Bryan - 08/15/00 18:36:06 My | Comments: Hello Terrier, We briefly spoke about your article and I decided to go thru your website. Great job! You've made me decide to go and finish my family's site! Beautiful kids (must've got it from mommy...) |
Stuffy - 08/09/00 01:01:03 My URL:/tijuana_lady_1999 My | Comments: Heya, hottie dawg! What a great page... the girls are gorgeous and look so much like you :) I feel like I know them through the Terrier Tales, and it's fantastic to see them! Thank (((((you))))) so much for everything and for being such a great friend. Lo e, strength and happiness... Vicky |
Manatee_44 - 08/04/00 14:39:28 My | Comments: Brava! Brava! ((((My cyber-daughter))))!! You made me laugh. You made me cry. You made me so pleased with how you're raising those BEAUTIFUL girls of yours. You are a wonder and a delight. We need more women like you in this world. I love you, Alice, AND hose wonderful cyber-grandbabies of mine. Cya, MomMana (NanaMana) :o) |
Sharwoo - 07/26/00 02:42:24 My | Comments: Wow, Terier!!! Your kids and house are beautiful!!! I'd love to see pics of your gardens!! Thanks for sharing your family with us!!! |
SevenLamps - 07/19/00 07:16:57 My URL: | Comments: BEAUTIFUL family!!! And awesome web pages!! Bobbie |
venus_chic.. - 07/13/00 19:29:05 My URL:http://geocites/Heartland/Falls/3308/ourwebpage1.html | Comments: Terr: Nice web page..I cannot believe it took me this long to look , however my one fault is procrastination, but I does git to it! Lovely children and the fellas not bad either ..hehe Take care and KEEP SMILIN! Jacalyn |
Audrey - 05/22/00 03:54:35 My | Comments: Alice, ya doin? I'm doin good. The girls looks lovely as usual. I just wanted you to know that I miss talkin to ya. I made one A and one B in this semester of school. Was shootin for 2 A's but missed it by 2.5 pts. No more french. yeah. I hope ll is well. I don't really get on a lot. So much goin on. Trey's doin well and is in Tball and Tiger Cubs. Well I won't keep ya. Just wanted to say hello. Have a great day. Aud |
The Duke Of LA - 05/05/00 00:08:18 My | Comments: |
The Duke Of LA - 05/04/00 23:47:24 My | Comments: Beautiful family. Beautiful lady. Ok Trivia dame. Funny. LOL type funny. |
Terri - 05/01/00 17:32:10 My URL:ya know it My Email:ya know this too! | Comments: Dearest Alice. What a wonderful welcome home to see your message on my guest book. I don't even know why I looked at my guest book....maybe I knew deep inside there would be a message from you. Luv you Bunches!!!!!! |
just me - 04/09/00 19:48:41 | Comments: we miss you, terrier!!!! |
Michael Potenza - 04/01/00 04:33:46 My | Comments: Hi Guys My name is Michael Potenza and along with my family live in Melbourne Australia. We are in the process of also setting up our family page and came across your site. Interested in your background, do you also have links back to the Potenza region of Italy? There are not many Potenza's in Australia, but there seems heaps in the US!! Regards Michael Potenza and family |
new_to_this_planet - 03/28/00 18:25:56 | Comments: They are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing them with me, today and everyday. I didnt have children but always wanted them. You make me feel a part of your world.Love those kiddles |
sam - 03/17/00 00:28:18 My Email:longosa@tin it | Comments: you have a powerful person family, compliments, I hope a lot of happiness, |
danny - 03/16/00 21:15:07 My | Comments: nice kids nice family. have a good life. |
lisa - 03/07/00 01:18:57 My | Comments: wonder if we are related ? |
me - 02/28/00 23:03:57 | Comments: damn you look good!!!!! |
scott - 02/28/00 23:01:08 | Comments: its me just checkin in |
frankie - 02/26/00 06:10:09 | Comments: I dunno why you don't come to trivia anymore... or maybe I am not on when you are? We miss you : ) |
Judy Bird - 02/18/00 19:50:05 My URL: My | Comments: You have a very nice looking family. I have enjoyed looking at your homepage very much. I hope you will have a chance to look at my homepage we have lots of nice pages on ours too like you do. Have a great day and May God bless and keep your family safe always. |
northernwolfforyou - 02/07/00 17:00:50 My | Comments: great pic of you and family |
Tom C. - 01/31/00 02:53:25 My | Comments: Lovely family. |
mastablasta2 (rach) - 01/27/00 14:27:51 My | Comments: Well wow. I was cleaning out my hotmail account today and found an email from you from Autumn! Hehe So I'm late! I'm always late everywhere. But hey better late than never. I was so touched and honoured to find myself among your friends. LICKS TO YOU. Love ya lots...You special person you!!!! Thank you for touching my heart. OH AND mastablasta2 drags terr into the closet and .....well im not saying LMAO simply thank you. (excuse the sop...:P) |
Robin - 01/26/00 00:05:30 My URL:/Heartland/Oaks/9232/ | Comments: What a beautiful family and I love the style of your home.... |
Bob - 01/23/00 04:45:12 My | Comments: One outstanding sight. Keep up the GREAT work. |
mark ( cobbie ) - 01/16/00 20:13:13 My | Comments: Hi !!. Just thought I stop by and look at your home page. What adorable children !!!. Also just wanted to say how I ( and I'm sure everyone else ) loves listening to you sing in VC. You have a truly wonderful voice. If you ever need to get hold of any son lyrics then there is an excellent selection at Just click on Lyrics Mania and then Browse Lyrics... all the songs are sorted by artist. See ya in the chatrooms real soon.... and keep singing for us !!! ..... Best wishes... Mark |
