
"Backyard Gospel Music"

We are a Christian group spreading God's word

thru music and hymns of old with a country flare.

Our goal is to win souls for Christ and

have a great time doing so.

Backyard Gospel Music originated when Wilber Logan

and wife Darlene began to play and sing

with long time friend B.T. Quidley.

B.T. introduced Ben Wilkins and then Brian Cuthrell.

We all soon found that not only did we have a lot of fun

playing and singing but we could have a ministry for God,

the one and most important thing that we have in common.

We began to practice in our backyards at Wilber and Ben's houses.

In December of 2004 Ben announced he would no longer

be playing with the group.

Home committments and job were the reasons given.

The group wished him well in his decision,

but he will surely be missed by all.

Our style of music is "ole time country"

the kind of music our ancestors used to play

when just setting around on their porches or in their backyards.

We were contacted for our first engagement and had to have

a group name for posters and scheduling,

thus came our name "Backyard Gospel Music"

where our style of music originated.

We would like to thank you for visiting our web

sites and invite you to check back in regularly

to see where we are in our ministry.

Now, please go to our individual sites to

find out more about each of us and our engagements.

Meet Us and More
"Click on links below"

Wilber Logan
Lead singer and guitar player

Darlene Logan
Bass guitar player and singer

Brian Cuthrell
Mandolin, violin, guitar and singer

Copyright © 2004. Darlene Logan. All rights reserved. Last Revised March 2005.