Welcome to my Guestbook!

Jean-Treasures of the Heart Childcare - 07/15/00 03:42:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/treasureschildcare/
My Email:JeanieB506@aol.com

I really enjoyed your site... :)

Angel Dreams & Hugs - 07/02/00 01:08:05
My URL:http://ADH.50megs.com
My Email:angeldreamshugs@aol.com


Hi Angel
Opening July, 2000.
Angel Dreams & Hugs
You are officially ivited to join "Angel Dreams & Hugs". An internet group dedicated to joining wings across the net. A group of loving en and women across the net from different walks of life. Our purpose is to bring about "Awareness" for child abuse and child pornography. We believe that if enough people join wings and help bring awareness, and educate, that we can decrease child abuse nd child pornography on the net and at home. Angel Dreams & Hugs is a place for careing and sharing, holding hands for our children and familys. We can laugh and cry together as a family who strive to make the internet a safe place for our family and chil ren.
We hope you will join us at
Angel Dreams & Hugs

Angel Dreams & Hugs

Diva Illusion - 05/22/00 05:51:54
My Email:temper_tantrum_21@yahoo.com

Hi! I enjoyed my visit here so much, I would like to invite you to visit our website, Divine Divas of the Web. Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our organization. Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance, you will receive a personalized membership logo to place on your website.
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from Diversity, Finding solace together, We stand as One.

Divine Diva of the Web does not discriminate against persons of any Race, Religion, Beliefs, or Creed. We welcome the diversity!!!

jeyamkomathi - 05/16/00 07:39:33
My Email:jeyamkomathi@hotmail.com

Just browsing and enjoyed your website. I am from Malaysia and plannning to start a daycare on my own soon. I will always remember to surf this site for updates. Thanks a lot.

evelisa gearhart - 05/08/00 15:15:23
My Email:sunshinegearhart@netscape.net

Hi finally foundsomeone in ingleside texas. i live three minutes for the naval base on main street. I live in the leelandmark homes. please give me a call at 776-0370 or email me at sunshinegearhart@netscape.net

Lori - 05/08/00 02:14:27
My URL:http://www.graphicsbyfoxy.com/homebiz/chemicals.html
My Email:homebiz@graphicsbyfoxy.com

Hi Suzi, Great place you have here. I enjoyed my time browsing around. Seeing that you have a day care I thought you would be interested in this article I've done research on and put together. It's called "Household Chemicals A Loaded Gun" there are many other lin s to my site but I chose to send you through this way because I thought you would be interested and maybe could even send it on to other parents you know. Thanks for a great visit. Best Wishes, Lori

Darlene - 05/02/00 11:38:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rosesluver
My Email:darlene_marie@hotmail.com

Just surfing around and came across your site. I enjoyed my visit. Keep up the beautiful work.

- 03/22/00 22:43:34


Michelle - 01/12/00 01:06:53
My Email:chelle061999@aol.com

I'm trying to get info about starting my in-home daycare in Corpus Christi. Any info about our areas polices would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Michelle

Anne Baxter - 12/30/99 18:10:51
My Email:a_baxter_2000@yahoo.co.uk

What a talented cousin I have! Very pretty

Renee - 11/11/99 06:30:11
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:renee@compu-ad.net

Christian Links for
Kids and Teens

Lulynn Mitchell - 09/11/99 12:19:32
My Email:Ludie_Pooh@yahoo.com


Kitten - 09/11/99 09:30:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/2550
My Email:KittenC292@aol.com


Was surfin on a really high wave...
and it brought me here!....
You have a great site, Sguar....
I will be back to visit again real soon!....
Calling Card Emporium

- 07/10/99 16:17:17


Kaylee - 05/20/99 19:56:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pier/5595
My Email:destinee@starplace.com

You have a great site here. I've enjoyed my visit very much and would like to invite you to visit my site sometime. Thanks

yolanda sanchez - 05/12/99 14:21:00
My Email:isabel25@webtv.net

I love you page it's nice to find kid friendly pages on the internet: )

Lindsay Messner - 04/27/99 16:52:16
My Email:Lindsayjean21@hotmail.com

I enjoyed your web page!! I teach preschool, and there are some great ideas here.

sharon A. Roth - 04/04/99 02:43:30
My URL:http://www.parents-n-teachers.com
My Email:sharon@parents-n-teachers.com

Your links are a great resource! I'm a doctoral student (ex-child care provider and director) beginning research on family providers. Do you think or know of a good way to access all those providers who surely must be on the web to see if any would be nterested in filling out a survey form? Thanks again for your great site.

carole ellis - 04/02/99 04:21:23
My URL:http://www.Heartland/Shores/1890/home.html
My Email:cre1969@usa.net

you have a very nice site. I have a web page that I would like to share with you please vist my url above and then click on "An important message". It deals with childrens car safety. Thank you

Joi M. Lasnick - 03/31/99 18:39:27
My URL:http://www.myparentime.com
My Email:admin@myparentime.com

Just passing through on the Childfun webring and thought I'd say HI!! Had a great visit :-)! Best always, Joi

Dan & Cheryl - 03/29/99 20:48:36
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cloveys/index.html
My Email:cloveys@kingston.net

Thank you for joing our webring.. Your site has lots of information, Very well done, love the graphics..

Joan Burkhart - 03/28/99 16:01:25
My Email:joanb@cen.quik,com

Suzi I'm back! I found some really great sites on your links. Hope to hear from you soon.

