IMSkool Assignments - Week of May 22 - 26
Math  Language Arts  Science  Alaska History  Vocabulary  Writing  Reading - Quiz Lab
Information Please
Math Quick Reference
Math Quizzer
A+ Math Flashcards

InterMath Dictionary
Harcourt Math Glossary
Geometry Terms

Fraction Calculator  Calculator: Signed Numbers

We will be finding the perimeter and area of two-dimensional shapes.
Formulas for finding area and perimeter 
login_to PinkMonkey

Review Chapter 3 Polygons
 3.1 Definition
 3.2 Terminology
 3.3 Sum Of Interior Angles Of A Polygon
 3.4 Sum Of Exterior Angles Of A Polygon
 3.5 Trapezoids
 3.6 Parallelogram
 3.7 Square, Rectangle And Rhombus

Study  Chapter 4 Perimeter And Area 
 4.1 Perimeter
 4.2 Square
 4.3 Rectangle
 4.4 Parallelogram
 4.5 Triangle
 4.6 Trapezoids
 4.7 Circles

Do all problems on Solving Perimeter and Area Problems 1

Study these additional sites:
 Perimeter of Polygons
 Area of Squares and Rectangles
 Area of Parallelograms
 Area of Triangles
 Area of Trapezoids
 Circumference of a Circle
 Area of a Circle

 Geometry Glossary with Illustrations

 Geometric Formulas

Stock Market Exercise
Stock Market Unit
Salomon Smith Barney Young Investors Network
Stock Market Forms  Tues.
Send Forms on Tuesday.

Language Arts
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
Writing Lab: Grammar
Guide to Grammar
Grammar Handbook 
On-Line English Grammar
Guide to Grammar & Writing
Research Paper

Short Description of Assignment:
Analysis/Argument Research Paper 
Length: 6-8 pages, typed, double-spaced (6 for Cody, Adam and 8 for Jasper) 
Format: Follow current MLA guidelines 
Source requirement: 5-7 sources. 
Finished Assignment: hand in beginning thesis statement, bibliography and note cards, outline, rough draft, final paper with all sources
properly cited.

Expanded Description of Assignment:
Research Paper Assignment

Checksheet for Writing a Research Report 

Due Date: May 31 (must be turned in and approved before you get out of school for the summer)

____  Set Work Schedule/Timetable 
____  Identify General Topic, Begin Library Work 
____  Clarify Required Documentation Style
____  Read to Narrow Topic 
____  Draft Preliminary Proposal (thesis statement)
____  Begin Research and Notetaking 
____  Draft Tentative Working Outline 
You should have finished your tentative working outline and have your first draft written next week.
____  Continue Research and Notetaking 
____  Draft Final Outline 
____  Refine Thesis and Write First Draft 
____  Fill In Any Gaps 
____  Develop Works Cited Sheet 
____  Read, Revise and Write Additional Drafts 
____  Edit, Format and Double-Check Citations 
____  Complete Final Draft and Proofread 
____  Final Paper Turned In

This list is explained in more depth here Steps To Writing A Research Paper

Research Papers A good handout for understanding research papers and how they should be written.
Note and Bibliography Card Samples
Bibliography and Note Cards templates for your use
Thesis and Purpose Statements and Developing a Thesis Statement
Research Outline Form a form to help you make a preliminary outline
Citing Sources MLA style

Simple Machines
Simple Machines 2
Physical Science 
All we have left in science is to learn the formulas and math to figure energy and force problems.
U.S. History U.S. History - From the Civil War to WW I

The post-Civil War United States was characterized by rapid industrialization, a  continuing westward movement across the Great Plains, a massive influx of foreign  immigrants, and the slow emergence of the United States into a position of world  power. The westward movement fueled by the desire for land, led to a long series of  evictions of Plains Indians from their lands onto less desirable reservations.  Immigration from Europe exceeded 13,000,000 between 1900 and 1914 alone and  provided labour for the North's burgeoning factories. When Cuba revolted against  Spain in 1895, American sympathies and interests ultimately led to war with Spain  (1898). Victory brought the United States its first overseas territories (the Philippines,  Guam, Puerto Rico) and marked it as an emergent international power. The United  States' rise to great-power status had its price. Though President Woodrow Wilson  pledged neutrality in World War I, the United States was unable to remain outside the  struggle. Its entry into the war in 1917 was decisive in bringing about an Allied victory  and commenced American involvement in the European balance of power.

American History 1860-1920    Unit Study Plan
The Origins of Labor and Farmer Protest, 1865-1900  This week's assignment
Read Introduction, Main Idea, Discussion 

Complete the  Self-Help Exercises  after attempting to answer, check your answers
Compelete the Review Questions answer all question you can
Read   1865-1900 Politics & Protest  which is more in-depth 
Study for Unit Test (if you read the material and complete the Self-Help Exercises and the Review Questions you will be able to pass the Unit Test)

Other References: 
Formation of unions
The Haymarket Riot
USA: Outline of American History 

Timeline: 1860-1869

Vocabulary Write complete and correct sentences containing each vocabulary word.
journal - log book; diary, notebook, memoir, register, chronicle;  antonym: none
previous - earlier in time; former, preceding, prior, first;  antonym: later, following, subsequent, ensuing, succeeding
strength - power and endurance; force, vigor, energy, might;  antonym: frailty, weakness, delicacy, infirmity
ascertain - make certain; determine, discover, learn, establish, certify;  antonym: none
elaborate - intricate in form; enrich, enhance, complicated, detailed;  antonym: simple, plain, basic, natural, artless 
Structure of the Five Paragraph Essay
Writing with Samples
Indispensable Writing Resources Site
Organizing, Editing, Revising, 
and Evaluating the Five Paragraph Essay
A Five Paragraph Essay Rubric
Write a research paper.
Why the Step by Step Approach?
Step 1 - Getting Started - preparing for the assignment and getting ready to choose a topic 
Step 2 - Discovering and Choosing a Topic  - reading to become informed 
Step 3 - Looking for and Forming a Focus - exploring your topic 
Step 4 - Gathering Information which clarifies and supports your focus 
Step 5 - Preparing to Write - analyzing and organizing your information and forming a thesis statement
Step 6 - Writing the Paper - writing, revising and finalizing
Reading These books should be completed.
Adam read  The Giver
Cody read   My Brother Sam is Dead
Jasper read  Sounder