Foster Cemetery near Rocky, AR. May not be your rel
tive, but sounds close. Let me know.
Delores Mosley - 06/24/99 03:59:12
My URL:http://none
My Email:dmosley@gte.net
What is your favorite recipe?: chicken and dumplings
What is your favorite hymn?: Because He lives
Where are you from?: Lavon, Texas
Where do you attend church?: First Baptist copeville
How did you hear about my site?: My grand mother was a Mcgee
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: some
My mother died recently, trying to trace the family history back to Scotland, but can't get that far.
My mother's mother was a McGee, and she married a Watkins.
gary weir - 06/22/99 23:16:04
My Email:gary.weir@virgin.net
What is your favorite recipe?: irish stew
What is your favorite hymn?: abide with me
Where are you from?: northern ireland
Where do you attend church?: bangor, co.down
How did you hear about my site?: surfing the net
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
hope your site is finished soon, i'd appreciate any e-mails.
bye for now.
Geraldine Tew - 06/20/99 18:38:12
My Email:GeraldineTew@tesco.net
What is your favorite hymn?: Dear Lord & Father of Mankind
Where are you from?: England
Where do you attend church?: St. Judes Southsea
How did you hear about my site?: Stumbled upon it
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Elizabeth Goodman - 06/17/99 17:45:24
My Email:lizzibell45@hotmail.com
What is your favorite recipe?: everything
Where are you from?: Grovetown, GA
Where do you attend church?: Fellowship Baptist
How did you hear about my site?: altavista
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: sometimes
I was trying to look up my family's geneology.
Deborah Ann Huddleston Hite - 06/12/99 14:23:38
My Email:dhite1@ix.netcom.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Roast
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Austin Texas
Where do you attend church?: N/A
How did you hear about my site?: Husband
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Would like to stay in touch and to find out more about our family tree...Thanks
Wilma(Philpot)Floyd - 06/06/99 20:55:15
My Email:mimilee49@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Sallisaw, Oklahoma
How did you hear about my site?: Found it on internet
Glad someone is trying to connect all the Philpots. My branch is the Cherry Hill, Polk Co. Ark. bunch. I am the g-g-grandaughter of Martin and Hanna(Deason)Philpot. My g-grandfather was John and Deanie(Egger or Wells) Philpot. Grandfather was Charles A
ex Philpot. Father was Arnold Philpot. Good job! keep it up!!
Wilma(Philpot)Floyd - 06/06/99 20:54:22
My Email:mimilee49@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Sallisaw, Oklahoma
How did you hear about my site?: Found it on internet
Glad someone is trying to connect all the Philpots. My branch is the Cherry Hill, Polk Co. Ark. bunch. I am the g-g-grandaughter of Martin and Hanna(Deason)Philpot. My g-grandfather was John and Deanie(Egger or Wells) Philpot. Grandfather was Charles A
ex Philpot. Father was Arnold Philpot. Good job! keep it up!!
peter allen - 06/06/99 16:11:26
My URL:http://www.g1rjenet.free-online.co.uk
My Email:peter@g1rjenet.free-online.co.uk
Where are you from?: wigston, leiecestershire, england
How did you hear about my site?: browsing allen
Annette Couch/Gannon - 06/05/99 17:54:11
My Email:optymystic@usa.net
Where do you attend church?: Wauchula Hills Baptist
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Annette Couch/Gannon - 06/05/99 17:53:46
My Email:optymystic@usa.net
Where do you attend church?: Wauchula Hills Baptist
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
wes mcmackin - 05/30/99 10:18:50
My Email:mcmackinw@hotmail.com
Just looking for possible people I am related to. I don't know much about my family history. My father's name is William Charles McMackin and he was born in Dayton, Ohio.
