Holy Redeemer Parish inaugurates its website on September 30, 1998. Visit the website, sign the guestbook, and tell your friends to visit too!
Archbishop Lipscomb has designated our parish as one of the pilgrimage sites in the archdiocese. Those who make a pilgrimage here in the Jubilee year may obtain the indulgence.
A prayer group meets in the church after the morning Mass on Wednesdays to pray for the sick. Please join them in this intention.
Support vocations! You can support Church vocations through the Burse Club, Serra Club, 31 Club, and your prayers. Support and encourage youth, seminarians, and your clergy/religious. Vocations are everyone's business!
More on History... Please join us on Monday mornings after the 8:00 a.m. Mass for a look at the history of political life in the United States. Pat Wingo is moderating these sessions as a follow-up to our history of the Catholic Church in the United States series.
The choir practices each week on Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. in the choir loft. All singers are welcome to join.
Catholic Week Subscriptions are now due. You can re-imburse the parish for the cost of your subscription ($14 a year).
Building Plans... we are in the process of planning an extension to our parish hall. This project will include a thirty-five foot bell tower (to house our carillon speakers) and some extensive landscaping.
The members of the parish council are: Lisa Beasley, Dave Betts, Mary Boyce, Doris Bledsoe, Susan Gonsewski, John Searcy, Rob Schaffeld, Bob Smola, and Pat Wingo.
The members of the Finance Council are: Calvin Wingo, Ricky Beasley, and Tom Byrne.
Beginning in June there will be one Sunday Mass at 9:00 a.m. This will allow parishioners the opportunity to become "re-acquainted." The regular Sunday schedule (8:00 & 10:30) will resume at the end of the summer.
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