Hello friends....Welcome to my new home!! Im so glad you came over!! This has been alot of fun for me since i finally figured out how to do it!!!..If you have anyy suggestions let me know...i dont have a guest book yet since thats one of the things that i cant figure out ..lol...I hope you enjoy!!!!!!...Love Vic....... |
Heres our dog..the one who licks windows, her name is Lily, she makes us laugh, so we thought wed put her on too!!! |
This is the family....our names are ...Dave,(zeeman65) my husband, who ive been married to for 11 years now... Then theres me..Tina (vic)...my daughter, sarah, is 10 now..and quite a handful already...then theres my son , alec, who is 8..hes the one who takes EVERYTHING apart!!! |
heres the kids at easter last year..... |
This is our wedding day...We were married in lincoln, ne. 1987.. And everyday it keeps getting better and better!!!!...I LOVE YOU DAVE!! XOXO |
Here are my chat friends...as i figure out how to make another page to connect to this 1 ill have pics of them!!!.......NIKKI228..AND PRUNHILDA....my 2 best friends..who mean the world to me!!! ...and now ill tell you all of my friends who also hold a special place in my heart.. sassy724..juneamc..likes2chat...reverendsatanspawn...pillowtalk(darla)...sewcrazy(sugarbuns).. redbombshell...nailtech..cmfreddy...medusa...bigbarn...tmom...pami35...aaliah...chipman79(my dad)..flowergirl777..funnychicissunny...gambit...mrsjams...brizzy...mmmdaddy57...leekidsmr.. mcsummerdaze(i wuv you mc..and miss you)...mikee..morningglory...mrsfleabug and hubby.... msirocz...nag1966...nomad11b(pruns hubby)...snowprincess..taz...terriorbob....mineyoursours.. cuzisedso(morganlefay)...se777...LMC...mommo6boys....pygal....sethsmommy...allybmom... clousea(he is sooooo funny) I LOVE YOU ALL... |
Heres a few more friends i want to add!!!..tattoedpagan..KK(the rest of it changes lol)..proud.. and these are some new friends ive made...elderbug..toodlebritches... |
Heres just a little info about us....We live in Kansas..have lived here for 3 yrs now...were both born and raised in nebraska..so were big cornhusker fans!!!...dave is office manager at the co-op here in town..I work in a nursing home on the home health unit...Its like a retirement home but with a nursing staff on hand...Im only part time...we have 2 cats..1 dog as you have seen..i collect antiques..mostly victorian kinds..hence my chat name (vicantq)...i love to bake and dave loves to cook...i like to make crafts..had a booth even lol..but took to much time...and of course I LOVE TO CHAT WITH MY FRIENDS!!!...well if you get a chance, come back again..will have more changes going on as i learn how to do them!!!!!...Bye tina (Vic) |