Hello friends....Welcome to my new home!!
Im so glad you came over!! This has been alot of fun for me since i finally figured out how to do it!!!..If you have anyy suggestions let me know...i dont have a guest book yet since thats one of the things that i cant figure out ..lol...I hope you enjoy!!!!!!...Love Vic.......
Heres our dog..the one who licks windows, her name is Lily, she makes us laugh, so we thought wed put her on too!!!
This is the family....our names are ...Dave,(zeeman65) my husband, who ive been married to for 11 years now...
Then theres me..Tina (vic)...my daughter, sarah, is 10 now..and quite a handful already...then theres my son , alec, who is 8..hes the one who takes EVERYTHING apart!!!
heres the kids at easter last year.....
This is our wedding day...We were married in lincoln, ne. 1987..
And everyday it keeps getting better and better!!!!...I LOVE YOU DAVE!! XOXO
Here are my chat friends...as i figure out how to make another page to connect to this 1 ill have pics of them!!!.......NIKKI228..AND PRUNHILDA....my 2 best friends..who mean the world to me!!! ...and now ill tell you all of my friends who also hold a special place in my heart..
redbombshell...nailtech..cmfreddy...medusa...bigbarn...tmom...pami35...aaliah...chipman79(my dad)..flowergirl777..funnychicissunny...gambit...mrsjams...brizzy...mmmdaddy57...leekidsmr..
mcsummerdaze(i wuv you mc..and miss you)...mikee..morningglory...mrsfleabug and hubby....
msirocz...nag1966...nomad11b(pruns hubby)...snowprincess..taz...terriorbob....mineyoursours..
clousea(he is sooooo funny) I LOVE YOU ALL...
Heres a few more friends i want to add!!!..tattoedpagan..KK(the rest of it changes lol)..proud..
and these are some new friends ive made...elderbug..toodlebritches...
Heres just a little info about us....We live in Kansas..have lived here for 3 yrs now...were both born and raised in nebraska..so were big cornhusker fans!!!...dave is office manager at the co-op here in town..I work in a nursing home on the home health unit...Its like a retirement home but with a nursing staff on hand...Im only part time...we have 2 cats..1 dog as you have seen..i collect antiques..mostly victorian kinds..hence my chat name (vicantq)...i love to bake and dave loves to cook...i like to make crafts..had a booth even lol..but took to much time...and of course I LOVE TO CHAT WITH MY FRIENDS!!!...well if you get a chance, come back again..will have more changes going on as i learn how to do them!!!!!...Bye tina (Vic)