Tom McMackin - 05/26/99 19:41:11
My Email:tcm@openinfo.com
What is your favorite recipe?: grilled sword fish
What is your favorite hymn?: amazing grace
Where are you from?: Boston, now CT
Where do you attend church?: no
How did you hear about my site?: metacrawler
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
When will site be finished
DELANO BLUNT - 05/16/99 13:59:02
My Email:deblunt@earthlink.net
What is your favorite recipe?: garlic shrimp
What is your favorite hymn?: amazing grace
Where are you from?: milwaukee
Where do you attend church?: vernon presyb
How did you hear about my site?: searching
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: somewhat
hi cousin!hope we can complete family tree.
Charleene McBride - 05/16/99 05:27:44
My Email:Labrith@hotmail.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Curry Chicken
What is your favorite hymn?: Irish eyes are smiling
Where are you from?: Canada
Where do you attend church?: Indian Metis Christin fellowship
How did you hear about my site?: I was looking for information about my family name "McBride" and just surfed in.
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: I live for art and crafts
If you could give me any info. on the McBride name It would really help me.
Thank you
Blair Mcmackin - 05/10/99 21:48:49
What is your favorite recipe?: pizza
What is your favorite hymn?: self asteem
Where are you from?: philomath,OR
How did you hear about my site?: search engine
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
I,m a MCmackin
Wells, Claudia - 05/09/99 15:09:07
My Email:claudswel@aol.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Sweet Potatoe Soup
What is your favorite hymn?: 23rd Psalms
Where are you from?: NJ
Where do you attend church?: Unitarian Church
How did you hear about my site?: Genology Search
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes, Iam a designer
I am really interested in creating my family tree.
Please send me any info you may have on John Wells
from Michigan.
Thank You, Claudia
Joe Lippencott - 05/07/99 16:54:44
My Email:lippen@rci.rutgers.edu
What is your favorite recipe?: Chili
Where are you from?: Somerset, NJ
How did you hear about my site?: Search for Lippencott
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
My passion is woodworking. Furniture and such. I
specialize in Shaker & Mission styles.
Who are you? I am trying to trace my ancestry but
haven't found much yet. I would like to know how
my family fits in with the family tree. Please
e-mail me if you have any info.
Kathy Mixon Russell - 04/29/99 03:43:42
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Louisiana
Where do you attend church?: Beauf River Baptist Church
How did you hear about my site?: just surfing
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Cross-Stitch
Linda - 04/19/99 03:51:00
My Email:lindaz@r/v.net
What is your favorite recipe?: earthquake cake
What is your favorite hymn?: Standing on Holy Ground
Where are you from?: Ar.
Where do you attend church?: Nazarene
How did you hear about my site?: looking
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
looking for A.E. foster ,daughterAda Belle
Linda - 04/19/99 03:47:00
My Email:lindaz@r/v.net
What is your favorite recipe?: earthquake cake
What is your favorite hymn?: Standing on Holy Ground
Where are you from?: Ar.
Where do you attend church?: Nazarene
How did you hear about my site?: looking
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
looking for E.A.Foster ,daughter Ada Belle
Mary Ellen (Couch) Kidd - 04/18/99 20:08:45
What is your favorite hymn?: In the Garden
Where are you from?: Greenville, PA
Where do you attend church?: St. Clement's Episcopal
How did you hear about my site?: Scanning
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Not At All
Francisco R. Allen - 04/18/99 04:07:23
My Email:leallenu@datasys.com.mx
Where are you from?: México City
How did you hear about my site?: Searching for Allen's family tree
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
My relatives were living in Trenton and Plainfield County, New Jersey around 1830. Any comments on their whereabouts?
cortney tanner - 04/17/99 12:29:31
Where are you from?: slc
looking for family history. John tanner family
ambien - 04/14/99 16:55:31
My URL:/Heartland/Village/5502/ambien.html
What is your favorite recipe?: My homemade Turkey & Dressing
What is your favorite hymn?: Just a Closer Walk With Him
Where are you from?: TX
Where do you attend church?: Grace Baptist
How did you hear about my site?: exploring Heartland Village
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes, I like photography, ceramics, and designing web pages
Very Nice page! I enjoyed the Christian Music! Took me back to a time when I attended my brother's church. Thank you!
