Cynthia's Palace

My cyberhome away from home

My soapbox page is back by popular request. This time it deals with a local case of animal abuse. You can view it by clicking here

It's Summer, that
means days by the pool, weekends at the beach and moving !?!
Yes, were just settling in by our new job.
We graduated with our bachelors of science degree in education
We found a wonderful school to work at and George and I are BOTH teaching First Grade!
This page is about to undergo major changes
as my time dictates in the next few months.
I've decided to make this page more interesting
and add a ton of new ideas.
It's time for a new change,
but I need the time to change everything!
Surf by often for new changes to this site!

A little information about me.
George and I are getting everything ready to begin the adoption process this next year.
There are more details at our new homepage.
See the link below!
This page is about a few of my favorite things, Children, Halloween,
Sailor Moon, Tim Burton, and my pets.
Please enter below. To see some of our pets visit my
husband George's page. The link is below.
Please come back soon and visit me for the latest updates!!!

Links to other sites on the Web

Enter my world!
My links to cool places on the web page
Visit my page on all things Supernatural
Visit my Halloween Page
Visit my Shrine to Tim Burton and his Movies
Visit George's homepage and see some of our pets
Interested in what I'm interested in? Click here to compare!
Visit my family photo page and see a picture of me!
Visit Thackery and Drakkar's Homepage and see our Cats!
My family Genealogy!
Our Adoption Page!

(eerily enough it follows you around)

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