MasterInBlackLeather - 01/12/00 21:21:59 My | Comments: Alice...the trivia babe and world's most beautiful webmaster! Gosh...did I just call YOU master?? I love the page. Had to come back and check out the additions and hear those great midis. Beautiful pictures, babe! Of course, you know the link I LOVE he best! |
Nag - 01/03/00 19:14:08 My URL: shores/6164 My | Comments: Its been so long since I have worked on my page I screwed up the URL. So I had to come BACK and visit yet again. LOVE YOU |
NAGGIE - 01/03/00 19:10:51 My URL: shores/nag1966 My | Comments: Oh my, I just cruzed through your site yet again and I am so glad Nella finally got some shoes! JK. I love the Christmas page as it brings me closer to the girls and you. I love you so much and cannot wait until I can hug you in person. You are the world o me......LUV NAGGIE |
MasterInBlackLeather - 12/31/99 20:30:49 | Comments: Hey, trivia babe...great page! |
yaya - 12/31/99 01:25:20 My | Comments: Terri just met you Wednesday in chat. Wow nice pages, you have a great looking family. Do you live in Boston? Or were you just on the ship to watch the whales? Your house looked great!! Keep up the good work. yaya |
Cracker Spread - 12/30/99 22:37:57 | Comments: Best looking kids on the face of Earth. And their mom ain't too shabby either. Schwing! |
Sue Robins - 12/24/99 18:50:46 My | Comments: Very Nice |
massjim - 12/23/99 17:28:25 My | Comments: loved the page and all the pics , have a meerry xmas and a happy new year! Hugs JIM |
Devon and Tamra - 12/23/99 05:18:40 My | Comments: Hi Bob, Alice, and the Girls -- Its great to see you all again, even if it is in cyberspace. We were recalling the last time we saw Tory -- she was about 3 years old. Time flies! Thanks for sharing the pictures. |
Frank Sinatra And The Summer Wind - 12/22/99 20:36:49 My URL:http:// My | Comments: Eeeeeet's Frankieeeeeeeee!!!! Hey hey, love the midis :) |
Matthew - 12/21/99 23:12:57 My | Comments: Hugs Terr. thanks for sharing your family with me again. I consider myself lucky to have friedns like you. Matthew :) |
Rocc - 12/20/99 13:12:36 My | Comments: What a beautiful family.. I wish you ALL THE BEST in the coming year... |
Jeff - 12/20/99 01:59:44 My | Comments: Alice, All your pages are wonderful |
- 12/18/99 04:23:13 | Comments: |
kooky_kim - 12/17/99 03:08:46 My | Comments: What adorable children! Love the Christmas page. You have a beautiful family. Merry Christmas! |
Kim - 12/16/99 20:38:27 My | Comments: You have such a beautiful family terr, here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas, and a wonderful, prosperous New Year. (wow..I was actually serious there) LUV YA!!!!,funnyface(Kim) |
Jean - 12/16/99 18:53:49 My | Comments: nice to see your family very nice. you have a lovely family hugsssssssssssssssssssssssssss luv ya angel aka Jean |
The Lucious Bodatious Beautiful Loveable Blue Eyed Lesbian - 12/16/99 02:33:29 | Comments: Hey GIRLIE!!! Beautiful Christmas page. Dang, Nella get some HAIR!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful girls and beautiful living room decorations!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YA BABE!!!! AND A HAPPY NEW MILLINIUM (did i spell that right??)!!!!!! LOVE YOU TONS!!!! Mojo "A new year, a new century, a new beginning, new laughter and new tears, new memories, refreshed old ones, new loves, new heartaches, healing from the old ones, a new you... are you ready?" |
Aud - 12/16/99 00:12:02 My | Comments: My dearest and my nieces are beautiful..I'm glad they didn't get their looks from aunt Audrey..LOL. I love you are the best sister I could have ever asked for. I'm always w/ you in your heart...NEVER forget that. Give my nieces a lovin hug from me and smoochies for you too.......Aud |
Guy - 12/15/99 23:59:30 My | Comments: Dear Alice and Family, It was so nice to hear from you again. Made my day. Beautiful pictures. I don't think I'll ever forget dance time. Susan and I have been talking online a lot. I don't know how she does it. She's always so busy, and always thinking of everyone but her elf. Do me a favor, next time she's over your place, give her a hug and a kiss for me. And again, thank you for my Thanksgiving. Guy |
Allie - 12/15/99 22:39:10 My | Comments: Beautiful Christmas card, Alice! And beautiful family and beautiful YOU! Have a great holiday season...Love, Allie |
angela (hell_bent4leather) - 12/15/99 22:14:00 My | Comments: awwwwww the kiddies look so cute. and so do mom and dad. All the best to u both. kisses!! |
Kim Tabor - 12/15/99 21:56:40 My | Comments: OH thank you for sharing your web page with me your girls are BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks soo much and Merry Christmas to you and your family! |
Topper - 12/15/99 19:59:17 | Comments: Oh how lovely. Merry Christmas sweet pea, to you and your lovely family. Hugs |
zinger - 12/15/99 19:17:16 My | Comments: ummmmmm, very cute |
Windwalker - 12/15/99 18:17:50 | Comments: Gonna have to show this to my little boy, Garrett - age 3 - and see which one of the exquisite ghouls he picks out....roflmao!!!! |