Wiley Dixon - 04/14/99 02:54:38
My Email:wdixon@wpmedia.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Lemon Pie
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Bartow Ga. Goose Creek,SC
Where do you attend church?: Palmeto land Baptist
How did you hear about my site?: Search for Family Tree
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: some
Looking for my roots.
Dewayne Turpin - 04/05/99 00:15:43
My Email:reverandcash@mindspring.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Chocolate Oat Cookies
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Illinois now in Georgia
Where do you attend church?: Doerun First Baptist
How did you hear about my site?: Just looking up name
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: NO
Just nice to know there are more Turpins out there in the world. Never have seen any other than my imediate family.
William Carson Faulkner - 04/04/99 22:34:22
My Email:southerngas@kih.net
Where are you from?: corbin, ky.
Where do you attend church?: seventeenth st. christian
- 03/30/99 19:55:08
CHERYL I really enjoyed your web site/ Will be interested in recipes, so will check that out. Jackie
Pat Bostock - 03/25/99 10:02:45
My Email:jimboz@bigpond.com
What is your favorite recipe?: banana fritters
What is your favorite hymn?: Abide With Me
Where are you from?: Australia
Where do you attend church?: Church of England
How did you hear about my site?: Surfing the Net
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: No
My interest in Allen is that my grandfather was born in Suffolk, England and then went to sea at 14 and at 19 was put off the ship in Sydney, Australia, because of illness, and he lived there for about 20 years, and then went to India, where he worked on
he railways. My father was born in Calcutta, as I was. Then we came to Australia.
Patty - 03/21/99 03:54:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/2723/
My Email:phbd@iol14.com
What is your favorite recipe?: spagetti
What is your favorite hymn?: Anchor
Where are you from?: Tampa, Fla.
Where do you attend church?: Forest Hills Bapt.
How did you hear about my site?: You signed my book so I clicked onto yours
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes, very much when I have the time.
Hi There,
Your pages are great. You have a great teacher. Keep up the good work. I have the same teacher plus a sister that helps. Keep in touch. My address changed. God bless Patty
Maria Blackburn - 03/18/99 22:56:34
My Email:mariablackburn@ hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Pikeville,Kentucky
Where do you attend church?: Faith First Baptist Church
How did you hear about my site?: From a friend that I go to church with .
Maria Blackburn - 03/18/99 22:53:06
My Email:mariablackburn@ hotmail.com
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Pikeville
Where do you attend church?: Faith First Baptist Churh
How did you hear about my site?: From a friend that i go to church with (Dave Brown)
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
your page is very well put together and very nice i enjoyed it alot i will tell everyone about it!
Linda Medford - 03/17/99 19:20:32
My Email:mexico@acsip.com
Where are you from?: Hillsboro Oregon
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Hi I'm trying to learn more about my family history , my fathers name was Melvin Medford . He was born in Texas , any imformation would be helpful. Thank you
Diane - 03/17/99 07:36:24
My Email:daks@tsn.cc
Where are you from?: England, live in Australia
How did you hear about my site?: looking for family tree info
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
I'm looking forward to the completion of your site, who knows, we might be related...
John Huddleston - 03/14/99 17:18:44
My Email:cadima19@idt.net
What is your favorite recipe?: scalloped pototoes and ham
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Earl Dotson - 03/12/99 01:06:49
My Email:rdotson@infoave.net
What is your favorite recipe?: sausage beans
What is your favorite hymn?: I have several, Amazing Grace & " old time religion "
Where are you from?: Lexington, North Carolina
Where do you attend church?: East End Baptist
How did you hear about my site?: My cousin goes to you'r church Doug Stace & Velina Stacy
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Doug & Velina told me about it. Im glad i got to look at it, its nice. if you have recipe's for "deer meat " i would really appreciate it. I have a few but i would like some more, thanks. I have been told about you'r church one time when me and my wife co
es back to VA we are gonna come down to Doug & Velina's and go to church with them. well i gota go take care and GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Sue Hayes - 03/10/99 15:38:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/3829
My Email:cshayes@flash.net
Where are you from?: Texas
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Ihave been doing research on a couple of Brewers, and thought perhaps you might know something about them. Willim E. b.1876 & William J.about 1840. Am almost deperate to find someone who knows one or both of the gentlemen. Thanks
Jeffrey G. Allen - 03/08/99 23:59:42
My Email:pranger@bellatlantic.net
Where are you from?: Laurel, De.
