Directions to Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

Driving South on US Hwy 431 from Columbus, GA:
1. Continue on Hwy 431 into Eufaula. You will pass Lakepoint State Park on your left and Shorter Mansion (a white antebellum home) on the right.
2. After Shorter Mansion, the first traffic light is where Broad Street intersects with Eufaula Avenue (Hwy 431).
3. Turn right on Broad Street.
4. The church is about three tenths of a mile up Broad Street, on the left.

Driving North on US Hwy 431 from Dothan, AL:
1. Continue on Hwy 431 into Eufaula. You will pass a number of fast food restaurants.
2. After you cross some railroad tracks, you will drive straight through the first traffic light.
3. The second traffic light is where Broad Street intersects with Eufaula Avenue (Hwy 431).
4. Turn left on Broad Street.
5. The church is about three tenths of a mile up Broad Street, on the left.

Driving East on US Hwy 82 from Montgomery, AL:

1. Continue driving on Hwy 82 toward Eufaula. You will pass through Union Springs and Midway.
2. At mile marker 238, Hwy 82 will intersect with Hwy 431.
3. Turn right at this intersection. As you enter town, this road becomes Eufaula Avenue.
4. The first traffic light you come upon is Broad Street.
5. Turn right on Broad Street.
6. The church is about three tenths of a mile up Broad Street, on the left.

Driving West on US Hwy 82 from Albany, GA:

1. Continue driving on Hwy 82. You will pass through Georgetown, GA, cross the Chattahoocee River, and enter Eufaula, AL.
2. The street you are now in is East Barbour Street (Hwy 82). Continue driving up Barbour Street for a few blocks.
3. You will notice a sign directing you to turn right to stay on Hwy 82. This is where Hwy 82 joins with Hwy 431.
4. Turn right when Hwy 431 intersects with Hwy 82. You are now driving on Eufaula Avenue.
5. The very next traffic light is the intersection of Broad Street and Eufaula Avenue.
6. Turn left on Broad Street.
7. The church is about three tenths of a mile up Broad Street, on the left.

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