Ray McGinnis - 12/10/99 20:52:03 My | Comments: Alice, I love the page. You and your daughters are beautiful. I'll be sure to visit the page again. Why the "Odd Couple" caption with your hubby? |
Pebo - 12/03/99 04:49:37 My URL: My | Comments: I came back to sneak a peek...Fix your links would ya!!! hugsssssss...ME! |
splenectomized - 11/22/99 01:22:12 My | Comments: Hi Alica, and family, i have no idea what to put really, except, you have really pretty children, damnit, why cant mine look like that (not that i have any, but i bet they wont look like that) well, nice page, i am making one, i made one before, but took t down, maybe i will get round to replacing it, somday soon, well, i am very glad i met u (pity bout hubby, but i am sure that dose or arsenic will start working soon), and i am glad i got too see all your great photo's, and esp of your beutifull children they are adorable!!!! Splenectomized |
Petite_Italian_Girl_1975 - 11/21/99 01:36:30 My | Comments: What a great family homepage! I love your CUTIE kids :o) Keep update your homepage and I will visit again and I hope you visit my homepage when it done :o) |
paul and joanne - 11/20/99 01:14:12 My Email:SFCDAD_78@YAHOO.COM | Comments: WOW you have a great looking family.we have been marrid for 22yrs and hopeing to chat with you :-)(ps) i was born in boston mass!!! |
Sportsdude00 - 11/17/99 19:02:09 My | Comments: Alice, I enjoyed looking at your page. You have a very nice family. That is not my real e mail address....just wanted to let you know! The Dude |
Kim (Ppurty) - 11/14/99 23:30:41 My | Comments: What a great looking family you have!!! |
Paddypops - 11/11/99 20:35:20 My | Comments: Thanks for inviting me to your Autumn page its great love the Halloween pics and as for catwoman wow!!! |
Steve/Gambit - 11/08/99 04:57:26 My URL: My | Comments: Hey there, just visited your page for the first time in a long while...guess it's been too long...the kids are looking great and loved the Catwoman outfit hehe...keep up the great work and talk to you soon HUGSSSSSsssssss and kisses |
Burnt Out Dad - 11/07/99 14:59:32 | Comments: Wow...What a great Halloween page. LOL And the Cat woman out look great. my boys loved the queen Amadala. Hugsssssss |
larry - 11/07/99 05:35:40 My URL: My | Comments: great pics terr,wow,, i love that cat suit,,huggggggggggs hon |
Rose ( Topper) - 11/06/99 10:23:13 My Email:Topper52722@Yahoo.Com | Comments: Terr- what a lovely family.....Your home looks like it is straight out of a fairytale. Who is that masked man ????? woo hoo -!!!! What cute kiddies, it appears they love autumn as much as mommy does. Hugs. See you in Chat. Topper |
Kar_Ohm - 11/05/99 20:16:59 My | Comments: It was nice visiting your page. I now have some faces to put with screen names. I have joined the Parents Room, with an invitation from fannycat. Hopefully I can get some of my family pics in the club album. Real cute kids. |
NAGGIE - 11/05/99 19:08:32 My URL: My Email:YOU KNOW IT | Comments: OH!!! I love your Autum Page. It looks so warm and cozy!! The girls are beautiful as usual and ba-ba-boom what a cat women!!!.....LUV YOU SOOOOO MUCH |
frusty - 11/05/99 17:04:00 My URL: My | Comments: WOW! This is great!! The pictures are terrific! Your kiddos are gorgeous! Thanks for inviting me! Fondly, Frusty |
Your lil one - 11/01/99 05:27:31 | Comments: Wow... been a while since i've been here. I didn't realize this til i looked on your front page and the PICTURES CHANGED!!!!! LOL!! As always you and your girls are absolutely beautiful. I miss you all dearly and cannot wait til the day i get to see and h gg you all once more. Hopefully its sooner than later.... Alice... you fill my life with words of wisdom... much laughter... plenty of smiles... many tears, but more than anything you fill it with love. Keep shining all your light... for those who cast th ir light upon others cannot keep it from themselves! HUGGS AND SMOOCHES... I love you so very much my dear beautiful big sis... always will. Your lil one |
Angela DiGregorio - 10/13/99 00:04:08 My | Comments: what a great web site. and what adorable children!! Tanti tanti auguri di buona fortuna. |
NAGSTER - 10/07/99 15:43:20 My URL:/heartland/shores/6164 My Email:you have it!!! | Comments: Hi my dearest POTENZAs!!! I must be honest and let you know I was just hear reading Tori's, Stanzi's and Nella's pages. What a wonderful life you girls have. And your Mom is not to shabby either. Big hugsssss to all of you and I hope to meet you in person one day. I hope the three of you have visited my page so you can get to know me too..LUV YA BUNCHES....Naggie |
Pebo - 10/06/99 04:49:49 My URL: My | Comments: Hey Terr...Nice page...Nice kids...Nice home...But sheesh...Do you have to have the sign guestbook on every page...You made me feel so guilty that I had to sign...See you in chat!! |
Auntie Sue - 09/09/99 12:16:21 | Comments: Hi All, Haven't been here for awhile. Looks good. I don't think it is possible for you girls to get any prettier. Hey Tori g/f Radio Disney ROCKS! Love to you all. Auntie Sue |
Henry J. Lemley - 09/04/99 21:27:42 My | Comments: Your page is so precious, it brings a tear to my eye each time I see it. I Love You, Alice. Jon |
ChandraO - 08/19/99 21:35:47 My | Comments: oh woman you need my pic in your friends thingie and you need to icq me I lost it again. lol talk to you soon???? Chandra |
