Christy Monarch's (slightly updated) Homepage
NEW!!  Vacation - Summer 2006
Vaca. page 2 Vaca. page 3
Our Latest Creation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Sabine Persephone Monarch
11/1/03 - 9 lbs, 7 oz
To the right is a picture of my father and I  years ago, in Texas, not that long after I was born (obviously).
This is Jason and I years ago.  We were married in 1999 in a period wedding at the Kirk in the Hills Presbytarian church of West Bloomfield.  We currently live in Milford Michigan, although I work in Novi, and Jason is home with both kids. 
We have a wonderful son, born on February 6th, 2001, named Aidan - his page is below.
We have a dog, 3 outside cats and 3 outside (duh) horses.
Things are going quite well for us, and we are healthy, happy and enjoy the company of more good friends than we know how to keep up with!
Wedding Pictures
Really cool opp. we had to sit with a Tiger!  Aidan looks nervous, but had actually just discovered that he could chew on his fingers!
Aidan's Page
Winter's End 2004 pics