Thinking of Friends

Just scroll down and visit

Hi I'm Cajie.

This is no longer my first attempt at a home page! I only have one thing to say.

My first home-made ani gif!, hope ya like it
Email me your Homepage URL

My interests are:
Reading, gardening, sewing, crafts.

The description of my page is:
Fun@Page Two
King Arthur and Sir Gawain
Christmas Page
My Awards Page
Cajie's Crazy Thoughts

The above is some of my thoughts and poetry

Thought I'd tell you a little about me. I am a wife,
and grandmother.
I am also a full-time nurse at a Nursing Home. I love working in geriatrics. It is a challenge!

I enjoy poetry, gardening, sewing, crafts and just plain ole-fashioned day dreaming.

I love keeping "old friends", in fact, the song (Soul Man) is dedicated to Sir Don, a friend of the past 31 years and hopefully the next 31 years! He's a Knight in Shining Armor riding a "gator" down on the bayou, saved my (um,uh?,ya know!) many a time *G*

I enjoy making new friends, do you? Got any Ideas for my page? I sure could use the help, just email me, click e-mail at bottom of page! *G*

Friends LINKS! go check it out!

Some Links to Some Good Friends

Katy's Front Porch
Tammy's PageAll One Relation
My Best Friend's PageSay Deliah
Tiger's Sherianne's PageTiger's Page
Laws's PageSheribelle's Page
Feast of Friends' Site

Click on Certificate

Click on Adele's for a FANTASTIC SITE!

Thank you, Liesl

Thank you, Wheezie!

Thank you, Tammy!

Thank you, Adele

Thank you Lloyd
Click on Award for a great site

Thank you Lloyd
Click on Award for a great site

Thank you Lloyd
Click on Award for a great site

Me thinks Lloyd likes us ole Cajuns! *G*

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