BBeeBBs - 08/08/99 03:57:41 My | Comments: Aww was just farkin around and some how stumbled on to your page. Don't know who they heck ya are but you've got beautiful children. Hmmm that stanzi sure is a cutie pie. She looks like someone i know. Ah hell can't remember her name. That Nag character s ems to be a beautiful person... how old is she... 40? Hmmm and that BB person... WOOF... thats a dog on a stick if i've ever seen one. Who is that person with her though? That you? WOW... break me off a piece of that... MM MMM MMMMMMMM yum yum yummy to my tum tum tummy. Hehehehe... Hey maybe i'll see ya round. Huggs and Mooches... love you. PS... Head up young one |
Pygal98 - 07/30/99 12:59:25 My URL: My | Comments: omg ilove you page.. you have done a great job loved the pics of the kids very cute girls...... see ya in chat =o) |
swanssong - 07/28/99 21:15:49 My | Comments: HI!!!!!!!! Its me wooo hoooo!!!!!!!! |
Tamara - 07/27/99 17:45:09 My URL:/SouthBeach/Inlet/3569/ | Comments: Hey Terr its me again. I just saw the page you dedicated to Nag. It was a lovely tribute to a friend. Well done. Huggsss Always, Tammy |
NAGGIE - 07/27/99 17:28:01 | Comments: omg....You just made ME cry!!! I don't know how to tell you just how special MY page is in YOUR life. I am at a loss for words but not at a loss for love for you. Friends Forever |
swanssong_69 - 07/26/99 21:43:31 | Comments: Hey whats up there>?????/ |
NAGGIE - 07/24/99 20:45:56 My URL: My | Comments: ALICE....Hello dear! I just saw your page to BB!! I am now sitting here with a giant lump in my throat. What a beutiful tribute to a wonderful visit. (someday my dream will come true...SE said so). I love you so much and in my heart you reside forever!!!! |
kooky_kim - 07/22/99 00:55:08 My | Comments: Great pics! Only one problem: I didn't see one of meeeee anywhere!! LOL You did a great job on your site. Very original! Hugssssssss |
Jeff - 07/13/99 01:00:24 My | Comments: What a beautiful set of pictures of two people who are obviously very happy to be together. The reason this PC and this internet are so important is because of the smiles in those pictures. Thank you for sharing them |
Ted - 07/12/99 04:17:27 My | Comments: These were the greatest moments in time! |
Burnt out Dad - 07/12/99 02:06:45 My URL: My | Comments: Wow...what great Pics of you and BB, Terr... Wish i could have been the Meat..LOLOLOL... Will spend more time looking at your site tomorrow. Hugs always Burnt |
AMIT(BBsTed) - 07/06/99 05:13:41 My | Comments: Alice, You are the BEST HOST I HAVE EVER HAD!!! One thing I must say...YOU COOK LIKE YOU'RE FEEDING THE GODS!!! MMMmmmmmm....the cake, the dinner dishes, THE DESSERTS!!! IT'S ALL SO UNBELIEVABLE!!! Those 9 days that went by so fast seemed like a WHOLE Y AR!! 1I swear Alice, you have VERY VERY EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL Children!! They are the most lovable children I've ever met!!! The experience of living with you for 9 days was SOOOOOOOOOO GREAT!!!!!!!! If anyone out there knows about the "9 Day Stay" then 'd like to say one thing...Alice Potenza is TRULY AMAZING!!! THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NONE OTHER who is so beautiful and caring as she is to her three AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL daughters!! I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET THEM!!!!! They have a place in my heart, and Alice ..if you ever get to reading this, I TRULY WISH FROM THE DEEPEST PART OF MY HEART that I COULD SOMEHOW PAY YOU BACK FOR EVERYTYHING YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME AND GIVEN ME IN MY HEART!!!! My trust will be with you for this life and next...(I'm Hindu, heheheheh ). The words "THANK YOU" will never compensate for the for what you did for me and my BB!!!! LUV YOU FOR LIFE!!!! |
AMIT - 07/06/99 05:04:45 My | Comments: Alice, |
Cub - 06/20/99 18:45:56 My | Comments: Hi Alice, just dropped by seeing how you were. Hope things are going well for you. Hope to talk to you soon! Hugs.... |
Denice - 05/27/99 10:58:11 My URL: My | Comments: > ![]() |
RAYJAYTODAY - 05/26/99 04:18:20 My URL:http://WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/HEARTLAND/RANCH/1767 | Comments: TERRRRRR!!!!!!!!! hugsssssssss you sweet A.D you! I have a code for you! next time u see me online please gimme a hollar for it! 3 more weeks till fun in the texas sun!!!! i got $10.00 i can make them dimples really stand out! Sirlicksalot! |
Darla - 05/25/99 14:41:53 My URL:still not done yet..:-( | Comments: This time I came in through Nella's page, so this is for her. Oh me, Oh my, what a little darling you are!!!! You sweet baby, I hope that your older sisters are being nice to you and playing with you. You will definently be breaking hearts dome day. L ke I told Stanzi, it seems if your mom has way to much time to waste, she is way ahead of me on the webpage thing. So, let me know if you need any ideas to keep her busy off the puter. Give your sisters and your mom big hugs for me. |
