Fun Facts:
Our Whippets.......
Devo was our first.  He came from a frisbee whippet line (Ashley whippet)! 
We have 6 whippets.  We "fell" into whippets when I saw a litter at a fun show and told my wife the next time we get a dog, lets look at whippets.  We had a whippet within a week.
Dakota  - Dantes uncle, Darla's and Drake's papa.
Dante - Darla's and   Drake's cousin and considered the nanny!
Dexter enjoys checking himself out in the mirror.
More about my pet:
Drake - lives on air - which is all he has between his ears.
Whippets are fun loving animals. They are very quick and generally inteligent. They love to run, when given the chance, but they would happily curl up in a blanket with you.  They are good with kids and can be protective of you towards strangers.
Darla - When she is not being the princess, she is out getting rid of the critters in the back yard
Likes: Dislikes:
Dina - new to the bunch, is fearless!!!
- going to the vet

- enclosed spaces

- someone hogging the blankets

- being left alone

- water, baths, showers

- having nails trimmed

- Chasing bunnies

- his leash (for walks)

- long naps under blankets or in t he sun

- wearing sweaters

- playing catch with the frisbee

- or just chasing each other around in the backyard
Neat Links:
Family and Related Links:
Dakota, Dante, Darla and Drake's Family
Whatz up
Dexter's Family
drop us a line!
Heartland Coursing Association