Just looking for Allen family tree & thought I would sign.
Kathy Koch - 02/25/99 23:08:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/6704/
My Email:kathykoch@geocities.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Chicken and Dumplings
Where are you from?: Oklahoma
How did you hear about my site?: search
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: some
I'm working on Faulkner Family Tree also. Curious to know if you are related.
Also, how do you get your site to come up when searching? Mine never shows up.
Please visit me.
GAIL - 02/10/99 22:14:23
What is your favorite recipe?: MOMS FRIED CHICKEN
What is your favorite hymn?: JUST A CLOSER WALK WITH THEE
Where are you from?: COVINGTON GA
Where do you attend church?: NEW TESTIMENT APOSTOLIC
How did you hear about my site?: PATSY'S HOME PAGE
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: YES I DO
Martha Taylor - 01/25/99 03:54:46
My Email:marfy99@yahoo.com
What is your favorite recipe?: I like all food
What is your favorite hymn?: I like them allI remember
Where are you from?: Hagerstown, In.
Where do you attend church?: Evening Light Tabernacle
How did you hear about my site?: my niece
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
I remember you as a young girl. Brother Thompson was my pastor for many years.
John - 01/07/99 05:35:31
My Email:johnhall@primenet.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Oatmeal Rasin Cookies
What is your favorite hymn?: All Southern Gospel
Where are you from?: Tucson
Where do you attend church?: Tucson Tabernacle
How did you hear about my site?: From my wife
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Oh Yes!!!
Honey,You always do a excellent job!
Laurie - 01/05/99 02:34:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/8695
My Email:turkeymama@geocities.com
What is your favorite recipe?: Steak
What is your favorite hymn?: How Great Thou Art - I guess -- I love tons of them!
Where are you from?: Utah
Where do you attend church?: yes
How did you hear about my site?: Just cruising around the neighborhood
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Hi! Just wanted to sign your guestbook while I was strolling in the neighborhood. Enjoyed my visit and will enjoy watching your page grow. I am your Community Leader and am willing to help you with your HTML or any of GeoCities' features that you wish
elp with. Come and see my help page at http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/8695/helppage.html. Also, we have a Village Community Center and we'd love a visit from you. Be sure to sign the guestbook! http://www.geocties.com/Heartland/Village/2153.
nd, while you are looking at cool things – you may be interested in our very own webring entitled "It Takes A Village". The home page for the webring is found at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2738/cl/webring.html. Enjoy yourself and don't fo
get – I'm only an email away (turkeymama@geocities.com)
SIS PAIGE - 12/05/98 17:22:15
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/~brightskydaystar/
My Email:rjneuman@snip.net
What is your favorite hymn?: take the name of Jesus with you
Where are you from?: pa
Where do you attend church?: living word christian assembly, ambler, pa
How did you hear about my site?: from you
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
Hi Cheryl... I just put a link to your page on my new homepage and I just wanted to let you know!
My page is still in the construction stage and it is taking me forever because I am trying to use HTML which I know nothing about! :^)
Hope to chat again soon. God Bless you.
ambien - 11/22/98 14:45:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/5502
My Email:ambien35@yahoo.com
What is your favorite recipe?: My daddy's Cornbread Dressing Recipe
What is your favorite hymn?: How Great Thou Art
Where are you from?: TX
Where do you attend church?: Grace Baptist Church
How did you hear about my site?: surfing
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
sis. Paige Neuman - 11/10/98 03:59:50
What is your favorite recipe?: yours or mine?