Darla - 05/25/99 14:32:09 My URL:not done yet :-( | Comments: Well, I came in this time through Stanzi's page, so I will direct my comments to her. Hi, you cutie!!! I loved the pictures of you growing up. Your mom did a good job on your page, but between you and me, I think she has way too much free time....LOL Maybe you should work on ways to keep her a little more busy, if you need any ideas make your mom let you email me. I have lots and lots of fun t ings you could do to keep your mom busy for a very long time (although it might not be the kind of busy she would like...LOL). Tell your mom to keep up the good work and to let you draw some pictures that she can put on there. Hugs to you, you little sw ety. |
Tamara - 05/23/99 19:35:51 My URL: My | Comments: Hey its me!!! I know; its a bout freakin time right?? I have known you how long?? LOL I love your website and all the pics. Your family is scrumtious dahling!!! See ya back in Parents. Lotsa huggsssssss! |
eiraM ennA - 05/05/99 12:58:08 | Comments: Eye caunt gat entu chaat thes mourning fur sum reezon. Sew eye thawt eye wood cum seyen ur gestbuk ugin. Weil eye bedder goe... eye'm serfing thee weab fur Hukd Awn Foniks payges. Eye'm a liddle wurried bout meye speilng eye tink. Weil Huggs and luv!!!!!! |
Elaine & Richard Barry - 05/02/99 02:04:00 My | Comments: Hi Rob, Alice, Tori, Stanzi and Nella Having a great time looking at all of your pictures and reading about you. Great Job :) |
Its your BB BBaBBy - 04/29/99 19:44:54 My | Comments: yes yes its me once again. Will keep it short this time... LOL!!!! Just sayin hello showing off your girls to my friends... LOL!!! They all agree that you got the best lookin group of girls (including yourself) that they have ever seen. Well Beautiful Blu Eyes... thanks for being the most awesome wonderful friend you are. You've got a special place in my heart and ya always will. I love to pieces sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG SISTERLY HUGGS AND SMOOCHES FROM THE BBRAT |
Donna - 04/28/99 07:58:24 My URL:/Heartland/Village/2394 My | Comments: Hey girl, I really enjoyed looking at all the pictures of our chat friends. You had a great idea. If it's ok, I'd like to send you one of me and hubby. We'd be honored. Keep up the good work. God Bless you and yours. |
Donna (nitros_wife)aka~apscoop - 04/28/99 07:13:27 My URL: My | Comments: hey girl, at last we meet! You probably know me and hubby by apscoop and apscoops_hubby. We changed our names to nitro_driver and nitros_wife. You have a great looking family and it's so nice to be able to put a face with the friend in the chat room. Your page is so well put together. Thanks for sharing your "cyber home" with me. Feel free to visit mine anytime. God Bless you and yours. |
Frusty - 04/26/99 16:36:11 | Comments: WOW!!!! Good job!!! Thanks for being kind with my picture!!! I promise I will send you a better one as it becomes available! Thanks for including me!!! Debbie |
Steve - 04/24/99 17:05:24 My URL: My | Comments: Hey there honey this page really looks great, you are doing a wonderful job on this. I wish mine would just do itself LOL but i guess i gotta work on mine huh??? well you have a great day HUGSSSSSSSsssssssssss |
Anne Marie - 04/23/99 12:14:58 My URL: My | Comments: HEY SISTA!!! Yep its me again. I'm signing your guestbook for the second time. Don't know why Cause its there i guess and i was grabbed mercilessly by the words "Sign Guestbook". Sigh... I have no will power or backbone. LOL. NOPE... i'm signing it again ause i want to. Great work you've done. YES!!! My pic is finally up there!! WOO HOOO! i can rest easy now. Ok don't mind me i'm just trying to write a whole lot to take up space in your guestbook and make everyone else feel silly for writing once sentence LOL JUST KIDDING! I'm gunna get creamed for that one for sure. Or maybe they will see this and think its way to long to even bother SOOOO i'll pass on reading it. Then i will be safe. Hmmm i wonder how long this is now. Man i'm good at writing nothing bu words... i should be a politician don't you think?? Naaa lets not degrade myself now. Ok nuff with the bull. its time to get serious. Alice, you are a wonderful and beautiful person on the inside as well as the outside. You've got a heart of gold and a g od soul that seems so rare its a shame they're not more people like you. But that just makes you that much more special to me and everyone else who has had a chance to have you as a part of our life. Thank you so much for bringing the much need laughter, un, and love into my life. Am so very grateful to you for and to God for you. Keep smiling that beautiful smile cause it makes your eyes shine and your soul shine through. (can ya tell i'm a poet?)Take care sweetie. See you in yahoo or VP! I am ready to s e my very own personal gesture. Big sisterly huggs and smooches. I love you to pieces!! Always Your loving lil sis on crack, Anne Marie (BBBBBBBBBBBBBB) |
zombiewoff - 04/23/99 05:58:16 | Comments: BOO scared ya didn't |
outoftheblue - 04/21/99 22:50:13 My URL: | Comments: Great site, with great music and your kids are beautiful... |
SnoBunE - 04/19/99 18:50:03 | Comments: You have really done a nice job on your is so nice to have a face to go with all the chat names!! |
scott motto - 04/19/99 00:09:41 My | Comments: boston i love your sight and i appreciate you making my website your a great chat friend good luck in making a business at what you love to do |
stevec8 - 04/19/99 00:09:03 My | Comments: bost! your family looks great!!!! good for you. |
Bottom - 04/15/99 20:56:49 My | Comments: Hey, great page... thought I'd drop you a line and tell ya what a nice looking page you have, among other things LOL... See ya in PC!!!! |
