Hi I'm vanillafields.
This is my family web page and I hope that you enjoy it,
To make something of your life, Give your Life to God.
Christians are not sinless, But they should sin less
Present yourselves to God...
as instruments of righteousness. Romans 6:13
Have you prepared your soul for eternal life?
There is only ONE TRUE GOSPEL Gal.1:8 and Eph.4:4-6
First you must hear the gospel. Matt. 17:5 ; Mk. 4:23; Rom. 10:17
Then you must believe the gospel Jno.8:24; Mk.16:15-16; Rom.1:4
All must repent Lk.13:5; Acts 17:30
All must confess Matt.10:32,33; Matt. 16:16; Rom.10:10
All must be baptizedMk.16:16; Acts 2:38; Acts 2:41; Rom. 6:3-4; Col.2:12
Please study the word of GOD and follow his commands. Because obedience is essential to salvation
Know one wants to be eternally separated from God and cast into the lake of fire for all eternity!!!
We must attend church on sundays has GOD commanded.
We must partake of the five acts of worship. Lord's supper( Acts 20:7) Giving,Prayer,preaching and reading the truth, (Acts 2:42,I Cor.16:1-2)and sing, (Eph. 5:19,Col.3:16)
The Church of Christ Welcomes you to come
I will be adding new things periodically.
and don't forget to sign my guestbook.
Links to other sites on the Web
Send a card to someone and let them know that you care.
Stimulate the mind. READ A BOOK.
You should visit HEARTLAND UNIVERSITY. They have great! instructors.

If you have any guestions about Heartland University classes
Or how to build your web page
Just email me
Friends are forever. Treat others as you would yourself.
Lets all be thankful for the many blessings
that GOD has given us. Share our goods with others,for we know that
our riches are not going to get us into HEAVEN.
Treat your children as if the angels are watching and listening.
May the grace of our heavenly father be with you today.
Come back soon and visit my web page

© 1997 melvin@onebellevue.com