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My Beautiful Family

MAY 2002

ATTENTION HELEN FROM METHODIST HOSPITAL FONDEREN BROWN 9TH FLOOR... WHERE DID YOU GO??? HOPE you are on to bigger and better!!! email me or sign my guest book so i can know where you are and that you are well!!!!! click here.

Our prayers go out to Pope John Paul 2. we love you!!!

Happy September 2003!!!!!

How was your summer? Our summer was very busy with girl scouts, gymnastics and church. We are so glad to see the end of summer soon, and the coolness of winter. Not too cold now. lol. Little bit of news, during the summer, i was in the hospital for dehydration. It was an over night stay, thank goodness. So far so good.

Doc said in my last appointment that I might have to go back on Flolan. This is scarry for me for the simple fact that while on flolan, i became anorexic, had lost of side effects, plus anemia. Now don't get me wrong, i own flolan my life(as well as all my docs) but it has been wonderful to be free of the 24 hour a day iv medication. Swimming during the summer time was great fun, well not swimming per se, i just kinda sat there in the water. But how relaxing!!!! No way could i have or would i have done that with flolan. yickes. and no tubing hanging off my chest. Septmember 6 was my 5 year anniversary of being diagnosed. I was given 6 months to live. Don't ever let anyone tell you when you are expected to die, or how long you have left to live. Trust in God. He will be there with you. Believe in miracles. i sure have had my share of them in the past 5 yrs. being alive is one of them. having my lungs and spleen heal themselves after the car wreak 2 yrs ago is another. Believe me, if i didn't have a reason for being here, namely my children, i am sure God would have taken me long ago. And it is for my children that i walk twice a day, take my meds every day, and even get out of bed i the morning. (relucantly but still. lol) Please Pray for a cure, i will be praying for you!!

God BLess!!!!!

Alex ^i^ angelicflippymom

Have a wonderful Holiday Season!!!!! May God bless you and the Angels watch over you!

A Word from the Momma

I would like to make a special request to anyone who is reading this. I have been diagnosed with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. Please if you can, go to PPH CURE and help out anyway you can. There is no cure for this illness and there are so many others with this thing. Please pray that the Lord will help us find a cure soon, not only for pph but for other illness as well
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Our blue healer puppy 8 months old

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