Anne Marie (BBBBBBB) - 04/15/99 20:55:12 My URL: My | Comments: TERR!!! ALICE!!!!! Wonderful website. I love it. And what beautiful girls you have! its been wonderful having a blast with ya in parents... have a great one beautiful eyes... hehehe... HUGGS!!!!!!!! |
Kathy the Beach Potato - 04/11/99 21:47:47 My | Comments: Hi Alice and Family! Thanks for inviting me over to visit--here and there! What a beautiful buncha Boston babes.....hope I get to meet ya's in person while I'm up visiting in your neck of the woods. See ya in VP! |
colleen - 04/11/99 15:55:57 My URL: My | Comments: Thought I'd stop in and say HI!!!! Haven't seen you in forever! Oh and Miss Thing says "GEEZE Mom she's PRETTY!!!" Have a good day...HUGS Cuz |
fishing_dad - 04/11/99 07:25:07 | Comments: liked the page .... really good job there terrier... see ya in p sometime... stay happy HUGS.... |
missyb3666 - 04/09/99 21:22:51 My | Comments: Hey Terr!!! Beautiful job on your pages....just wondering where btshop's pic is? Sorry, just being a ball breaker. HUGS!!!!!!!! Missy |
Carol/Stang - 04/06/99 19:25:35 My URL: My | Comments: OK...I supoose since I gripe about my guestbook being used I should start signing some as well. Alice nice job! Love the upgraded version of this. Well done my woman! |
April Aka apedog2 - 04/06/99 17:36:35 My | Comments: BOB it was just great getting to talk w/ you , Love the pics. Thanx for sharing them .. Love the pics, of you and the family , you have such a beautiful one .. Thanks April aka apedog2 |
The Real Squeaky - 04/05/99 17:24:47 My URL:http://www.none My | Comments: yeow! |
Judy and Abby - 03/30/99 00:32:49 My | Comments: Nella are tooooooooooooo cute! |
Kathy (Trieste301( - 03/29/99 19:11:19 My | Comments: It's very plain to see that you are going to turn out just as beautiful as your two big sisters. All three of you will be breaking boys hearts in no time at all. |
PossumGulch - 03/29/99 18:17:05 My | Comments: Hey Terrier!!! It was great to get to put a face to the folks I chat with, Thank you for doing this for us all, bet you had fun too!!! Chat with you later, Your friend, Possum |
DW - 03/29/99 18:14:24 | Comments: Very nice page and a sweet page. The eyes and smile show happinees and hope there always be more... Children You give them life, For it is time to let them live it. From above a soul was given, For they must learn to fill with happineess. They will fine they have a heart, For they will fill it with love. In this world they are given a face, For to share their smiles with pride. But it is time to step into society, Letting them deal with there own fears. Tomorrow is yet another day, As they travel on there way!!! |
Tish aka Jungle_catz - 03/29/99 17:57:43 My URL: My | Comments: Well I have been thru the whole site and no wonder the little one is so adorable........they all are!! But what else with the sharp parents they have. Thank you for sending the url to me I enjoyed it. and you did good girl! **hugzzzzz |
RayJay - 03/27/99 19:05:52 My URL:/heartland/ranch/1767 | Comments: just came by again to admire! i did a good job on friends11.html lol hugaroonies |
angela - 03/27/99 03:15:48 My URL: | Comments: terr, what an awesome job. thanks for sharing all the pictures!! its great to see faces of all my chat buds!! hugsssss |
Je n'aime pas vraiment votre page. Elle ne pensent pas que c'est très intéressant. Vous devriez l'essayer encore. J'espère que ceci aide. Bonne Chance!
Malary2 - 03/18/99 10:32:54 My URL: | Comments: Just surfed on through from another page....very nice job on your page! |
Scott Motto - 03/17/99 15:08:52 My | Comments: hey alice thanks for including me on your site my daughter loves the pic as i do |
Bennett_2000 aka Diane - 03/08/99 19:03:57 | Comments: Dear Alice, Wow, what a fine job you've done. It's so nice to see all the folks from Parent chat... Thank you Alice, for spending your "FREE" time on this labor of love. Salute! Diane |
Kathy (Trieste301) - 03/08/99 18:25:19 My | Comments: Stanzi I loved your page. I was in Florida recently and went to Disney they had the Mulan parade there so I can understand why it's your favourite. I loved your dress up outfit, you look like a fairy princess. |
David - 03/08/99 11:33:02 My URL: My | Comments: i like cheese too! very nice page. thanx for you for the link...... bye |
Mark - 03/08/99 10:34:40 My | Comments: Stanzi, you have a very nice page. I like cheese melts (and everything else cheese) too. Have fun, and be good for mom and dad. Mark (from Ohio) |
Judy/Wildflowerainbow - 03/08/99 02:02:38 My | Comments: Stanzi, You are a beautiful little gal! Thank you for sharing your pictures, thoughts, likes, etc. with us. You were a bright spot in my day! Judy |
Auntie Sue - 03/08/99 00:30:07 | Comments: Hi everyone. Nice job on your page Tori. I love your picture selection. I remember Herman. Stanzi, keep practicing your French signing. I know exactly what you were saying. Love to you all. |
Rex big barn - 03/08/99 00:21:14 My URL: My | Comments: Well little ladies you have very nice pages.You are very cute just like ur mom.Alice you have done a great job on these pages. HUGSSSSSssssssss |
mindsagone - 03/04/99 01:10:37 My | Comments: Your page looks really nice. You have a really good looking family. Thanks for the invite. |
