If you're interested in taking a Boating Safety class, please click on the button above called "EDUCATION PROGRAMS." If you need further information, please leave a note in our "Captain's Logbook," or click on the mailbox at the bottom of the page to leave an e-mail message.
Our flotilla meetings are the second Thursday of each month,
at the Junior Achievement Center,
1781 Fordney, in Saginaw.
The meetings start at 1900 hours.....7 p.m. for landlubbers.
We usually enjoy fellowship together after the meeting....
there are always cookies, cupcakes, snacks, or other goodies available! (YUM!)
Our flotilla belongs to Division 15, which is a part of the 9th Central District. Our division has seven flotillas, and our district has ten divisions! (All in all, we have about 1,500 members in our district.) There are 35,000 Auxiliarists nation-wide.
Why don't you join us?
Please hit the "mark" button on your GPS, and save us as a waypoint.
Ooops, I mean bookmark us as a favorite on your computer's server!
Please visit again soon!
Click on the mailbox if you'd like more information about the Coast Guard Auxiliary!
Since September 17, 1998, you're passenger:
Thanks for taking a voyage with us! Come aboard again real soon!
(This page was last updated on May 11, 1999.)
This web page was created by Webmistress Jerri A. Smith, Flotilla 15-05, 9CR.