Joan Burkhart - 03/28/99 01:14:50
My Email:joanb@cen.quik.com

Suzi send me an e-mail. I have never gotten one from a person. If you can find big Gary's web site you can see the kids pictures. I don't know the address. Love ya, joan

David Adams - 03/27/99 21:02:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Falls/5948
My Email:adamsd@cableinet.co.uk

brilliant site visit mine sometime! David

Joan Burkhart - 03/27/99 15:35:31
My Email:joanb@cen.quik.com

I finally got here!

JanetLee - 03/01/99 21:46:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ar/janet
My Email:janetlee@angelfire.com

Really enjoyed your site. Have a lot of interesting links and I have bookmarked you so I can come back and check a few more of them out for my kids... have a nice day!! :-) Come by and vist me sometimes when you have a chance.

Jean - 02/09/99 20:00:35
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JEANIEB506/inhomedaycare.html
My Email:Jeanieb506@aol.com

Great site..... Alot of great links and I love your graphics.... I will be back. Thanks Jean

Jean - 02/09/99 19:59:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JEANIEB506/inhomedaycare.html
My Email:Jeanieb506@aol.com

Great site..... Alot of great links and I love your graphics.... I will be back. Thanks Jean

Jean - 02/09/99 19:56:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JEANIEB506/inhomedaycare.html
My Email:Jeanieb506@aol.com

Great site..... Alot of great links and I love your graphics.... I will be back. Thanks Jean

Gina Patrick/Mrs. Gina's House - 01/08/99 00:34:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8116/
My Email:GPat988450@aol.com

Nice page keep up the good work.

Barbara Cox - 12/07/98 13:45:11
My URL:/~bkcox
My Email:bkcox@cybertrails.com

Thank You for sharing, your wonderful love for children. I loved your poems they were beautiful! God Bless!

- 11/29/98 03:07:57


Traci Walter - 11/15/98 21:47:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/1477
My Email:stbhwalt@2fords.net

Found your site on the Corpus Christi bb on PP. I live in Rockport. Just had to check out a fellow neighbor.

S. Throne - 10/15/98 22:55:42


April Heslar - 10/12/98 20:27:03
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/luv4kids/parent_provider_resource.htm
My Email:PlayfulKids@usa.net

Hi! What cute graphics you have on your site!! I love the mice and the ABC background! Just thought I would say hello! If you haven't yet, I'd love to have you visit my site. I have lots of resources for daycare providers and parents, and a Child Care Dir ctory. Kid sites too!

amy vincent - 10/05/98 16:26:30
My Email:VINCatFJ@aol.com


10/05/98 10:36:58
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

CJ - 09/23/98 13:49:59
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Holcombcj/page2.html
My Email:Holcombcj@aol.com

Suzi this is great, thanks for sharing. And love the link for quilters corner too as I love to quilt when not busy with the kiddies. Thanks.

joan Burkhart - 09/15/98 22:27:40
My Email:Shining_evil@hotmail.com

Hi suzi! gary let me play for a few minutes. I'll look around now.

Charlotte - 09/14/98 21:39:12
My Email:Nemateoyo@AOL.com

I love your page my sister. I finally was about to get here. Hugs to you:)

Cassandra - 09/14/98 00:04:11
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/7441/
My Email:Dollfun@pacbell.net

Cute site! We especially liked your poem: "Your World"

grace - 09/13/98 23:11:39
My URL:http://welcome.to/mommy
My Email:gkou@hotmail.com

Hi there! Nice site you have here. I really enjoyed my stay. Welcome to sign my GB if you have a sec.

Jamie - 09/09/98 20:39:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/1005
My Email:jmesu@yahoo.com

Hi, Thanks for Stopping by my page "Grandma Bea", I am adding more stuff to it so I hope you will come back when I am done. I am making this page for all the great crafts that my Grandmother makes and sells. p.s. I like your page too, I think I'll have to adopt a pet.

Brent Gallagher - 09/09/98 15:05:24
My URL:http://www.galman.com/
My Email:brent@galman.com

Nice looking page...keep up the good work!

Drop by today and see what we have to offer!!

Earlene - 09/09/98 01:29:05
My Email:sunshn195@aol.com

Nice site!

Gazoo/Angela - 09/05/98 12:56:00
My Email:aleveque@hotmail.com

i like your site....my dd loves to write poetry...I will be waiting to see some quilting pics soon.....and your changes...keep up the good work

Virgilene - 09/04/98 05:25:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~VIRGILENE
My Email:virg68@swbell.net

Hello, I was just going through sites in the Parents Ring. I really enjoyed your page very much. I would like to invite you to join my new webring Luv My Kids. Hope to see you soon.

darrell morgan - 08/31/98 02:49:56
My Email:dmmorgan@trip.net

i like it very much it is cool so tell krystal it looks good so have fun love darrell

hiya - 08/26/98 00:01:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/9190
My Email:amerigazette@geocities.com

Suzi- did you *ever* get that chat message about your site? If not email me and I will send you another evaluation. Site looks good but I think I can help.

The Potenza's - 08/24/98 12:17:10
My URL:http://www.geocities\heartland\village\5101

Hi neighbor. We're The Potenza's next door at 5101. Your site looks great so far. Come visit us sometime. Good luck. The Potenza Fam

cl_kaulana - 08/24/98 04:48:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/augusta/7641/
My Email:cl_kaulana@geocities.com

Your page is coming along great. You ought to put a GeoGuide on it so people can vote for it and so the Geo page reader can automatically rank it. Keep up the good work.

Eternal Darkness - 08/24/98 03:58:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/5254/etdark.html
My Email:mustang9612@hotmail.com

Hey, what's up?

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