Diana - 03/03/99 18:09:26 My | Comments: beautiful webpage TERRRRRR.........Hugs.....and learned something and Burnt out Dad are cool...see you in chat...HHHHUUUUUUGGGGGGGGSSSSSS |
toodlebritches - 03/03/99 15:55:38 My Email:toodlebritches@yahoo | Comments: Tori this is one of your mom's friends and I stopped by to see her page and saw yours too!!!!! It looks sooooo good and you did a very good job. You are such a doll just like your mom.!! HUGS! |
Judy/Wildflowerainbow - 03/03/99 02:22:37 My | Comments: Tori, I think you have done a fantastic job on your web page! You sure have a lot of neat girls did gymnastics when they were smaller. Do you compete? We were under USGF rules at our girls only did Lev 5 and Lev 4 competitions. Than s for sharing with us! |
Jo Bear_39 - 03/03/99 00:04:01 | Comments: Hey Terr....hugssss Loved your site...the pics are great...especially your beautiful children. Chat is so much fun with friends like you... Thanks for sharing! |
Auntie Terry - 03/02/99 22:21:12 My Email:TABWTS | Comments: Tori - you look more and more like your Mommy did when she was your age! I liked your web page very much. I guess you'll be writing a book soon! Love, Auntie Terry |
Peajay - 03/02/99 16:56:01 My | Comments: terr You have done agreat job :-) |
Pilsberry_99 - 03/02/99 14:38:28 My URL: | Comments: great page tori! thanks to your mom for giving me the addy. will look forward to visiting again. |
Kathy (Trieste301) - 03/02/99 13:37:32 My | Comments: Tori thank you for sharing your page with me it was a delight. You are such a pretty girl too. I do believe that Nessie exists and that some day someone will find her, maybe it could be you. Keep up the good work Tori. |
Darla - 03/02/99 13:24:42 My URL:Have one, not ready for anyone to see it My | Comments: Well, I came in under Tori's page, so I will start with her page. Tori, you have a wonderful page, it was a delight!! I hope my girls have the same determination to do things when they reach your age. Terrier, you know that I think you have a beautiful family. Keep up the good work and I will see you soon!! HUGS.........Darla |
Woff - 02/27/99 07:35:10 My | Comments: I think you have a wonderful page! I think the Loch Ness monster (Nessie) is real and that it's a dinosaur that has survived. Keep up the great work your doing on your page! |
fannycat - 02/23/99 00:16:05 My | Comments: Terr: Got to your page thru Sassy's - long time no see!!! daughter loves the music and I love all of it. See you in chat maybe someday. Fannycat aka Kellye |
Classic_53 - 02/20/99 13:53:05 My URL: My | Comments: Great site terrier, use to chat with you in parents, but dont go there much anymore. You have a great looking family,and a great site. If you get the chance, take a look at my site and sign my guest book. Thanks, keep up the good work. |
Colleen Alteri (Cuzisedso) - 02/17/99 19:47:22 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Tbob...just stopped by to check things out...amazing what one will do when there's nothing to do...LOL...but seriously...I've enjoyed my visit and will be back in the meantime...stop by my site and sign my guestbook...I'm just around the corner...LOL Hugs...CUZ |
Bennett - 02/15/99 01:14:44 My | Comments: dear Alice...aka Terrrriiiieeerrrrr...HUGS Thank you for taking all your time to create such a fine web page.... What a lovely family you have. You and your family look so fresh and wholesome. both your families (parents) must be very happy for you.:) Take care and I hope to chat with you soon You were my first chat friend.... take care and ride safe Bennett aka Diane |
paddypops - 02/08/99 23:14:15 My | Comments: Nice to see our piccie on your site |
Steveo1967 - 02/04/99 23:48:46 My URL:n/a (just yet!) My | Comments: Just popping by to have a look as u requested. Pretty cute kids. U have now a uk visitor to your site keep on vping. xxx John |
DD55_ - 02/04/99 20:53:40 My | Comments: Wow, I met you earlier today in parent chat helped you get an av. What a georgous family you have including yourself. DD |
TOODS - 02/02/99 22:40:40 My | Comments: TERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Girl your page is so nice and you and your family are very beautiful. You are so blessed sweetie! I enjoyed it! Thanks for being such a good pal. HUGS!!!!!!! |
Grnrose - 02/02/99 04:40:23 My | Comments: Hey the web did a great job......hugs sis. |
Ace - 01/30/99 13:16:40 My | Comments: Thanks for inviting us to your homepage. It is very well done and you have a great looking family. Hugs |
Wayne - 01/28/99 18:33:23 My | Comments: Terrrrr, beautiful family. Now I know what you are such a delight to chat with in the parents room. We have three daughters and are finding that the holidays and special times are so much fun! Congrats on such a nice webpage!! |
Jackie (aka Sam) - 01/27/99 17:55:51 My URL: My | Comments: LOVE IT TERR!!!!!! huggggggsssssssssssssssss |
Dyno_o(Debbie) - 01/21/99 16:27:52 My Email:rgriffin | Comments: Excellent home page and a beautifull family to boot. Enjoyed it |
Tanya (tlc_a) - 01/21/99 16:27:23 My | Comments: you have a wonderful family congratulations!!!! |
Tanya (tlc_a) - 01/21/99 16:26:47 My | Comments: |
