
Curry is Kristin's maiden name,
so we dedicate this page to Kristin's family and
all of Max & Zoe's Curry relatives.
Scroll Down and enjoy all of the pictures on this page.
On this page you will meet Kristin's mom, dad, her older brother, and
younger sister. Kristin's brother is married and has a kid: Mason
Jean (Kristin's neice). Mason Jean is the star of the Curry page.
The names of the family are as follows:
The latest pictures on this
page are as follows:
Mason visiting Max & Zoe in Indiana
to celebrate Max's 2nd Birthday
Sean, the godfather, at Zoe's Christening
Jim & Carol Curry
(Kristin's Dad & Mom
and Max's Grandparents)
(June 1996)
Mason's first photo shoot
Kristin & Pablo with
(August 1997)
Girlfriends: Kristin &
(August 1997)
Girlfriends: Aunt
K & Mason
(September 1997)
Mason at 11 months
(June 1998)
Mason's 1st Birthday
(July 1998)
Curry Family {sans Dad}
Sean, Nicole with Mason, Kristin,
Carol, and Daphne
(August 1997)
Mason with her Dad
This is Sean, Kristin's brother, with his
pride & joy, Mason
(August 1998)
Zoe's Christening
Here are Zoe's Godparents: Sean and Marybeth
(Pablo's sister)
(November 2000)
To see more pictures of Zoe's Christening, click
Daphne & Max
This is Daphne, Sean's wife, with our pride
& joy, Max
(August 1998)
Nicole & Max
This is Nicole, Kristin's younger sister
with our pride & joy, Max
(August 1998)
The Grandparents
with Mason
& Jean: Kristin's maternal Grandparents
(April 1998)
Max's First Christmas
at the Curry's
Max with his Grammy and Great Grandparents,
Christmas see more of Max during his first Christmas, click
(December 25, 1998)
Mason, Mommy, and Max.
Watching Barney on TV, Christmas
see more of Max during his first Christmas, click
(December 25, 1998)
Grammy with Max and Kristin
Here is a picture of Kristin and her Mom
(Grammy) with Max on Mother's Day 1999
(May 1999)
The Great-Grandparents
with MAX
& Jean: Kristin's maternal Grandparents
(October 2, 1999)
with MAX at Thanksgiving in Knoxville
(November 1999)
To see more of Max's 2nd Thanksgiving, click
Thankgiving in Knoxville
with my cousin, Mason
(November 1999)
Mason with Max in Indiana
Mason was visiting to meet Zoe and to celebrate
Max's Second Birthday
(July 2000)
To see more pictures of Max's Second Birthday celebration, click
Columbian Park Zoo
This is Sean, Pablo, Max, and Mason clowning
around at the zoo.
(July 2000)
I'm kinda sad it's over
(August 1997)
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This page was last updated on December 20, 2000 by Pablo
and Max
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