I hope you've enjoyed my world there is lots more to come, until my mommie takes more pictures of me.I think I have her well trained by now any way I could be reached at daheadoftime@aol.com Bye Bye for now.
Hi my name is Roccofella and I am a female Mini Hahns Macaw from Honolulu, Hawaii the Aloha State.My vocabulary consists of Hi, Hello, Good Night, Good Girl, Bye Bye Work, and Pretty Girl, I love you.I mostly love Pistacio Nuts and enjoy swimming very much. So sit back relax and enjoy my world.
Hanging with my best buddies.
This is my fresh water tank my friends are camera shy there usually playing tag with me.
This is my favorite place every morning is hanging at my usual spot.
Taken when I was a little tyke about 6 months old but now I am in my terrible three's and a half to be exact.
One of my favorite games is playing Peek a Boo I see you.
Putting in my 8 hours, have to call my Agent.
After a hard day of work this is my favorite beverage.
Just one of the several hats I wear in a Single Day.
Here's me taking my weekly dip.
Just me and my Shadow.
Well it's good night folks till I see ya all again,
ya all come back now, bye bye:-)
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