We still just weren't prepared when you slipped away
Be there :-) Open up :-) Express your love a lot :-) Speak gently and kindly :-) Really listen :-) Remember the wonder of being a child :-) Read books together out loud :-) Notice how small they are :-) Giggle with them :-) Say no when necessary :-) Show feelings without shouting :-) Heal your own inner child :-) Learn with them :-) Hug trees together :-) Make loving safe :-) Bake cookies together :-) Eat watermelon with no hands :-) Build model rockets :-) Make forts with blankets :-) Let your angels fly :-) Share dreams :-) Search out the postive :-) Mail letters to God :-) Watch movies in jammies :-) Be proud of their efforts :-) Help plant a kid garden :-) Set fair limits and follow through :-) Teach by example :-) Join sports, Scouts, 4-H, etc with them :-) Encourage them :-) Handle with tender loving care :-)
I've always wished that I'd look like Mom,
Some day when I grew old...
With lovely features so finely tuned,
I'd sure be proud of her mold...
I prayed my hair would look like hers,
So gently laced in silvery greys...
Sharing with me just a bit of her dignity,
Would be such a special day...
Then suddenly, this morning,
While quickly brushing my hair into place...
Mom peeked back out from the mirror,
As we just stood there face to face...
I see that God's answered by touching me,
With an image from our past...
Now I kinda wish, maybe just this once,
He hadn't answered quite so fast?
Only one Mother, our whole lifetime through,
though so many other things come by two...
Full moons and starlight, the beautiful things,
each new tomorrow, another one brings...
Plenty of flowers, gardens, rainbows and such,
sunrises and sunsets that still mean so much...
The sunshine of summer is waiting for you,
another bright springtime when winter is through.
But only one Mother, God meant it this way,
that she should be special and dearer each day...
He took part of all in this world bright and real
then made them all a part of the Mother ideal...
Do cherish this treasure, so precious and rare,
for she has a heart that's always willing to share...
God's greatest creation, more dear than all others;
All else comes in dozens, but there's only one Mother.
(Garnett Ann Schultz)
Hi Daddy...
We miss you so much Daddy with each passing day...
Things seem so different here since you went away...
We cherish each of those special moments we shared...
Find comfort in knowing just how much you cared...
Many things we remember, YOU taught us so well...
You picked up the pieces when we stumbled and fell...
Tears of a lifetime you fought hard to hide...
As they lingered in your eyes, held there by pride...
Memories of those loving eyes remain to remind us...
Of your warm protective love still surrounding us...
Someday we'll walk together down Heavenly Lanes...
You reach for our hands then with God we'll remain...
So until that day comes we'll try to do our parts...
We miss your touch Dad but you're sure in our hearts!
My Dear Family ~
The Lord is my Shepherd so please believe ~
I've miracles to tend to now that I'm free ~
I'm just taking my place in God's great plan ~
All doubts faded when he took my hand ~
So grieve briefly for me, if grieve you must ~
But let any grief be shadowed by your trust ~
That it's just for a time that we must part ~
Draw comfort from memories in your heart ~
Try not to bind yourself to me with tears ~
Just treasure that time we shared, so dear ~
Thank you for your precious love given ~
Multiply it ten fold to feel the love I send ~
I cherish the love you send and hold it dear ~
So there's no need for any doubts or fears ~
You hold my heart with no need to guess ~
How very much you still mean to me at rest ~
Your love and every thought is now known ~
You'll forever be a part of me, you know ~
So don't feel alone when your day is done ~
Whenever you need me, you know I will come ~
You may not see or touch me but I'm always near ~
Just listen with your heart to truly hear ~
Soft whispers of my presence so close ~
Feel warmth flow through you as my love shows ~
Simply believe my Spirit's at hand ~
I'm the Eagle in the breeze, footprints in the sand ~
Study the clouds as they drift into view ~
Catch the unspoken echo of every I Love You ~
God knows you need me and he truly cares ~
Heaven's always open to reach me by prayer ~
We'll again be together when your time is due ~
But for now, you still have much left to do ~
Trust in the Lord to know that you've been blessed ~
Teach others by example, just try your best ~
Until such a time as you won't pass alone ~
I'll bring you to God's Special Angel's Home!
Somehow, we had hoped for at least one more day
But your own Angel led you to the place of all dreams
So now our Special Lady, you've truly earned wings
You're OOR (out of room) in heavenly skies of blue
Where's there's no pain and dreams finally come true
No doubt Friend, you were sent from somewhere above
With gentle reminders of how to respect, care and love
Through the warm, kind, brown eyes of a Ladydoe
Your own unique gentle touch we're sure to know
Just as with the Ladybug as she gracefully flies
Her reflection noticed in your beloved kitties' eyes
As Magic Elf catches glimpses of you in her mirror
Rays of sunshine will help to make memories dearer
Your kind Ripper helps patients throughout the night
And a boy's band plays the music in which you delight
While your proud young sailor explores distant shores
Your sweet teen writes stories that you've always adored
That Ol' Grumpy man has thoughtful Weezie by his side
Friends' thoughts drift to what REALLY matters with pride
GronK, Grog, Gork and Viking bring a gleam to your eye
As the crisp hum of a Harley lingers somewhere nearby
Jamoca shakes topped with pink strawberry wafers
Are buttered popcorn flavored Jelly Belly's any safer
We miss you Lady but know that you're finally seeing
Those wonderful places of which we're still dreaming
Among babbling brooks where all creatures roam free
Please pause there for us for that's how things should be
And if we shed a tear you're sure to reach out your hand
From where your Angels have led you in that far better land
So we know you're still with us if we'll just pause to see
Among feathered friends and butterflies finally flying free
Angels come in many forms as they return to ease our fears
So each gentle touch from you will be reason to dry tears
Might be a Ladybug or Doe, even in a lazy cloud drifting low
But you'll be noticed in simple ways that we'll surely know
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