Hamburgersmom - 01/21/99 02:51:36 | Comments: Thanks Terrier for sending me your page. I really enjoyed looking at it. You have a beautiful family. Those little girls of yours are adorable. Why am I not suprised I knew they would be. Love to talking to you in chat, see you there soon |
Se777.........Debbie - 01/20/99 23:49:29 My | Comments: Hey Terrr...Hi.....dont know if Ive ever signed your guest book or not, so here I am.This is nice page and your girlies are so cute...You are so much fun in chat and a friend Im glad Ive made..I dont care what people have said..I like you..ha ha ha. :) : (hugs) later in chat... |
RayJaytoday - 01/20/99 22:08:24 My URL: My | Comments: what adorable kids!!!!!!!and a day after my b-day! 10/22! ok ok now gimme some qoutes for my page!!!!! see ya in parents RAY JAY! |
Judy..Wildflowerainbow - 01/20/99 21:37:50 My | Comments: Thank you for the #1 birthday pictures..they were great.!!!!!You have 3 cuties!!!!!!!!!!Lookds like everyone was having fun. My computer crashed 12/ have had to wait for some people to icq me so I could retain their numbers.....Judy |
Paddypops - 01/20/99 20:32:49 My | Comments: I'm sure you had fun. Cute kids! |
Phyllis - 01/20/99 11:28:02 My URL: My | Comments: Nella...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! You are a beautiful little with all the others in your family. You sure looked like you enjoyed your birthday. Of course my favorite picture is the close up. How many of us can get such a pose as that one? A n tural model you are!! Hugs and Kisses.....big ones. And give one to you Mommy for me. Love, Phyllis (law) |
shorty3424 - 01/19/99 21:09:44 My | Comments: I love your site,and family is beautiful |
metizzy - 01/19/99 21:08:28 My | Comments: thanks for sending this url to me're daughter looked so cute on her b day. all three of them are adorable. thanks for sharing your happy occasion. metizzy |
Misty Miller - 01/11/99 22:59:49 My | Comments: Nice to meet you Terr...I always have a wonderful time w/ U in the chat rooms...It is a bright spot in my spend a little time w/ you guys....You have beautiful girls.... Thanks for making my life a little brighter. Misty aka Ivy |
Bop - 01/07/99 21:59:15 My Email:same as yours | Comments: OK, now this is me. I was able to get on at work. My you have very lovely children. They obviously are gifted with their mother's beauty. It's nice to be able to see you from this nasty place. I love you. See you tonight. |
kagesmom - 01/02/99 17:43:11 My | Comments: |
Santa Claus - 01/01/99 17:11:38 | Comments: Tori, Stanzi & Nella, Thank you for letting me visit your home. I hope you liked your presents. You were all very good children. Love, Santa |
Mike Cannon - 12/24/98 17:32:04 My URL: My | Comments: Nice chatting with you... |
Cheer Coach - 12/19/98 18:48:08 My | Comments: Great web site. You have a beautiful family. Catch ya in chat. Love, Cheer |
larry - 12/11/98 00:44:33 My | Comments: beautiful girls,,, your`re a cutie,,tell Bob hi for me,,,see`ya in chat |
Tammy (nikki228) - 12/11/98 00:23:38 My | Comments: Hey Alice...wanted to check out the Christmas page - looks GREAT!!! Wanted to let you know...would still like to see you in person though...Hugssssss and kissessssss. The Nikkster! XOXO |
amoo - 12/10/98 15:51:27 My | Comments: Hi guys!!!! The pictures are great!! But where's that cute sister Amy of yours? hee hee-Love Amoo |
kathy..aka kv11 - 12/10/98 06:01:02 My URL:http:// n/a | Comments: wow, alice, what a great looking family!!!! you have made a wonderful looking forward to coming back and seeing updated pics.........see ya soon in chat.....hugzzzzz kathy |
Lolita - 12/08/98 23:45:02 My | Comments: Wow what a nice page. It is so nice to see faces to names and to see what a wonderful family you have. Hopefully some day I can have a homepage like that. HUGGSSSS |
woff_a_clause - 12/08/98 20:55:50 | Comments: hey terr...looks great. BEAUTIFUL photos of the family. see ya |
metizzy - 12/08/98 18:42:08 My | Comments: Great pictures terrrrr.....the girls are soooo cute...thanks for sending the great message..merry christmas to you and yours. huggggggggs, Metizzy |
lQQkin_in - 12/08/98 18:08:48 | Comments: Cool site Terrier...... Nice to see who we are talking too... Maybe one day I'll figure out how to send pics....maybe..... |
grimm_n_friends (karen) - 12/07/98 22:56:14 My | Comments: hi ttttttttteeeeeeerrrrrriiiiieeeeeerrrrrrr, I really like your page, I hope that when i get finished with mine it will be as good as yours. Thanks for listening when i needed someone to talk too!! :) |
kathy (Trieste301) - 12/07/98 22:05:39 My | Comments: Beautiful family! Thanks for sharing your page with me |
pockets/Jessie - 12/07/98 05:39:04 My URL: My | Comments: Hey Girl got your link on my page now,love yours great work huggggsssss ya Jessie/aka/Pockets |
John (gascontroller) - 12/04/98 16:59:09 My | Comments: Hi TBob very nice page , a lovely family you have |
Steve Fausa - 11/26/98 21:23:01 My URL: My | Comments: hello there once again,still love the place keep up the good work, and again i would like to thank you for being a good friend, and for including me on your page ![]() |
Steve Fausa - 11/26/98 21:19:59 My URL: My | Comments: hello there once again,still love the place keep up the good work, and again i would like to thank you for being a good friend, and for including me on your page ![]()
![]() 10/05/98 10:36:58
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