What is your favorite hymn?: I'll Fly away
Where are you from?: pa
Where do you attend church?: Living Word Christian Assembly
How did you hear about my site?: from you
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes...if only there were more time in a day!
So far so good! When i have more time I'll send you my recipe for oatmeal scones! Very yummy with lots of butter! Enjoyed your site. Talk to you soon =)
Frances Roberts - 11/01/98 15:23:41
My Email:robertsfl@brandons.net
Where are you from?: originally Texas
Where do you attend church?: Episcopal
How did you hear about my site?: searching TURPIN
I am searching for the parents of James Thomas Turpin b: abt 1818 Bedford Co TN. Any help will be appreciated.
Sandra Turpin - 10/29/98 16:08:46
My Email:starfireflaming@hotmail
Where are you from?: Minnesota
How did you hear about my site?: search for turpin on the internet
Hope you web is up soon, looking forward to seeing the turpin lines you have put together so far.
gmturpin - 10/19/98 05:52:59
My Email:gmturpin@earthlink.net
gmturpin - 10/19/98 05:52:42
My Email:gmturpin@earthlink.net
Jackie Bare - 10/08/98 16:15:32
My Email:jcrowe@arkansas.net
What is your favorite hymn?: I'll fly away
Where are you from?: Arkansas
Where do you attend church?: Mena
How did you hear about my site?: My sister
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
My ggrandmother on my mothers side was Anne Norman who married James Eckhardt and they had Josie,Sethel,Glen Rosa (my grandmother),Willie,Faye and David.And I knew your papaw Malvin Mourton very well. He will be missed very much also.
AprilIrons - 10/08/98 02:18:36
My Email:irons@ipa.net
What is your favorite recipe?: Key Lime Pie
Where are you from?: Story
How did you hear about my site?: My Mom's E-Mail
Florence Irons - 10/06/98 15:11:00
What is your favorite hymn?: Washed in the Blood
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: yes
I thought it was wonderful. Flo
10/05/98 10:39:08
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
wayne - 09/22/98 01:33:45
I visited on Monday, 09/21/1998. Wayne
Cindy - 09/04/98 18:58:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6276
My Email:bride@cheerful.com
What is your favorite recipe?: all of them!
What is your favorite hymn?: I'll Fly Away, sung by Bro Jeff Bryant
Where are you from?: MD
Where do you attend church?: Christian Life Church
How did you hear about my site?: I was invited
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: Yes
Dear Sister Cheryl,
Your Site is Beautiful!!!! I knew you would be great at this!
Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing all you have in store for us!
God Bless!
dave brown - 09/04/98 14:01:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/village/4506
My Email:browndg@geocities.com
What is your favorite recipe?: food
What is your favorite hymn?: how great tho art
Where are you from?: ky
Where do you attend church?: faithfirst
How did you hear about my site?: browsing
i love roses but thats the first time i thought about it the way you do, a red rose means love and the lord does love us your page is very good i'm just learning about html i have mess around with pc for several years but didn't get to web pages until the
lord gave me something to do for him because i look for a year for my job for him
but this is what i'm going to learn and i hope that someone will get a blessing from it
bless you
the lord is great
Jennifer Mourton-Jones - 09/04/98 01:25:47
My Email:JJDJ@rogersark.net
What is your favorite recipe?: anything sweet
What is your favorite hymn?: Amazing Grace
Where are you from?: Sapulpa,OK
Where do you attend church?: First UMC, Sapulpa
How did you hear about my site?: e-mail
Do you enjoy arts and crafts projects?: don't usually have time
Keep up the work. Should be interesting to see final project.
Barbara Foster - 09/03/98 15:10:44
My Email:Bfoster818@aol.com
Hi Cheryl: Congratulations on your new site. I'll have to come back later to fill in the rest of the above. You've done a great job on this site and I hope you have lots of fun with it and make some new friends.
- 08/31/98 05:20:13
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