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Most Underlined Names or Words, are links to other pages or Email addresses, and generally are colored Blue. In addition, some icons (graphics or pictures) are linked to other pages or data. To access these pages just move the mouse pointer over this highlighted word or icon and if it changes to a hand, or other symbol, then it is a Site Link. Simply click on the Underlined word or icon to go to that page.

Once into the other page, and you don't known how to get out, click on the back arrow, or page back symbol on the Task Bar at the top of your browser. This should take you back to where you started. Some times it may be necessary to click on the "Refresh" symbol, located in the same area as the back arrow. An examply is the Guest Book icon near the bottom of this page!

Most of my web pages have an icon (picture) of a book & quill near the bottom of each page. If you move your mouse pointer on top of the icon it should change from a pointer to a hand (or other symbol). When it changes simply left click on it and it will open the guest book. You should see:

Welcome to The Schwartzenberger Guestbook!

Date: _________________

Name: ________________

URL: Your personal web page address ________________________________

Your Email Address: ________________

Your Comments:______________________________________________________________________


Just add the date, your Full Name, URL (web page address - if any), Email address, and your comment. Then click on the "I'm done" button at the bottom.

If you wish to skip to the Main Menu use the Slider bar, or page down to near the bottom of any page. Click on the To view Main Menu click HERE.  Most pages have this page link near the bottom.

Please be sure to sign the guest book and leave a comment!

This history is compiled from data of Bergetta (Betty) Schwartzenberger, 12th child born of Michael Schwartzenberger Jr. and Marianna Fettig; and the records of a mid 1970's family history attempt by the 16th child of Mike and Marianna, Agatha Schwartzenberger. Upon Aggies untimely death Ed Gravley (one of Michael's many great-grandsons) undertook this family history project. It is comprehensive to the point that family members have contributed information, but; it is certain that the data contains errors and omissions, and there are many records that need revising and/or added to.

We have attempted to include a photograph of each individual on their personal data screen, but; many of the photos we have available are very dated and/or of poor quality. If you have a recent or better photo please contact us at the address at the end of this page. We will return your photo/s if you wish.

You may wonder why some of the Family Names are of different colors. In researching this linage we discovered many individuals with the same name, and with the large family it was becoming difficult to keep track of who was who. We tried various numeric/alpha tags, but this led us to even more confussion. Someone suggested "Why not use different colors for each person?" Aha! That's a good idea! But there weren't enough distinctive colors for each person, but, maybe we could give a distinctive color to EACH GENERATION. Not perfect, but it will have to do until someone comes up with a better solution.

So, in our attempt to make it easier to browse through these names we have chosen a different color to high-lite the title names of each person in that generation. The 1st generation starts with Michael Schwartzenberger and Barbara Pflinger (color brown), while the 3rd generation's color is green, and the 7th generation's is red, etc.

Color definitions

1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation

4th generation 5th generation 6th generation

7th generation

As of April 27th, 2002, a 13142 individual GEDCOM file of our family history has been updated and linked to this webpage. It can be accessed from the bottom of View Main Menu located on just about every page. Check it out by clicking on this Odessa Odyssey Site Address! Some of the files were downloaded from "Clarence Heier's North Dakota Web Site, merged, then updated and converted for Web publication by Ed Gravley.

Click on any blue underlined link to go to that web site.

These files contain many photos, so please be paitent while they load.

To view Main Menu click HERE

Please sign our Guest Book by clicking on the image below

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Last Updated on April  27, 2002 by Ed Gravley

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