No this is not a page where you can dump your rubbish but you can dump any tips you may want to share (pretty please with cherries on top) just submit it to the email addy below...
When you paint jumps, do not paint the tops
of the standards or the ends of the poles.
Moisture can evaporate from the unpainted
areas, which will keep your jumps from
--Sent in by Jenni Gow
If your horse is becoming bored, place a hole in an apple from one end to another (small) the thread a peice of string/twine through the hole and tie a knot in the end and voila! a very good way to prevvent your horse getting bored. You can also use the same thing on a turnip.
--sent in by *me!*
A line of trees down one side of your pasture will provide natural protection from sun and wind.
--sent in by *me!*